Chat history for (25-Jul-2024 UTC) [00:26:24 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [00:26:42 UTC] hi [00:29:24 UTC] ** cool logged on. [00:29:34 UTC] help [00:29:38 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged on. [00:29:49 UTC] help im stuck [00:31:12 UTC] ** cool logged off. [00:31:29 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged off. [00:31:35 UTC] ** marila logged on. [00:31:47 UTC] ** mprtesp logged on. [00:32:31 UTC] ehy did it say server shut down? [00:32:54 UTC] kia [00:32:58 UTC] yes [00:33:26 UTC] why did it say server shut down [00:33:34 UTC] idk [00:33:40 UTC] follow me [00:33:51 UTC] can you make me a bed [00:34:15 UTC] ** ally logged on. [00:34:19 UTC] tx [00:34:23 UTC] yw [00:34:27 UTC] Hi ally [00:34:30 UTC] but it is a hacker [00:34:37 UTC] hi [00:34:40 UTC] oh no [00:34:47 UTC] were are you [00:34:50 UTC] ? [00:34:57 UTC] marilas house [00:35:04 UTC] i could not go back to the server [00:35:05 UTC] but were [00:35:11 UTC] far [00:35:27 UTC] can you/tpr me [00:35:28 UTC] me either [00:35:36 UTC] ** Kawaiiottot logged on. [00:35:50 UTC] glad it is normal now [00:35:55 UTC] are you the only one here? [00:35:56 UTC] same [00:36:09 UTC] it doesn't lite me [00:36:14 UTC] no [00:36:16 UTC] ? [00:36:20 UTC] there [00:36:35 UTC] do it again [00:36:35 UTC] thx [00:36:39 UTC] ok [00:36:43 UTC] please [00:37:02 UTC] ** LASEAN logged on. [00:37:11 UTC] but who would do that [00:37:23 UTC] we are the only ones here [00:37:27 UTC] idk someone mean [00:37:29 UTC] no [00:37:43 UTC] yeah [00:37:46 UTC] I see different names. I see some people talking that are different but they're far away so let's look for them. [00:38:02 UTC] ** the_lol logged on. [00:38:13 UTC] ally do you know where the school is? [00:38:21 UTC] yes [00:38:26 UTC] lets sleep mar [00:38:38 UTC] ok [00:38:39 UTC] I want to go there, so can you please tell me where it is? [00:38:46 UTC] ok come [00:38:54 UTC] OK, I'm coming [00:38:58 UTC] ok [00:39:17 UTC] Wait for me [00:39:17 UTC] ** Everliegh logged on. [00:39:22 UTC] ok [00:39:34 UTC] Almost there [00:39:38 UTC] ok [00:39:42 UTC] ** paenut logged on. [00:39:48 UTC] i'm here you could go now [00:39:51 UTC] ** LASEAN logged off. [00:39:55 UTC] hi [00:39:55 UTC] ok [00:39:56 UTC] hi peanut [00:39:59 UTC] hi [00:40:06 UTC] hi [00:40:28 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [00:40:55 UTC] I need to talk to kia [00:41:05 UTC] ok im here [00:41:13 UTC] where? [00:41:13 UTC] come [00:41:20 UTC] my house [00:41:25 UTC] ok [00:41:29 UTC] yep [00:42:01 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [00:42:05 UTC] here is school [00:42:12 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [00:42:19 UTC] thank you, let's go inside [00:42:24 UTC] ok [00:42:38 UTC] pea [00:42:39 UTC] ** rudazwilo logged on. [00:42:40 UTC] hello, anybody here? [00:42:47 UTC] hi [00:42:50 UTC] no one [00:42:50 UTC] at the school [00:42:50 UTC] im afk [00:42:57 UTC] what idiot would shut a server down [00:43:12 UTC] hi [00:43:27 UTC] can I talk to you? [00:43:33 UTC] ** mprtesp logged off. [00:43:35 UTC] Hi yeah you can [00:43:37 UTC] who [00:43:39 UTC] n [00:43:42 UTC] no [00:43:44 UTC] oh [00:44:17 UTC] I think nobody's here just to spawn [00:44:20 UTC] noooo [00:44:21 UTC] umm I feel like all my friends are finding new ones and forgetting about me T~T [00:44:41 UTC] i wouldn't leave or forget hou [00:44:45 UTC] i'm trying to get up [00:44:50 UTC] don't come up [00:44:55 UTC] gives hug [00:44:59 UTC] please [00:45:00 UTC] aww thx well now I have one friend [00:45:09 UTC] stop [00:45:14 UTC] ahem [00:45:18 UTC] oh and ally [00:45:27 UTC] what about me [00:45:29 UTC] whhat [00:45:29 UTC] then what are you doing here? Why are you breaking black why you said stop? [00:45:37 UTC] idk you? [00:45:51 UTC] because this is my spas [00:45:52 UTC] i can be your friend :) [00:45:58 UTC] my pickax broke [00:46:00 UTC] ok yay [00:46:36 UTC] mom? [00:46:41 UTC] hm [00:46:51 UTC] what are you doing? [00:47:11 UTC] making my house pretty [00:47:16 UTC] ok [00:47:26 UTC] don't break this [00:47:28 UTC] sorry, I need to go bye-bye [00:47:36 UTC] noting [00:47:41 UTC] ok bye [00:47:45 UTC] bye [00:47:48 UTC] ** paenut logged off. [00:48:20 UTC] hi mar [00:48:31 UTC] what happened [00:48:37 UTC] wdym [00:49:11 UTC] everything is so gray [00:49:23 UTC] it's going to rain I think [00:49:37 UTC] oh [00:51:01 UTC] kia i have a surprize for you [00:51:10 UTC] really?! [00:51:29 UTC] ** Everliegh logged off. [00:51:32 UTC] yup [00:51:42 UTC] yaay! [00:52:33 UTC] come [00:52:37 UTC] oki [00:52:45 UTC] leve me alone please [00:52:47 UTC] what are we gonna do now? [00:52:57 UTC] bye [00:52:59 UTC] ** ally logged off. [00:53:03 UTC] bye [00:53:04 UTC] ** Kawaiiottot logged off. [00:53:20 UTC] 3 cobblestone and apple [00:53:36 UTC] THX! [00:53:37 UTC] grab then [00:54:01 UTC] and light [00:54:11 UTC] do you like what i did to your house [00:54:21 UTC] yes!!! [00:54:33 UTC] yaaY!! [00:54:58 UTC] so pretty [00:55:06 UTC] yay [00:55:58 UTC] nom [00:56:33 UTC] im coming [00:56:45 UTC] i died [00:57:03 UTC] oh dang T-T [00:58:29 UTC] mar how old are hou [00:58:32 UTC] you [00:58:44 UTC] 12 [00:58:46 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged on. [00:58:56 UTC] you [00:58:57 UTC] great!! i am too [00:59:07 UTC] yay [00:59:08 UTC] sup guys [00:59:16 UTC] hi [00:59:20 UTC] sup dude [00:59:30 UTC] lol [00:59:36 UTC] ** rudazwilo logged off. [01:00:21 UTC] really close [01:00:22 UTC] ** lili logged on. [01:00:34 UTC] oki<3 [01:01:00 UTC] ** esmeeeeses logged on. [01:01:18 UTC] the lights helped [01:01:21 UTC] are you mobile or pc? [01:01:34 UTC] mobile [01:01:39 UTC] same [01:01:49 UTC] where are you from? [01:02:14 UTC] mexico but moved to arizona [01:02:22 UTC] oh cool [01:02:29 UTC] im from Florida [01:02:31 UTC] ** the_lobo logged on. [01:02:39 UTC] woww [01:02:54 UTC] i used duo lol [01:03:05 UTC] i heard its hotter there in Arizona [01:03:20 UTC] ** esmeeeeses logged off. [01:03:21 UTC] yup in the 100 [01:03:33 UTC] OMG!! [01:03:41 UTC] what [01:03:46 UTC] dang that's really hot [01:03:53 UTC] yea [01:04:03 UTC] ** esmeeeeses logged on. [01:04:12 UTC] wanna mine or no [01:04:17 UTC] ** the_lobo logged off. [01:04:25 UTC] sure [01:04:30 UTC] wait [01:04:35 UTC] ** lexie11 logged on. [01:04:43 UTC] oki lemme make some more pics [01:05:16 UTC] ad [01:05:22 UTC] umm where are my items [01:05:45 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [01:05:48 UTC] ** lexie11 logged off. [01:05:54 UTC] Hi Nia [01:06:01 UTC] MY FOOD [01:06:06 UTC] ? [01:06:15 UTC] IT IS GONE [01:06:17 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [01:06:29 UTC] from your chest? [01:06:39 UTC] i only have a pickaxe [01:06:50 UTC] omgg [01:07:05 UTC] was the hacker? [01:07:08 UTC] here [01:07:10 UTC] how are we going to survive [01:07:24 UTC] i will look for food [01:07:25 UTC] i think [01:07:48 UTC] ow [01:07:48 UTC] see [01:08:43 UTC] awwe [01:08:47 UTC] go to spawn [01:09:35 UTC] ** lili logged off. [01:09:56 UTC] stand here [01:10:07 UTC] mar [01:10:35 UTC] stand onto the block [01:10:45 UTC] what do we do [01:10:52 UTC] just stand [01:11:14 UTC] did it work [01:11:16 UTC] wow [01:11:21 UTC] yes [01:14:23 UTC] mar [01:14:31 UTC] yes [01:14:47 UTC] you still down there [01:15:28 UTC] sorry my grandpa was leaving [01:15:38 UTC] oki [01:15:54 UTC] where are you [01:16:23 UTC] one second im going afk [01:16:45 UTC] i have one hour left [01:17:06 UTC] ** cool logged on. [01:17:26 UTC] help [01:17:30 UTC] mar i have to go son [01:17:30 UTC] hi [01:17:33 UTC] hello [01:17:42 UTC] where [01:17:46 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [01:17:52 UTC] were is everyone [01:17:55 UTC] off the game [01:18:13 UTC] ** Jexs logged on. [01:18:20 UTC] hi [01:18:25 UTC] hi [01:18:28 UTC] hola [01:18:36 UTC] hola [01:18:44 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Hola Jexs [01:18:53 UTC] Que onda [01:18:59 UTC] hi [01:19:05 UTC] Todo bien [01:19:05 UTC] hi [01:19:06 UTC] '¿ [01:19:14 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Si y Tu? [01:19:23 UTC] Bien [01:19:35 UTC] has anyone named beanieboy came in the sever [01:19:38 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Q Bien [01:19:48 UTC] no he hasn't been on [01:19:50 UTC] xD [01:19:55 UTC] since 4 [01:19:58 UTC] Te Conosco'¿¿¿¿¿ [01:19:59 UTC] okay [01:20:45 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged on. [01:20:55 UTC] ive been needing to say sorry to him [01:21:05 UTC] what did uou do? [01:21:19 UTC] esmessssss [01:21:42 UTC] Nia [01:21:58 UTC] Cool [01:22:05 UTC] yes [01:22:18 UTC] (: [01:22:23 UTC] thank you [01:22:25 UTC] Moo [01:22:27 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged off. [01:22:30 UTC] we got in to argument and i said i hate him and he blocked me on text so i want to say sorry:( [01:22:36 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Oye Jexs [01:22:39 UTC] oh [01:22:40 UTC] Que [01:22:49 UTC] '¿ [01:22:49 UTC] ** esmeeeeses logged off. [01:22:54 UTC] hope you get to say sorry [01:23:02 UTC] yeah [01:23:03 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Tu eres el del server de Ale_SPM? [01:23:11 UTC] ya i hope so too [01:23:12 UTC] Si [01:23:18 UTC] Soy kirito [01:23:21 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ah ok. [01:23:27 UTC] Itu'¿¿ [01:23:27 UTC] come [01:23:32 UTC] xD [01:23:44 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Alguien :D [01:23:51 UTC] Cheto O: [01:23:53 UTC] xD [01:23:56 UTC] we can go mining [01:23:59 UTC] ** mia logged on. [01:24:02 UTC] oki [01:24:02 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> XD [01:24:06 UTC] one sec [01:24:10 UTC] teloport to kia4 [01:24:20 UTC] Da Que Gill Dime .__. [01:24:22 UTC] xD [01:24:29 UTC] use / [01:24:35 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ah? [01:24:38 UTC] hi [01:24:42 UTC] Espera Creo que tienes Ese nombre Pero no te Hablaba Nunca no'¿¿ [01:24:42 UTC] hey [01:24:45 UTC] hi [01:24:46 UTC] by [01:24:47 UTC] ** cool logged off. [01:25:01 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Nop [01:25:03 UTC] a [01:25:04 UTC] xD [01:25:16 UTC] Quien Sos [01:25:17 UTC] Quien Sos [01:25:18 UTC] Quien Sos [01:25:19 UTC] xD [01:25:23 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Wey Adivina Quien Soy O.o [01:25:31 UTC] Ala Nose [01:25:37 UTC] ah help!!! [01:25:38 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> >:V [01:25:42 UTC] Messi0¿¿¿ O: [01:25:43 UTC] xD [01:25:48 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> :O [01:25:51 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> SIii [01:25:54 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> XD [01:25:56 UTC] si [01:25:56 UTC] Fua [01:26:09 UTC] Señor Messi Me Da su Autografo [01:26:09 UTC] xD [01:26:21 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> NO NO NO [01:26:27 UTC] Por que no ): [01:26:28 UTC] xD [01:26:31 UTC] im the queen of the world [01:26:38 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Anda paya bobo [01:26:44 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged on. [01:26:44 UTC] Pi pi pi [01:26:45 UTC] xD [01:26:45 UTC] ** ally logged on. [01:26:45 UTC] bring me to your house kia4 [01:26:58 UTC] ..why? [01:27:06 UTC] y i found an axe [01:27:08 UTC] ** sjdl logged on. [01:27:11 UTC] Che Alanxxxxxxxxx [01:27:12 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Alan Sabe quien soy verdad Alan >:D [01:27:19 UTC] dime [01:27:22 UTC] q? [01:27:24 UTC] i ment sword [01:27:29 UTC] Era Una broma lo Otro de German [01:27:30 UTC] where [01:27:30 UTC] xD [01:27:38 UTC] teloprt me to your house kia4 [01:27:39 UTC] Que no Heramos Mas Amigos [01:27:43 UTC] i did [01:27:47 UTC] thanks [01:27:48 UTC] where [01:27:50 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Eh? [01:27:52 UTC] Cheee Donde Estass'¿¿ [01:27:53 UTC] a.. si [01:28:00 UTC] it was in that hoise iver there but this was the only one [01:28:02 UTC] nice house [01:28:03 UTC] estoy [01:28:03 UTC] fro [01:28:05 UTC] e [01:28:06 UTC] n [01:28:09 UTC] e [01:28:10 UTC] l [01:28:11 UTC] En el Mercado No [01:28:13 UTC] what house [01:28:13 UTC] s [01:28:16 UTC] xD [01:28:19 UTC] spawn [01:28:21 UTC] Ala [01:28:23 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ah? [01:28:27 UTC] this was was looking [01:28:27 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> aa [01:28:35 UTC] Freyja Sos Ale_spam [01:28:36 UTC] O: [01:28:37 UTC] no it wasn't [01:28:39 UTC] xD [01:28:45 UTC] ya it was [01:28:46 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ah [01:28:55 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Quien es Ale? [01:28:59 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> :v? [01:29:10 UTC] mar did you get your bones? [01:29:17 UTC] xD [01:29:23 UTC] Ale es Ale [01:29:23 UTC] ala mis arboles [01:29:23 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged on. [01:29:24 UTC] O: [01:29:28 UTC] oh [01:29:30 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Aaaa si si si es el chico que me baneo de su server >:v [01:29:36 UTC] xD [01:29:37 UTC] HOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [01:29:42 UTC] holi [01:29:47 UTC] xD [01:29:47 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> HOLAAAAAAA SPREEEN [01:29:53 UTC] Espera Sosssssssssss [01:29:56 UTC] hola agusssssssss [01:29:56 UTC] food [01:29:57 UTC] ALguien'¿ [01:29:58 UTC] xD [01:29:59 UTC] paraaa [01:30:02 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:30:19 UTC] i have food now [01:30:20 UTC] Aguss'¿ [01:30:22 UTC] ** catianag444 logged on. [01:30:22 UTC] xD [01:30:29 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Q Menso no sabe quien soy jeje [01:30:40 UTC] jaaj [01:30:48 UTC] Sos Agus voss'¿¿ [01:30:49 UTC] ** sjdl logged off. [01:30:50 UTC] heres a rose [01:30:54 UTC] xD [01:30:56 UTC] Aguss [01:30:57 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> SIIIIII >:v [01:31:03 UTC] thanks [01:31:03 UTC] tenes tierra? [01:31:03 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Sep? [01:31:03 UTC] rosee¿ [01:31:07 UTC] xD [01:31:07 UTC] yw [01:31:13 UTC] ** Ash logged on. [01:31:14 UTC] Me Cunfuenden [01:31:20 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [01:31:23 UTC] Lagg [01:31:24 UTC] it is a special rose [01:31:27 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> No Alan [01:31:27 UTC] xD [01:31:27 UTC] uno ala vez [01:31:35 UTC] hi miss circle [01:31:36 UTC] weno [01:31:40 UTC] hi [01:31:42 UTC] Bueno Para para Quien Sos vos [01:31:43 UTC] xD [01:31:47 UTC] hi miss circle [01:31:48 UTC] hola xd [01:31:54 UTC] soy yo samu [01:31:58 UTC] enserio [01:31:59 UTC] hi [01:31:59 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xd [01:32:01 UTC] soy yo [01:32:01 UTC] nice house [01:32:01 UTC] guau [01:32:03 UTC] soy yo kiri [01:32:06 UTC] si [01:32:07 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:32:07 UTC] vos [01:32:08 UTC] yo [01:32:08 UTC] xD [01:32:11 UTC] ya sabemos xd [01:32:19 UTC] si nose quien soy [01:32:21 UTC] xD [01:32:37 UTC] ta linda la casa [01:32:39 UTC] guys i found fruits [01:32:42 UTC] Me Conocen Como el_messi kirito Jexs Ale_spam [01:32:43 UTC] xD [01:32:45 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Aja [01:32:49 UTC] Joda con del Ale [01:32:52 UTC] xD [01:32:53 UTC] the rose smells good [01:32:53 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xDD [01:32:56 UTC] xd [01:32:59 UTC] dont hit me [01:33:00 UTC] guau [01:33:10 UTC] Esta lloviendo Siuuuuuu [01:33:11 UTC] jexs [01:33:14 UTC] xd [01:33:16 UTC] Que [01:33:28 UTC] are nia and mia twins [01:33:29 UTC] que llueva que llueva xD [01:33:34 UTC] arriva las manos que un rayo nos cayo [01:33:41 UTC] xDDDDD [01:33:41 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:33:44 UTC] xd [01:33:48 UTC] agus [01:33:50 UTC] me pego en mi culo [01:33:54 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Sep? [01:33:54 UTC] broma [01:33:54 UTC] queres ver mi casa? [01:33:55 UTC] O: [01:33:56 UTC] xD [01:34:01 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Sii [01:34:06 UTC] no [01:34:07 UTC] are nia and mia twins [01:34:08 UTC] ok vamos al spawn [01:34:13 UTC] Che Me Pregunto Como va a Crecer'¿ [01:34:14 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Vos sh [01:34:15 UTC] xD [01:34:18 UTC] ... [01:34:20 UTC] aa si [01:34:22 UTC] eso [01:34:27 UTC] Freyja [01:34:33 UTC] Freyja Daleeee quien Sos [01:34:34 UTC] so [01:34:34 UTC] dale agus veni [01:34:37 UTC] Sosssss Mokochi [01:34:41 UTC] na [01:34:42 UTC] noooooo [01:34:42 UTC] Sos Popbob [01:34:43 UTC] xD [01:34:46 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> >:v [01:34:48 UTC] I need food [01:34:50 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Noo [01:34:51 UTC] le Mandaba Con los Mas giles [01:34:52 UTC] JAja [01:34:56 UTC] same [01:34:58 UTC] veni [01:35:00 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> [01:35:05 UTC] Sos Supra -_^ [01:35:07 UTC] no dice cosas random [01:35:09 UTC] toma uno [01:35:19 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Wey Soy Aguss [01:35:25 UTC] Aah [01:35:28 UTC] Sos Cr7 [01:35:29 UTC] agapera [01:35:29 UTC] xd [01:35:32 UTC] pera xdd [01:35:33 UTC] xd [01:35:34 UTC] xd [01:35:34 UTC] xd [01:35:35 UTC] ** sleepyy logged on. [01:35:35 UTC] xd [01:35:36 UTC] xd [01:35:37 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Fuimosnos [01:35:37 UTC] xd [01:35:38 UTC] look it diex [01:35:43 UTC] pera [01:35:47 UTC] food please! [01:35:48 UTC] i Quien Es Aguss'¿¿ [01:35:49 UTC] xDDDDDD [01:36:01 UTC] dale [01:36:03 UTC] hehehe [01:36:03 UTC] same im about to die [01:36:04 UTC] no le dices aguss yo me encargooo [01:36:06 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> ay dios [01:36:06 UTC] no le dices aguss yo me encargooo [01:36:07 UTC] no le dices aguss yo me encargooo [01:36:12 UTC] mira [01:36:19 UTC] xD [01:36:24 UTC] dalee [01:36:28 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> YAAA [01:36:41 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> XD [01:36:42 UTC] es X_x_Aguss_xD de Forever Celestial [01:36:49 UTC] vite [01:36:50 UTC] Aaa Agus [01:36:51 UTC] xD [01:36:55 UTC] si aguss [01:36:57 UTC] xd [01:36:58 UTC] kia? [01:37:00 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> ._____________. [01:37:00 UTC] Jajaja [01:37:05 UTC] help [01:37:12 UTC] Pero quien Es Aguss de Forever'¿¿ [01:37:16 UTC] creo q kirito se ha vuelto tontito xd [01:37:18 UTC] a [01:37:22 UTC] xD [01:37:28 UTC] Hera Joda Men [01:37:37 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Se ha vuelto? [01:37:41 UTC] hi [01:37:41 UTC] opp [01:37:46 UTC] a [01:37:47 UTC] la niña dio mio ete loco que le a pasao [01:37:56 UTC] xd [01:37:59 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ya era Tontito cuando lo conosi >:v [01:38:04 UTC] Acercate Viejo Acercateeeee [01:38:06 UTC] Ahree [01:38:06 UTC] xdd [01:38:14 UTC] Ala [01:38:23 UTC] se [01:38:25 UTC] I need you to craft a stone pickaxe for me [01:38:28 UTC] skibidi toilet [01:38:32 UTC] besaron epicamente* [01:38:33 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ahora creo que se volvio mas pltytryujm, [01:38:36 UTC] Ty [01:38:40 UTC] bye [01:38:42 UTC] :) [01:38:42 UTC] Me lo Dicen Muy Amenudo .__. [01:38:43 UTC] xD [01:38:46 UTC] ima die [01:38:50 UTC] xD [01:38:50 UTC] yw [01:38:56 UTC] im dieding [01:39:02 UTC] a [01:39:02 UTC] a [01:39:04 UTC] e [01:39:05 UTC] ee [01:39:07 UTC] i [01:39:08 UTC] i [01:39:09 UTC] hi ash [01:39:10 UTC] oo [01:39:14 UTC] u [01:39:14 UTC] u [01:39:17 UTC] put it back [01:39:18 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> SPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!1 [01:39:19 UTC] hiiiiii [01:39:20 UTC] whatcha wanna do [01:39:21 UTC] ala mis ojos [01:39:23 UTC] xD [01:39:24 UTC] hi [01:39:25 UTC] teloport to kia4 [01:39:34 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> DONDEEEEEE ESTAAAAAAAS [01:39:36 UTC] que pasa AGUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [01:39:38 UTC] geaze [01:39:41 UTC] hi ally [01:39:44 UTC] YENDO AMI CASA XD [01:39:44 UTC] I didnt [01:39:46 UTC] hiii [01:39:49 UTC] llendo xd [01:39:54 UTC] to me im sorry kia [01:39:59 UTC] kirito matamos a mil zombis sera epico [01:40:00 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> ._. [01:40:01 UTC] kirito matamos a mil zombis sera epico [01:40:06 UTC] tp me to kia [01:40:07 UTC] xD [01:40:14 UTC] please I wont steal [01:40:16 UTC] ** qwrrzss logged on. [01:40:16 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:40:17 UTC] ni los veo [01:40:17 UTC] no [01:40:23 UTC] creo que tienen miedo [01:40:24 UTC] i died [01:40:25 UTC] aww I was op [01:40:27 UTC] does anyone want to be my friend [01:40:27 UTC] veni mandame tpy agus [01:40:32 UTC] awwww [01:40:36 UTC] can I teleport to you kia [01:40:42 UTC] not rn [01:40:50 UTC] *crys* [01:40:50 UTC] okay [01:40:53 UTC] wtf [01:40:54 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ya [01:40:56 UTC] Mi Kill >:( [01:40:57 UTC] xD [01:41:00 UTC] jaja [01:41:03 UTC] :/ [01:41:10 UTC] HuH!? [01:41:11 UTC] kirito [01:41:12 UTC] se [01:41:12 UTC] dale [01:41:13 UTC] q [01:41:20 UTC] *crys* [01:41:21 UTC] te rompio el chaleco [01:41:27 UTC] ash wanna be my friend [01:41:27 UTC] Ala [01:41:28 UTC] mirate [01:41:28 UTC] xD [01:41:31 UTC] Jajajaja [01:41:35 UTC] why are you crying?mia [01:41:37 UTC] hi [01:41:40 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ta'chida tu mancion >:v [01:41:44 UTC] Es que es la Armadura de los Mills PVPS ): [01:41:46 UTC] xd [01:41:47 UTC] xD [01:41:47 UTC] hi ally [01:41:49 UTC] gracias [01:41:53 UTC] ala [01:41:56 UTC] hi [01:42:02 UTC] mar [01:42:06 UTC] Por Eso Esta Echa mierda xD [01:42:06 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Alan SHHH [01:42:08 UTC] follow [01:42:13 UTC] okay [01:42:21 UTC] mia [01:42:24 UTC] kia teleport me to you.. [01:42:35 UTC] lay in your bed a press set home [01:42:35 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> NO [01:42:44 UTC] siu [01:42:52 UTC] oki [01:42:56 UTC] mia [01:43:03 UTC] te gusta? xd [01:43:07 UTC] did you doit [01:43:07 UTC] can someone give me a sword and axe [01:43:08 UTC] ** Everliegh logged on. [01:43:08 UTC] dos diamantes v: [01:43:10 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xd [01:43:10 UTC] ** ghfd logged on. [01:43:17 UTC] yes [01:43:20 UTC] xD [01:43:29 UTC] ** qwrrzss logged off. [01:43:31 UTC] vamos xd [01:43:31 UTC] me tas pegando? [01:43:34 UTC] oki now when you die you respawn here [01:43:36 UTC] no [01:43:37 UTC] xd [01:43:42 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:43:46 UTC] mia [01:43:46 UTC] what ally?? [01:43:51 UTC] mmm sospechoso [01:43:55 UTC] yay [01:43:57 UTC] hee [01:43:57 UTC] what [01:44:02 UTC] me pegaste [01:44:02 UTC] PERDON [01:44:08 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xDD [01:44:16 UTC] hi [01:44:20 UTC] jeje [01:44:22 UTC] mia [01:44:22 UTC] ** sleepyy logged off. [01:44:28 UTC] what!!? [01:44:38 UTC] hi [01:44:39 UTC] xd [01:44:45 UTC] mentira bro [01:44:47 UTC] doing come in [01:44:47 UTC] whats wring mia [01:44:49 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> toc toc [01:44:55 UTC] quien es [01:44:57 UTC] quien es? [01:44:57 UTC] dont go in my house [01:44:59 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Yo [01:45:00 UTC] a agus [01:45:03 UTC] ok [01:45:05 UTC] ** mhx logged on. [01:45:07 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:45:10 UTC] quien yo? [01:45:14 UTC] ** xcweyuiopweqyr logged on. [01:45:16 UTC] :/ [01:45:23 UTC] jesx [01:45:25 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Nose >:v [01:45:26 UTC] veni [01:45:30 UTC] kia teleport me to you please.... [01:45:38 UTC] but why not mia [01:45:41 UTC] ** ngyybgvtubuyg logged on. [01:45:42 UTC] quien me pego? [01:45:48 UTC] its okay miss circle [01:45:54 UTC] eeh'¿ [01:45:55 UTC] ok [01:46:01 UTC] Que vamos a hacer [01:46:07 UTC] cuidadito con migo he [01:46:08 UTC] vamos ala mina [01:46:10 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Zushi [01:46:16 UTC] Miawhere are you [01:46:17 UTC] Cheto [01:46:23 UTC] *crys* [01:46:27 UTC] tirense [01:46:33 UTC] ** xcweyuiopweqyr logged off. [01:46:33 UTC] why are you crying [01:46:35 UTC] No [01:46:36 UTC] ? [01:46:36 UTC] xD [01:46:36 UTC] miamstop crying [01:46:38 UTC] What's wrong [01:46:39 UTC] why are you crying [01:46:40 UTC] jaja [01:46:42 UTC] mia [01:46:42 UTC] Primero las damas'¿ [01:46:44 UTC] vamos [01:46:47 UTC] xD [01:46:50 UTC] una sola ahi [01:46:51 UTC] ** mhx logged off. [01:46:51 UTC] ** xcweyuiopweqyr logged on. [01:46:52 UTC] mia are you ok? [01:46:52 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:46:54 UTC] Primero las damas'¿ [01:46:58 UTC] vos [01:46:59 UTC] Dale Tu Aguss [01:47:00 UTC] xd [01:47:02 UTC] primero [01:47:03 UTC] ** xcweyuiopweqyr logged off. [01:47:08 UTC] mia [01:47:11 UTC] alguien tiene antorchas? [01:47:11 UTC] tirate [01:47:14 UTC] ** xcweyuiopweqyr logged on. [01:47:14 UTC] Se murio [01:47:17 UTC] Jajaja [01:47:17 UTC] yo nada [01:47:23 UTC] ** xcweyuiopweqyr logged off. [01:47:27 UTC] xd murio [01:47:30 UTC] everleigh i made a house with a help with a special person [01:47:32 UTC] ** catianag444 logged off. [01:47:40 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! [01:47:42 UTC] jaja [01:47:42 UTC] mar look [01:47:43 UTC] vamos [01:47:47 UTC] Yeah well I'm coming [01:47:50 UTC] Por que Le Dijiste que se Tiraba [01:47:51 UTC] xD [01:47:51 UTC] *crys* [01:47:53 UTC] esperen a agus [01:47:55 UTC] ** Yakely logged on. [01:47:56 UTC] yo no [01:48:07 UTC] mia stop crying [01:48:16 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Manda TPPP!!! [01:48:22 UTC] ok [01:48:25 UTC] xd [01:48:26 UTC] vossss [01:48:27 UTC] xd [01:48:28 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Exajerada la otra :v [01:48:36 UTC] miq can I come in [01:48:41 UTC] mia [01:48:46 UTC] FOOD [01:48:46 UTC] ... [01:48:49 UTC] no you gonna steal [01:48:50 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xDD [01:48:54 UTC] ia can i teloport to you [01:48:55 UTC] no [01:48:57 UTC] mia [01:49:03 UTC] this my secret base [01:49:04 UTC] xD [01:49:05 UTC] why do you say that [01:49:07 UTC] ey no [01:49:08 UTC] ? [01:49:13 UTC] *crys* [01:49:14 UTC] okay [01:49:16 UTC] idc [01:49:23 UTC] ey no [01:49:23 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Spreen manda tp vos xd [01:49:28 UTC] no [01:49:30 UTC] xd [01:49:30 UTC] xDDDD [01:49:33 UTC] Mandaleeeeee [01:49:34 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> -_- [01:49:40 UTC] mandale vos [01:49:47 UTC] ** agustnaaa logged on. [01:49:52 UTC] please [01:49:56 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Alan [01:50:02 UTC] q [01:50:09 UTC] well if its your secret cave then dont [01:50:10 UTC] holiss [01:50:13 UTC] hola [01:50:16 UTC] hi [01:50:21 UTC] digo hola [01:50:22 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Hola [01:50:30 UTC] helouu [01:50:33 UTC] como estan [01:50:40 UTC] nose [01:50:42 UTC] please [01:50:46 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> SPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!! >:( [01:50:51 UTC] noo fine [01:50:52 UTC] ** ngyybgvtubuyg logged off. [01:50:55 UTC] fine [01:50:59 UTC] so yes [01:50:59 UTC] Voy a Cuidar El cadaver [01:51:01 UTC] xD [01:51:03 UTC] ya [01:51:07 UTC] can i come [01:51:10 UTC] ok [01:51:15 UTC] me- REEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! >:D [01:51:18 UTC] keep it [01:51:23 UTC] q hacen [01:51:25 UTC] teloport to mia [01:51:28 UTC] how ya like if [01:51:30 UTC] why were you crying [01:51:40 UTC] jexs [01:51:44 UTC] because uh my mom kinda died [01:51:49 UTC] Que [01:51:52 UTC] opp [01:51:55 UTC] Voy a Cuidar El cadaver [01:51:57 UTC] oh no [01:52:00 UTC] how [01:52:01 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> XD [01:52:02 UTC] saca es protec [01:52:03 UTC] ? [01:52:07 UTC] no es tu mina [01:52:13 UTC] thats why im sad *crys* [01:52:16 UTC] No lo estoy cuidando [01:52:19 UTC] xD [01:52:23 UTC] she died of cancer [01:52:24 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:52:25 UTC] you sure [01:52:26 UTC] yo no robo kills [01:52:27 UTC] xd [01:52:29 UTC] don't be sad [01:52:29 UTC] *crys* [01:52:38 UTC] mar u ok [01:52:39 UTC] lo estoy cuidando [01:52:44 UTC] q haces [01:52:51 UTC] minando [01:52:55 UTC] oh my, my rough. i feel bad for u and ur mom, who suffered cancer. [01:52:56 UTC] taa [01:52:56 UTC] it ok god does stuff for a reason [01:52:59 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> jajaj pinche mod >:v [01:53:00 UTC] ** Ash logged off. [01:53:10 UTC] kia how do you make a bed [01:53:14 UTC] why [01:53:18 UTC] tienes comida [01:53:31 UTC] ** Everliegh logged off. [01:53:31 UTC] si esto nomas [01:53:33 UTC] AGUSSSSSSTINA [01:53:36 UTC] q [01:53:42 UTC] qwq [01:53:44 UTC] nose porque escucho algo extraño V:?? [01:53:47 UTC] because god he dose things [01:53:48 UTC] no dejalo para ti [01:53:49 UTC] es lo unico q tengo [01:53:51 UTC] kia how do you make a bed [01:54:17 UTC] and you don't like it but it's better-_- [01:54:17 UTC] ** ypdk logged on. [01:54:18 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Agustina vos estas con spreen? [01:54:19 UTC] *crys *but my dad died to and my grandmother raised me [01:54:25 UTC] era de el [01:54:26 UTC] xD [01:54:29 UTC] si agus [01:54:29 UTC] mar [01:54:32 UTC] aceptame [01:54:33 UTC] oh my gosh [01:54:34 UTC] kia how do yo make a bed [01:54:35 UTC] go in [01:54:37 UTC] or that was how her life was written. (i think of life as a witten page.) [01:54:37 UTC] in real life [01:54:40 UTC] como tu esposo [01:54:42 UTC] broma [01:54:43 UTC] *crys [01:54:50 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> .-. [01:54:50 UTC] in real life [01:54:51 UTC] please [01:55:02 UTC] donde tamos [01:55:03 UTC] FREYJA [01:55:09 UTC] itus cosas'¿ [01:55:10 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Sep? [01:55:16 UTC] xD [01:55:17 UTC] mia [01:55:21 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Nose pnd [01:55:30 UTC] e [01:55:38 UTC] Pon /spawn [01:55:45 UTC] what *crys * [01:55:50 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Y tu quee [01:55:51 UTC] kia how do you make a bed [01:55:56 UTC] ay q bajar por ay [01:55:57 UTC] pone /kilme [01:56:05 UTC] Freyja Tengo tus Cosas Te las doy [01:56:08 UTC] you no how you said your mom and dad are not with you [01:56:10 UTC] cotton and stick [01:56:18 UTC] y-yes? [01:56:23 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Quedate donde estas [01:56:29 UTC] quien [01:56:34 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> vs [01:56:37 UTC] how do you make a bed [01:56:39 UTC] but luckily, your l alive [01:56:39 UTC] my mom died to i had no one to take care of me and i was 4 crys hard [01:56:40 UTC] plus my grandmother is very sick [01:56:40 UTC] Estoy en el spawn [01:56:41 UTC] xD [01:56:48 UTC] o-ok [01:56:53 UTC] oh [01:56:54 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> .-. [01:56:59 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [01:57:09 UTC] apuntale bien [01:57:14 UTC] im sadddddd [01:57:19 UTC] Que paso .__. [01:57:20 UTC] three wool [01:57:21 UTC] xD [01:57:22 UTC] ** jesus_valentin logged on. [01:57:22 UTC] we don't be [01:57:30 UTC] where to get cotton and stick [01:57:30 UTC] and my grandparents hated me [01:57:30 UTC] oooa jesus [01:57:33 UTC] i was born with a brain problem, epilepsy. T^T 8years of my life suffering. [01:57:36 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [01:57:37 UTC] ** Yakely logged off. [01:57:37 UTC] jesus_valentina [01:57:41 UTC] wool [01:57:46 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged off. [01:57:51 UTC] Que Pasa ? [01:57:52 UTC] ayudame jesus [01:57:58 UTC] three wool on top and three wood on bottom [01:58:01 UTC] me perdin [01:58:01 UTC] diamantes [01:58:02 UTC] tp me to you kia [01:58:04 UTC] perdi [01:58:06 UTC] ok [01:58:07 UTC] no mia [01:58:13 UTC] JESUS ME REGALAS UNA CASA [01:58:15 UTC] why kia... [01:58:20 UTC] where do you get wool [01:58:24 UTC] XD [01:58:33 UTC] Estoy pobre [01:58:34 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Y yo quiero un poni [01:58:36 UTC] jesus no tengo oro me das oro [01:58:45 UTC] weno [01:58:54 UTC] kia you dont even like me as a friend [01:58:56 UTC] DALE JESUSSSSSSSSSSS [01:59:01 UTC] xD [01:59:03 UTC] que [01:59:06 UTC] you can make it with cotton [01:59:06 UTC] moriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [01:59:07 UTC] ** beanieboy logged on. [01:59:10 UTC] correle gorda correle [01:59:15 UTC] JESUS ME REGALAS UNA CHICA'¿¿ [01:59:16 UTC] mia you like to steal [01:59:16 UTC] beanieboy [01:59:16 UTC] XD [01:59:18 UTC] *crus* [01:59:20 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> XD [01:59:21 UTC] fer [01:59:22 UTC] no [01:59:22 UTC] where do i get cotton [01:59:24 UTC] what noa [01:59:29 UTC] nia [01:59:31 UTC] *crys* [01:59:33 UTC] ** saira_quadro logged on. [01:59:36 UTC] hii [01:59:40 UTC] hey [01:59:42 UTC] I dont steal kia4 [01:59:53 UTC] Como que te Conosco pero no ala Ves xD [01:59:57 UTC] kia you a fake friend [01:59:58 UTC] yeah you do [01:59:58 UTC] me mandas tpy? [02:00:04 UTC] im a pimp named slickback [02:00:06 UTC] Aquien'¿¿ [02:00:07 UTC] ** Luciano_FF logged on. [02:00:07 UTC] xD [02:00:08 UTC] oh s***, my migraine is worse. [02:00:21 UTC] jex [02:00:22 UTC] gtg [02:00:24 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [02:00:26 UTC] kia is a real friend [02:00:26 UTC] Jajaja [02:00:33 UTC] NOOOOOOOO [02:00:35 UTC] ** Luciano_FF logged off. [02:00:39 UTC] *crys* [02:00:44 UTC] jexxxxx [02:00:48 UTC] don't cry mia [02:00:56 UTC] se me perdio el teleporter staff [02:00:56 UTC] Esto Es Gta [02:00:58 UTC] xD [02:00:58 UTC] mia stop [02:00:59 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [02:01:00 UTC] animo Aguss xD [02:01:05 UTC] jexsss [02:01:06 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [02:01:11 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> -_- [02:01:12 UTC] q [02:01:14 UTC] jaja [02:01:15 UTC] *crys* [02:01:19 UTC] me mandas tpy [02:01:28 UTC] corre guachin [02:01:32 UTC] mia stop crying [02:01:37 UTC] kia [02:01:40 UTC] jesus Amigos'¿¿ [02:01:48 UTC] ? [02:01:53 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [02:01:55 UTC] kia [02:01:55 UTC] i dont belive your mom died [02:02:05 UTC] Quires ser mi Amigo pana Friend Parce [02:02:07 UTC] sprenn [02:02:07 UTC] xD [02:02:10 UTC] xD no viene nadie conmigo [02:02:14 UTC] xd [02:02:19 UTC] Oka [02:02:19 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [02:02:19 UTC] q pasa agustina [02:02:21 UTC] *crys* [02:02:23 UTC] your just acting [02:02:24 UTC] me mori [02:02:27 UTC] Si o no -_^ [02:02:28 UTC] x [02:02:29 UTC] d [02:02:30 UTC] im not nia [02:02:31 UTC] me madas tpy [02:02:33 UTC] ala [02:02:41 UTC] ok [02:02:45 UTC] don't cry [02:02:52 UTC] ** ypdk logged off. [02:02:55 UTC] miralo [02:03:01 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> -_- [02:03:08 UTC] que ise [02:03:09 UTC] ay no [02:03:16 UTC] you don't understand you grew up with your dad i had no one and i mean no one to take care of me [02:03:17 UTC] veni al spawn [02:03:18 UTC] Mua [02:03:20 UTC] xD [02:03:21 UTC] ** saira_quadro logged off. [02:03:21 UTC] jaja [02:03:29 UTC] veni [02:03:30 UTC] atrevido es [02:03:32 UTC] ever since my mom died [02:03:42 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [02:03:43 UTC] Ya vengo tengo que modificar el Juego [02:03:44 UTC] falls and crys [02:03:49 UTC] ** jesus_valentin logged off. [02:03:50 UTC] jesus es sigma u.u [02:03:50 UTC] Como'¿ [02:03:54 UTC] xD [02:03:55 UTC] now I don't care [02:03:59 UTC] nia. idc [02:04:07 UTC] agustina donde te vas? [02:04:18 UTC] Es Cunfuso verdad pero sabemos que Skibili No va aver a sigman nunca mas... [02:04:19 UTC] xD [02:04:25 UTC] si vas ala tienda comprame oro si [02:04:32 UTC] toma [02:04:37 UTC] who wants to be my gf [02:04:38 UTC] ** -_ADF_- logged on. [02:04:42 UTC] your just selfish [02:04:45 UTC] *crys* [02:04:52 UTC] sube adelante [02:04:53 UTC] don't cry mia [02:04:54 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [02:04:56 UTC] dale [02:05:06 UTC] mia are you going to steal i might teleport you im near kia house [02:05:12 UTC] xD [02:05:16 UTC] mia do you want to go to school. [02:05:19 UTC] ? [02:05:21 UTC] noo [02:05:32 UTC] who wants to [02:05:33 UTC] ok i will see you later [02:05:34 UTC] wey [02:05:36 UTC] bajamos'¿¿ [02:05:37 UTC] q es esto [02:05:43 UTC] ok [02:05:44 UTC] ok... [02:05:49 UTC] me [02:05:50 UTC] Tu Primero [02:05:50 UTC] *crys* [02:05:51 UTC] xD [02:05:56 UTC] vos primero [02:05:59 UTC] xD [02:06:01 UTC] Tu Primero [02:06:06 UTC] asher broke up with me [02:06:06 UTC] echale ganas [02:06:14 UTC] Vossssss Dame [02:06:18 UTC] Digo Dale [02:06:19 UTC] marila please tp me to kiss house [02:06:20 UTC] xD [02:06:20 UTC] really * blushes [02:06:22 UTC] xD [02:06:29 UTC] no vos [02:06:32 UTC] dale [02:06:36 UTC] ho is at school? [02:06:36 UTC] bajaaaaaaa Tu heres el Jefe no¿' [02:06:37 UTC] xD [02:06:41 UTC] na [02:06:44 UTC] vos eres [02:06:45 UTC] are you going to steal [02:06:46 UTC] me voy [02:06:47 UTC] vos [02:06:49 UTC] um sure crys a little [02:06:53 UTC] no I promise... [02:06:55 UTC] se me apaga la vatee [02:06:58 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged off. [02:07:01 UTC] xD [02:07:05 UTC] who r u crying [02:07:09 UTC] why [02:07:16 UTC] oh no [02:07:23 UTC] who is coming to school? [02:07:29 UTC] with me [02:07:34 UTC] ** X_x_Aguss_xD logged on. [02:07:35 UTC] i spawned [02:07:35 UTC] jaja [02:07:39 UTC] xd [02:07:42 UTC] back [02:07:45 UTC] kia teleport me to you please... [02:07:51 UTC] w [02:07:58 UTC] AGUSSSSSSSSSSSS TE DOY LAS COSAS [02:08:08 UTC] i spawned [02:08:12 UTC] afk one sec [02:08:19 UTC] baja [02:08:24 UTC] back [02:08:30 UTC] veni [02:08:40 UTC] im bck [02:08:41 UTC] well i broke up with him and he cared for me bu now he likes my bff :( [02:08:48 UTC] kia You dont care about me [02:08:53 UTC] es hermosa tu casa [02:08:54 UTC] i can't it says i can't [02:09:02 UTC] no es mi casa [02:09:03 UTC] PERO MAS TU [02:09:04 UTC] xD [02:09:05 UTC] oh Sam it [02:09:07 UTC] ** 2012 logged on. [02:09:07 UTC] hugs nia* [02:09:10 UTC] de quien [02:09:13 UTC] thanks [02:09:18 UTC] de un amigo mio [02:09:20 UTC] hugs back [02:09:24 UTC] no prob [02:09:29 UTC] de sam jaja [02:09:45 UTC] esperame [02:09:47 UTC] ** cloe2024 logged on. [02:09:48 UTC] can i show you something [02:09:48 UTC] oh and call me nevvada thats my real name [02:10:00 UTC] sure [02:10:10 UTC] nooooooooo [02:10:10 UTC] no one cares [02:10:11 UTC] nia os shorter if thats ok [02:10:19 UTC] i do [02:10:19 UTC] or nika [02:10:33 UTC] my friends call me that [02:10:35 UTC] just follow [02:10:43 UTC] crying [02:10:44 UTC] marila tp me to you [02:10:48 UTC] me tiro? [02:10:49 UTC] dale [02:11:02 UTC] rey? [02:11:05 UTC] E NO [02:11:11 UTC] ** den logged on. [02:11:11 UTC] I beg [02:11:12 UTC] ** mejor8 logged on. [02:11:15 UTC] mia [02:11:30 UTC] rey eres tu encerio? [02:11:40 UTC] GoodBye l shouldn't have trusted you >:D [02:11:42 UTC] ** X_x_Aguss_xD logged off. [02:11:47 UTC] no soy el verdadero [02:11:48 UTC] lockes doors [02:11:50 UTC] xd [02:11:54 UTC] huh [02:11:56 UTC] pins [02:11:59 UTC] crying so hard [02:12:03 UTC] on wall [02:12:03 UTC] hey [02:12:06 UTC] q [02:12:18 UTC] kisses [02:12:25 UTC] blushes [02:12:29 UTC] Cloeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Heres tuuuuuuuuuuuu'¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ [02:12:30 UTC] xD [02:12:38 UTC] u. bye [02:12:45 UTC] veni [02:12:46 UTC] crying [02:12:48 UTC] i can't [02:12:50 UTC] cloe [02:12:51 UTC] quien eres? [02:12:58 UTC] Soy tu Novio [02:13:00 UTC] what?!? [02:13:02 UTC] xd por aqui no era [02:13:09 UTC] Te Acuerdas'¿¿ [02:13:22 UTC] sorry [02:13:22 UTC] mia [02:13:24 UTC] yo vengo se saquereoney de nico's small [02:13:38 UTC] Por Eso Somos parejaaaaaaa weeeeeeeeeee [02:13:53 UTC] jesus you scared me [02:13:55 UTC] xD Broma Chaball Jajaja [02:13:58 UTC] cómo te llamabas en esos servers? [02:14:05 UTC] Bromaaaaaaaaaaa [02:14:06 UTC] xd [02:14:09 UTC] solo [02:14:12 UTC] xDDDDDDDDDDDDD [02:14:13 UTC] soy lenta [02:14:17 UTC] crys* [02:14:20 UTC] lento* [02:14:24 UTC] xD [02:14:26 UTC] oh no dont cry [02:14:28 UTC] i need food [02:14:29 UTC] ** the_lol logged off. [02:14:36 UTC] tengo miedo [02:14:40 UTC] ** den logged off. [02:14:42 UTC] Por que'¿¿ [02:14:45 UTC] dont cry [02:14:48 UTC] sorry beanieboy but think instead we should be friends [02:15:03 UTC] muchos truenos [02:15:08 UTC] xDDDDDD [02:15:09 UTC] ally leave beanie boy alone hes crying [02:15:16 UTC] bye [02:15:19 UTC] jexs [02:15:26 UTC] are you ok [02:15:30 UTC] Te lo Tomas A Pecho verdad'¿ xD [02:15:38 UTC] why you crying [02:15:38 UTC] nia dont like me [02:15:43 UTC] q cosa? [02:15:44 UTC] ohh [02:15:44 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged off. [02:15:45 UTC] i do [02:15:46 UTC] ven [02:15:50 UTC] ah [02:15:54 UTC] ay what [02:15:59 UTC] ** ghfd logged off. [02:16:11 UTC] xD [02:16:14 UTC] looks at picture off me and asher crys [02:16:15 UTC] Mejor'¿ [02:16:25 UTC] si [02:16:40 UTC] q asemos? [02:16:45 UTC] Nose xD [02:16:56 UTC] dont cry [02:16:57 UTC] I like you [02:16:58 UTC] ven a SaquereOne [02:16:59 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged on. [02:17:00 UTC] no se [02:17:04 UTC] yo'¿ [02:17:06 UTC] what are you doing here [02:17:09 UTC] tpyyyyyyyyy [02:17:11 UTC] morii [02:17:11 UTC] sii [02:17:12 UTC] volvi se me fue el internet [02:17:12 UTC] JAJJ [02:17:22 UTC] a [02:17:25 UTC] Ok Pero Ahi me Llamo kirito [02:17:25 UTC] noo [02:17:26 UTC] AUN NO LLEGA EL AGUA ABAJOO [02:17:33 UTC] ** Herobrine_ logged on. [02:17:33 UTC] MORISTE? [02:17:34 UTC] vamos'¿ [02:17:39 UTC] no [02:17:44 UTC] I like your [02:17:45 UTC] ** Dylan10 logged on. [02:17:50 UTC] you [02:17:56 UTC] moriste? [02:17:58 UTC] krito? OoO [02:18:01 UTC] no [02:18:02 UTC] ** 2012 logged off. [02:18:03 UTC] Si [02:18:05 UTC] ok [02:18:13 UTC] por que esa cara [02:18:15 UTC] xd [02:18:20 UTC] no tengo casa la perdí tu tenes? [02:18:24 UTC] espera alla ahi mucha jente [02:18:26 UTC] please I like you [02:18:31 UTC] en Saquere [02:18:31 UTC] tienes que tocar inverse [02:18:35 UTC] Tengo [02:18:44 UTC] para que yo balla a ti [02:18:46 UTC] En SquareOne Soy pobre xD [02:18:47 UTC] ok vamos [02:18:48 UTC] please [02:18:57 UTC] Espera [02:18:58 UTC] para que? [02:18:58 UTC] ** cloe2024 logged off. [02:19:02 UTC] ** Jexs logged off. [02:19:07 UTC] crying [02:19:10 UTC] sorry beanieboy we cant be gf and bf asher said soory andgave roses [02:19:14 UTC] para que yo balla a vos y no vos ami [02:19:19 UTC] intentalo [02:19:23 UTC] ok [02:19:28 UTC] ** ally logged off. [02:19:33 UTC] I could be your gf?? [02:19:34 UTC] ** cloe2024 logged on. [02:19:34 UTC] ** Herobrine_ logged off. [02:19:39 UTC] please [02:19:43 UTC] ves [02:19:43 UTC] ** fuggy logged on. [02:19:44 UTC] ** cloe2024 logged off. [02:19:46 UTC] xd [02:19:49 UTC] vamos [02:19:50 UTC] es mas facil [02:19:50 UTC] never mind [02:19:55 UTC] mia [02:20:13 UTC] hi [02:20:17 UTC] hi [02:20:29 UTC] benieboy r u going in 5th grade [02:20:37 UTC] mia [02:20:40 UTC] no 7 [02:20:54 UTC] why are you in my house [02:20:56 UTC] jsj [02:21:06 UTC] what fuggy [02:21:06 UTC] mia [02:21:07 UTC] this mine [02:21:07 UTC] q hisist [02:21:16 UTC] no its mine [02:21:18 UTC] ** mejor8 logged off. [02:21:20 UTC] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [02:21:21 UTC] listo [02:21:27 UTC] ajaj [02:21:34 UTC] I don't care anymore [02:21:35 UTC] malvado [02:21:36 UTC] tahts my dog nasher [02:21:42 UTC] sorry [02:21:45 UTC] fine [02:21:50 UTC] bye [02:22:08 UTC] bye mia i am not your bf [02:22:23 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [02:22:27 UTC] ** fuggy logged off. [02:22:28 UTC] what!? [02:22:30 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [02:22:31 UTC] a [02:22:35 UTC] *crys* [02:22:37 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [02:22:40 UTC] js [02:22:44 UTC] xd [02:22:45 UTC] still crying [02:23:05 UTC] mia i will walk you here under one condition [02:23:07 UTC] que aburrido xd [02:23:14 UTC] si [02:23:20 UTC] WHAT [02:23:25 UTC] fuk e you bi. ch [02:23:36 UTC] im mad at you [02:23:45 UTC] be quiet [02:23:55 UTC] why you cussing [02:24:09 UTC] I hate fuggy [02:24:19 UTC] ok [02:24:23 UTC] mia i will bring u to kia's house under one condition [02:24:28 UTC] ok [02:24:32 UTC] baja [02:24:41 UTC] aqui [02:24:42 UTC] bye [02:24:51 UTC] don't go in kia's house [02:24:56 UTC] tho [02:25:05 UTC] ok fine [02:25:05 UTC] a :( [02:25:10 UTC] you can stay in mine [02:25:23 UTC] but say /spawn [02:25:32 UTC] ok [02:25:46 UTC] ay [02:25:51 UTC] casi muero [02:25:58 UTC] crys [02:26:11 UTC] come [02:26:15 UTC] casi me caigo de nuevo [02:26:18 UTC] hey [02:26:19 UTC] skks [02:26:25 UTC] what [02:26:27 UTC] i hate you [02:26:29 UTC] tenes pico? [02:26:32 UTC] nop [02:26:35 UTC] fck you [02:26:43 UTC] baja [02:26:44 UTC] bajamos en el mismo [02:26:45 UTC] ok bi. ch [02:26:50 UTC] perdon [02:26:59 UTC] bro shut the fck up [02:27:17 UTC] it is far away [02:27:21 UTC] ok [02:27:36 UTC] necesito madera para darte un pico [02:27:50 UTC] no ven [02:27:52 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [02:27:52 UTC] you are a skardy cat [02:27:58 UTC] hahahhahahahahhahahhahah [02:28:01 UTC] perdon xd [02:28:04 UTC] ajaj [02:28:15 UTC] me vas a dar un pico JAJ [02:28:27 UTC] ** qwrrzss logged on. [02:28:29 UTC] no tengo madera xd [02:28:39 UTC] NO entendiste [02:28:54 UTC] no xd [02:29:01 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [02:29:58 UTC] come pp [02:30:04 UTC] ** khlo logged on. [02:30:10 UTC] casi muero [02:30:15 UTC] how old r u [02:30:16 UTC] YO IGUAL XD [02:30:20 UTC] me das una sandia [02:30:20 UTC] baja [02:30:23 UTC] ** qwrrzss logged off. [02:30:26 UTC] me [02:30:28 UTC] enseguida te doy mas [02:30:34 UTC] yea [02:30:44 UTC] do not tell kia [02:30:49 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [02:30:49 UTC] ok [02:30:55 UTC] im sad rn. :( [02:31:01 UTC] gracuas [02:31:04 UTC] ** khlo logged off. [02:31:07 UTC] ddn [02:31:09 UTC] dnd [02:31:10 UTC] xd [02:31:11 UTC] ** Jexs logged on. [02:31:18 UTC] ay que bajar mas [02:31:24 UTC] hola [02:31:27 UTC] chau [02:31:30 UTC] ** Jexs logged off. [02:31:30 UTC] nice house [02:31:34 UTC] se me ba a romper el picoo [02:31:47 UTC] ty [02:31:47 UTC] toma [02:31:49 UTC] I didn't steal ok [02:32:03 UTC] my guinea pig, chloe probably has cancer, and might die bc of how big her tumer is. T^T [02:32:05 UTC] palo [02:32:08 UTC] no [02:32:16 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged on. [02:32:23 UTC] ** beanieboy logged off. [02:32:24 UTC] permiso xd [02:32:37 UTC] ** -_ADF_- logged off. [02:32:49 UTC] im just gonna sit with her for a min [02:32:50 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [02:32:55 UTC] ajaj mori [02:33:08 UTC] me mandas tpy inverso porfa [02:33:13 UTC] entonses voy [02:33:28 UTC] nice [02:33:29 UTC] noo [02:33:31 UTC] yo tambien moriii [02:33:32 UTC] a [02:33:32 UTC] a [02:33:32 UTC] a [02:33:32 UTC] a [02:33:32 UTC] a [02:33:33 UTC] a [02:33:33 UTC] a [02:33:33 UTC] aa [02:33:33 UTC] a [02:33:34 UTC] a [02:33:34 UTC] a [02:33:34 UTC] a [02:33:35 UTC] a [02:33:36 UTC] a [02:33:36 UTC] a [02:33:37 UTC] a [02:33:38 UTC] a [02:33:39 UTC] a [02:33:40 UTC] a [02:33:40 UTC] a [02:33:41 UTC] a [02:33:42 UTC] a [02:33:42 UTC] ** mia logged off. [02:33:43 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged on. [02:33:43 UTC] a [02:33:44 UTC] a [02:33:49 UTC] no voy mas [02:33:57 UTC] renember do not go inside kia's house [02:34:00 UTC] ya me aburrio eso [02:34:29 UTC] mia where r u [02:34:35 UTC] si quieres ven y hacemos una casa en el cielo [02:34:53 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged off. [02:35:03 UTC] ok [02:35:08 UTC] pero como? xd [02:35:12 UTC] ajsj [02:35:17 UTC] te mando tpy [02:35:23 UTC] no podes [02:35:29 UTC] si puedo [02:35:35 UTC] manda entonces [02:35:37 UTC] tengo cosas en mi casa [02:36:39 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [02:36:47 UTC] toma [02:36:57 UTC] jsj [02:37:01 UTC] hi [02:37:02 UTC] gracias [02:37:04 UTC] dnd [02:37:26 UTC] hi [02:37:29 UTC] jsj [02:37:37 UTC] q te pasa [02:37:45 UTC] nada subamos [02:37:52 UTC] quieres materiales= [02:38:06 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [02:38:06 UTC] o nesecitas algo [02:38:08 UTC] cual materiales necesitamos [02:38:59 UTC] ** marila logged off. [02:39:26 UTC] emm piedra primero [02:39:40 UTC] tengo 4 stacks [02:39:50 UTC] yo tengo [02:39:58 UTC] gracias [02:40:09 UTC] me das comdia? [02:40:12 UTC] si [02:40:13 UTC] comida xd [02:40:54 UTC] gracias [02:41:20 UTC] esto es la huerta [02:41:29 UTC] a ok [02:41:48 UTC] la quiero hacer asia aya [02:41:54 UTC] ok [02:42:03 UTC] moriteee [02:42:09 UTC] quieres espada [02:42:16 UTC] ok [02:42:22 UTC] gracias [02:42:31 UTC] xd [02:42:52 UTC] a [02:43:53 UTC] nooo [02:44:08 UTC] morist [02:44:16 UTC] si xdd [02:44:23 UTC] ay te mando [02:45:23 UTC] ay esta [02:45:32 UTC] chau [02:45:38 UTC] me voy [02:45:45 UTC] descansa besos [02:45:48 UTC] chau [02:45:50 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged off. [02:46:15 UTC] ** Dylan10 logged off. [02:46:34 UTC] ** agustnaaa logged off. [02:47:16 UTC] ** thcz logged on. [02:47:48 UTC] ** 30002391 logged on. [02:49:09 UTC] ** Dylan10 logged on. [02:55:21 UTC] ** marila logged on. [02:55:21 UTC] ** 30002391 logged off. [02:55:44 UTC] kia [02:56:19 UTC] ** bubbles_1 logged on. [02:56:46 UTC] hi [02:57:05 UTC] ** buttercups_ logged on. [02:59:15 UTC] hello is there a girl named kia here [03:00:02 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [03:00:29 UTC] ** yuliana14ssss logged on. [03:01:00 UTC] ** thcz logged off. [03:01:01 UTC] ** marila logged off. [03:01:50 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [03:02:16 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged on. [03:03:19 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged off. [03:05:22 UTC] ** Ryeowon logged on. [03:06:25 UTC] ** yuliana14ssss logged off. [03:07:30 UTC] ** Droung logged on. [03:09:47 UTC] ** marii123 logged on. [03:10:06 UTC] ** marii123 logged off. [03:10:46 UTC] ** caiya logged on. [03:10:58 UTC] ** Dylan10 logged off. [03:11:36 UTC] ** Droung logged off. [03:11:57 UTC] ** caiya logged off. [03:12:03 UTC] ** caiya logged on. [03:12:14 UTC] ** Saltmarsh730 logged on. [03:13:34 UTC] ** marila logged on. [03:16:18 UTC] ** Saltmarsh730 logged off. [03:18:54 UTC] come ryeowon [03:19:26 UTC] come [03:19:35 UTC] jump [03:19:54 UTC] okay i was at home [03:20:22 UTC] oh ok [03:21:25 UTC] bubbles say /spawn [03:23:07 UTC] ** caiya logged off. [03:23:08 UTC] ** marila logged off. [03:25:46 UTC] ** Ryeowon logged off. [03:26:35 UTC] ** Ryeowon logged on. [03:28:31 UTC] ** jenny logged on. [03:29:14 UTC] ** marila logged on. [03:29:32 UTC] hi [03:30:32 UTC] ** jenny logged off. [03:32:56 UTC] im going home [03:36:14 UTC] hi is kia here [03:36:29 UTC] no sorry [03:37:06 UTC] ** katie logged on. [03:37:13 UTC] hi [03:37:31 UTC] hello? [03:38:47 UTC] ** katie logged off. [03:39:21 UTC] ** bubbles_1 logged off. [03:40:20 UTC] ** marila logged off. [03:43:22 UTC] ** Dylan10 logged on. [03:43:49 UTC] ** eli logged on. [03:44:33 UTC] ** empet logged on. [03:45:43 UTC] ** buttercups_ logged off. [03:51:14 UTC] ** Dylan10 logged off. [03:53:57 UTC] ** eli logged off. [03:54:12 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged off. [04:00:18 UTC] ** beanieboy logged on. [04:00:19 UTC] ** 7090 logged on. [04:00:35 UTC] hi [04:01:50 UTC] hi [04:01:56 UTC] hi [04:02:01 UTC] ** 7090 logged off. [04:02:13 UTC] i need a gf [04:04:08 UTC] pins on wall* [04:04:46 UTC] t or d? [04:06:26 UTC] bye [04:06:32 UTC] ** beanieboy logged off. [04:11:41 UTC] ** empet logged off. [04:13:37 UTC] ** brickey logged on. [04:13:38 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [04:13:39 UTC] ** uwu logged on. [04:13:50 UTC] ** brickey logged off. [04:14:15 UTC] hello [04:15:02 UTC] hi uwu [04:15:03 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [04:15:28 UTC] ** ally logged on. [04:15:49 UTC] ** JamesAvila logged on. [04:16:29 UTC] ** pompom1 logged on. [04:16:51 UTC] ** ally logged off. [04:17:14 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [04:17:15 UTC] ** beanieboy logged on. [04:17:15 UTC] ** JamesAvila logged off. [04:17:35 UTC] hi [04:17:38 UTC] hi [04:17:57 UTC] one sec [04:18:49 UTC] ** ally logged on. [04:18:58 UTC] hi ally [04:19:04 UTC] hi [04:19:17 UTC] hi [04:19:34 UTC] ** pompom1 logged off. [04:19:41 UTC] ** pompom1 logged on. [04:19:47 UTC] oh hi ally [04:20:14 UTC] my. cousin. Jamesavia is going to play so be nice please [04:20:20 UTC] oh hi [04:20:23 UTC] alr! [04:20:29 UTC] ok [04:20:30 UTC] ok? [04:20:33 UTC] ty [04:20:56 UTC] starts crying [04:21:01 UTC] u ok? [04:21:16 UTC] are you ok [04:21:16 UTC] yea its just.. [04:21:51 UTC] i just think... [04:21:57 UTC] what? [04:22:17 UTC] no one likes me crys hard [04:22:24 UTC] i do [04:22:33 UTC] i like u as a friend! :) [04:22:35 UTC] no [04:22:39 UTC] but as a friend or bff [04:22:58 UTC] i mean like like [04:23:03 UTC] o [04:23:15 UTC] i do as a friend or bfff [04:23:27 UTC] you can be my bfffff [04:23:28 UTC] ** uwu logged off. [04:23:31 UTC] but... [04:23:38 UTC] what? [04:23:41 UTC] ** vbgueje logged on. [04:23:47 UTC] ** pompom1 logged off. [04:23:53 UTC] ** pompom1 logged on. [04:24:05 UTC] ** vbgueje logged off. [04:24:10 UTC] pls say it wont hurt... [04:24:19 UTC] huh? [04:24:24 UTC] bites neck* [04:24:41 UTC] blood drips [04:24:57 UTC] ** vbguejevdhxgxbxcf logged on. [04:25:26 UTC] i have a secret [04:25:40 UTC] what is it ? [04:25:56 UTC] shows ears and tail* [04:26:05 UTC] ok [04:26:07 UTC] im a wolf [04:26:15 UTC] what [04:26:18 UTC] ? [04:26:36 UTC] im a wolf boy [04:26:44 UTC] a wolf god [04:26:58 UTC] no your not but how? [04:27:27 UTC] ** vbguejevdhxgxbxcf logged off. [04:27:29 UTC] just dont make it complicated [04:27:42 UTC] ok I need to go [04:27:44 UTC] ** ally logged off. [04:27:44 UTC] im just looking at chat... [04:28:10 UTC] ** pompom1 logged off. [04:28:11 UTC] wait your still here [04:28:16 UTC] ye [04:28:20 UTC] ** pompom1 logged on. [04:28:23 UTC] where [04:28:36 UTC] im close to the school [04:28:56 UTC] ok did you here anything [04:29:09 UTC] i did a chat command [04:29:17 UTC] .. [04:29:18 UTC] oh [04:29:25 UTC] but its fine [04:29:48 UTC] pls tell no one ok [04:29:56 UTC] i wont [04:30:05 UTC] ok thx [04:30:11 UTC] np [04:31:53 UTC] wait [04:31:58 UTC] ? [04:32:04 UTC] ** lettie92 logged on. [04:32:48 UTC] ** lettie92 logged off. [04:32:48 UTC] thats more like it [04:32:50 UTC] pins on wall [04:33:01 UTC] heh [04:33:22 UTC] shows ears and tail* [04:33:50 UTC] (-o-o-) okay [04:34:03 UTC] you know whats gonna happen [04:34:03 UTC] spider! [04:34:10 UTC] uhyep [04:34:15 UTC] *yep [04:34:31 UTC] good [04:35:03 UTC] kisses on check [04:35:14 UTC] cheeck [04:35:20 UTC] ** nico9283 logged on. [04:35:43 UTC] anyone here? [04:35:45 UTC] um... [04:35:49 UTC] hi nico [04:35:53 UTC] ho [04:35:56 UTC] hi [04:36:07 UTC] is moonrise or paenut here [04:36:12 UTC] no [04:36:20 UTC] ): [04:36:36 UTC] ad comin [04:37:06 UTC] can i show you something [04:37:14 UTC] yes [04:37:27 UTC] there, its bright now. [04:37:33 UTC] shows ears and tail* ima wolf [04:37:47 UTC] brother this isnt rp [04:37:58 UTC] its not rp [04:38:28 UTC] imma play till moon joins caise its 10:00 moon wakes up at 11:00 [04:38:34 UTC] AM [04:38:51 UTC] oh ok [04:38:58 UTC] HOW DO WE GET UP THERE [04:39:14 UTC] oo pretty! [04:39:30 UTC] ima lev [04:39:36 UTC] wtf is miss circle saying [04:39:40 UTC] no dont [04:39:42 UTC] ** beanieboy logged off. [04:39:54 UTC] ** beanieboy logged on. [04:39:58 UTC] bro... i said a rainbow block is pretty [04:40:06 UTC] dont leave [04:40:10 UTC] why [04:40:30 UTC] bc none of my favorite players are here im board [04:40:37 UTC] bored [04:40:48 UTC] are tou a boy irl [04:40:53 UTC] yes [04:40:58 UTC] oh ok [04:41:01 UTC] am the only girl [04:41:14 UTC] :) (: [04:41:23 UTC] cuz i need a gf [04:41:28 UTC] imma text moon to say gm [04:41:44 UTC] please dont think of moon being your gf [04:41:58 UTC] shes already my gf [04:42:08 UTC] what is she your heh [04:42:19 UTC] i really dont think thats who he meant.. [04:42:19 UTC] she is my gf [04:42:26 UTC] oh [04:42:30 UTC] moonrise [04:42:39 UTC] yes ik thats the moon ik [04:42:56 UTC] she said gm imma text her to join [04:43:20 UTC] ** rodrigo logged on. [04:43:25 UTC] she said i can join later after i do my morning stuff [04:43:36 UTC] i need a gf circle? [04:43:37 UTC] she she will join later [04:43:48 UTC] oh shoot [04:43:51 UTC] ? [04:43:57 UTC] close chat evreyone [04:44:07 UTC] why [04:44:16 UTC] how [04:44:25 UTC] stm abt the gf thing? /chat3 [04:44:40 UTC] after you take some girl you become innapropreate [04:44:54 UTC] or crouch and click the chat button [04:44:57 UTC] evryone cover your eyesss [04:45:02 UTC] yyy [04:45:05 UTC] ima be fine [04:45:14 UTC] me too tbh [04:45:35 UTC] idrc [04:45:46 UTC] paenut can be your gf ;) [04:45:51 UTC] ** marila logged on. [04:46:07 UTC] she alr has a bf [04:46:14 UTC] who [04:46:24 UTC] yeah she said she nolonger has a bf [04:46:29 UTC] i don't remember [04:46:36 UTC] she texted me ladt night [04:46:47 UTC] oh ok;) [04:46:48 UTC] im a girl [04:46:58 UTC] bro has ever girls number, not mine :3 [04:47:21 UTC] circle beanie went to find marils [04:47:27 UTC] marila [04:47:33 UTC] k [04:47:35 UTC] SO BEANIES ON THE LOOSE [04:47:36 UTC] im far [04:47:45 UTC] COVER YOUR EYESSSS [04:47:49 UTC] no [04:47:49 UTC] WHY [04:48:09 UTC] BEANIES GONNA FIND MARILS SND BECO:E INNAPROPRSTE [04:48:23 UTC] RUNNN [04:48:35 UTC] *emotional damage* [04:48:43 UTC] marils where are tou at [04:48:51 UTC] benie say /spawn [04:48:51 UTC] nah [04:48:54 UTC] oh shoot [04:48:54 UTC] ** 123456 logged on. [04:49:06 UTC] oh hell nahh [04:49:10 UTC] circle pray to god now [04:49:17 UTC] dear lord jusus [04:49:23 UTC] follow [04:49:25 UTC] hi [04:49:28 UTC] thank you flr this beautiful day [04:49:34 UTC] please stop [04:49:36 UTC] beanie [04:49:39 UTC] nope ive seen WAY cringer things [04:49:49 UTC] make sure he doesnt do this [04:49:53 UTC] AMEN [04:49:58 UTC] why stop [04:50:05 UTC] ** nanjack logged on. [04:50:39 UTC] ** Alice logged on. [04:50:43 UTC] ** bk6321 logged on. [04:51:01 UTC] ** 123456 logged off. [04:51:05 UTC] uhm hello- i just found this server [04:51:07 UTC] pins* [04:51:14 UTC] ibe seen hellovaboss [04:51:19 UTC] *ive [04:51:19 UTC] umm [04:51:25 UTC] ** rodrigo logged off. [04:51:26 UTC] ** Ryeowon logged off. [04:51:29 UTC] ah *** [04:51:29 UTC] kisses [04:51:30 UTC] ** nico9283 logged off. [04:51:40 UTC] >>>>>> leaves [04:51:53 UTC] ** nanjack logged off. [04:51:57 UTC] tou like that [04:51:59 UTC] ** nanjack logged on. [04:52:03 UTC] my dad is apart of the mafia tho [04:52:25 UTC] oh meh gawd [04:52:25 UTC] that will make it more fun [04:52:37 UTC] :( [04:52:43 UTC] what? [04:52:44 UTC] oh s**t [04:52:56 UTC] that's crazy [04:52:58 UTC] i do not like fun [04:53:04 UTC] hah [04:53:13 UTC] your boring [04:53:20 UTC] your no fun [04:53:32 UTC] bb boy [04:53:40 UTC] what [04:54:06 UTC] ** bk6321 logged off. [04:54:13 UTC] im just kidding i do like fun [04:54:21 UTC] yay;) [04:54:29 UTC] why you leving [04:54:30 UTC] uhm;-; dont mind i just found this server- [04:54:38 UTC] ye [04:54:44 UTC] ** lexi_x logged on. [04:54:46 UTC] ** nanjack logged off. [04:55:20 UTC] there [04:55:33 UTC] starts touching [04:55:35 UTC] ima leave.. [04:55:52 UTC] what? [04:55:57 UTC] ** lexi_x logged off. [04:56:03 UTC] yep leaving.. [04:56:05 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [04:56:14 UTC] i escaped [04:56:22 UTC] hehe [04:56:24 UTC] ** Alice logged off. [04:56:25 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [04:56:39 UTC] i escaped [04:56:39 UTC] nvm the server micked me for some reason [04:56:42 UTC] ** Everliegh logged on. [04:56:47 UTC] kickkedd [04:56:52 UTC] jeezz [04:56:59 UTC] mobile [04:57:35 UTC] hi [04:58:17 UTC] hi [04:58:22 UTC] ho [04:58:25 UTC] hi [04:58:58 UTC] starts crying [04:59:01 UTC] come to my house [04:59:08 UTC] (-------))))) [04:59:48 UTC] ** empet logged on. [04:59:49 UTC] ima lev [05:00:01 UTC] why [05:00:11 UTC] i need a gf [05:00:15 UTC] uh i join adventure time when i leave [05:00:24 UTC] cya [05:00:25 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [05:00:34 UTC] come to my house [05:00:43 UTC] me? [05:00:46 UTC] i will [05:00:52 UTC] sure [05:02:02 UTC] it is far away [05:03:10 UTC] i have a neighbor tho [05:04:01 UTC] almost [05:04:08 UTC] i need food [05:04:37 UTC] come [05:04:52 UTC] beinie boyRemember me [05:04:59 UTC] in the water [05:04:59 UTC] what? [05:05:21 UTC] wht does that mean [05:06:39 UTC] afk [05:07:04 UTC] im yonr gf [05:07:20 UTC] he is afk [05:07:28 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [05:07:30 UTC] What does that mean [05:07:44 UTC] of the screen [05:07:56 UTC] and im back [05:07:58 UTC] ** empet logged off. [05:08:00 UTC] why you say remember me [05:08:18 UTC] come [05:08:24 UTC] You don't know me [05:08:39 UTC] i need food [05:08:44 UTC] Wow [05:08:48 UTC] come [05:08:49 UTC] i have some [05:09:22 UTC] im at 3 [05:09:36 UTC] come [05:09:42 UTC] Charge it [05:09:57 UTC] no food wise [05:10:05 UTC] hi pompom1 [05:10:23 UTC] no [05:10:28 UTC] give [05:10:39 UTC] why [05:10:54 UTC] it is a special rose from my neighbor [05:11:05 UTC] tu [05:11:05 UTC] there [05:11:09 UTC] ty [05:11:10 UTC] Do you like me [05:11:21 UTC] me? [05:11:32 UTC] Yeah you [05:11:35 UTC] no [05:12:05 UTC] he likes me too [05:12:16 UTC] ph ummm [05:12:18 UTC] umm [05:12:20 UTC] OK [05:12:44 UTC] ** nico9283 logged on. [05:12:50 UTC] everleigh is my friend [05:12:55 UTC] dont think he likes me. i must say that for some reason! :> [05:12:56 UTC] What's your problem with me [05:13:00 UTC] frst I have a secret [05:13:06 UTC] guys [05:13:07 UTC] what [05:13:14 UTC] what happend [05:13:18 UTC] yes nico [05:13:21 UTC] did my moon join yet [05:13:24 UTC] What [05:13:27 UTC] no [05:13:31 UTC] dont be suprised [05:13:33 UTC] not that ik [05:13:36 UTC] im text her [05:13:36 UTC] of [05:13:48 UTC] what is the secret [05:13:53 UTC] WHAT HAPPEND ARE YOU FIGHTING IR WHAT [05:14:05 UTC] shows ears and tail* im a wolf [05:14:08 UTC] CHILL [05:14:15 UTC] damn [05:14:24 UTC] what [05:14:24 UTC] umm [05:14:34 UTC] ** Areeem logged on. [05:14:35 UTC] im deaf [05:14:44 UTC] WTF [05:14:46 UTC] im falling in love mabye [05:15:03 UTC] blushes [05:15:15 UTC] ALL YOU SAY EVERLEIGH IS IM DEAD [05:15:16 UTC] yep definitely [05:15:17 UTC] i need food [05:15:18 UTC] DEAF [05:15:27 UTC] ** sollyoon logged on. [05:15:46 UTC] Say that so people might know I do I say that [05:16:09 UTC] ** nico9283 logged off. [05:16:11 UTC] ** sollyoon logged off. [05:16:14 UTC] im a cat tho [05:16:29 UTC] ** nico9283 logged on. [05:16:41 UTC] oh ummm blushes harder [05:16:48 UTC] miss-circle whats happening [05:16:50 UTC] flesh-eating, oreo loving cat demon. [05:16:54 UTC] crys [05:16:57 UTC] idk [05:17:05 UTC] whats wrong [05:17:09 UTC] whats happening circle [05:17:16 UTC] she pikes you [05:17:18 UTC] I D K [05:17:22 UTC] likes [05:17:38 UTC] one question [05:17:48 UTC] What is it [05:17:55 UTC] can i have 2 gf [05:17:58 UTC] ima go eat an NPC rq [05:18:02 UTC] and yes [05:18:07 UTC] So what you gonna do [05:18:19 UTC] ** cintakamu logged on. [05:18:23 UTC] tpr me [05:18:27 UTC] yeah big boy [05:18:29 UTC] where are you guys [05:18:31 UTC] idk what do you wanna do;) [05:18:42 UTC] where are you beanieboy [05:18:53 UTC] I have 2 bf [05:19:04 UTC] wait what? [05:19:05 UTC] same [05:19:06 UTC] WHAT [05:19:10 UTC] This is awkward [05:19:12 UTC] jk [05:19:12 UTC] wtf [05:19:18 UTC] oh ok [05:19:19 UTC] nom! *continues eating* [05:19:31 UTC] i need food [05:19:32 UTC] wow [05:19:33 UTC] WHERE ARE YOU BEANIE [05:19:34 UTC] :D [05:19:43 UTC] ima go to spawn [05:20:07 UTC] Well true Jake is bf to [05:20:09 UTC] all of you say /spawn [05:20:15 UTC] beanie meet me at spawn [05:20:20 UTC] ** empet logged on. [05:20:40 UTC] o my gawd that scared me [05:20:50 UTC] how cringe was the kissing circle [05:21:01 UTC] ** catheleah logged on. [05:21:02 UTC] my phone died that time [05:21:17 UTC] come [05:21:18 UTC] ** Areeem logged off. [05:21:26 UTC] *shoots a dirty look [05:21:40 UTC] ** cintakamu logged off. [05:21:50 UTC] ** empet logged off. [05:22:10 UTC] ** pompom1 logged off. [05:22:11 UTC] i didnt know that was gonna happen thoo i thought of stm else but thats VERY much besides the point [05:22:35 UTC] ** pompom1 logged on. [05:22:49 UTC] come [05:23:09 UTC] stand there [05:23:09 UTC] ** nico9283 logged off. [05:23:15 UTC] ** nico9283 logged on. [05:23:21 UTC] oki now thats done with [05:23:30 UTC] GET OUT OF MY GIRLFRIENDS HOUSE [05:23:32 UTC] it will restore health [05:23:36 UTC] [05:23:38 UTC] GET OUT NIW [05:23:41 UTC] ** eshabel logged on. [05:23:41 UTC] -_- [05:23:51 UTC] GOT OUT OF MOONRISES HOUSE [05:23:55 UTC] You shut the door on my face [05:23:55 UTC] come [05:24:01 UTC] IDIOTS LEAVE [05:24:05 UTC] sorry [05:24:11 UTC] oooooohhhhh [05:24:19 UTC] pag dali [05:24:22 UTC] OUT FCKERS [05:24:27 UTC] opp [05:24:33 UTC] what no [05:24:37 UTC] OUT F*CKERS [05:24:46 UTC] im sorry *cries* [05:24:47 UTC] THIS IS MOONRISES HOUS ENOT YOURS [05:24:52 UTC] bro FCK YOU [05:25:03 UTC] B*TCH [05:25:04 UTC] [05:25:04 UTC] oh sht nah [05:25:25 UTC] GET OUT HOES [05:25:26 UTC] aha mn ta mo adto eshabel [05:25:39 UTC] GET OUT EVERLEIGH AND BEANIEBOY [05:25:48 UTC] --NAHHHHHHHH-- [05:25:50 UTC] marila get them out pleass [05:25:52 UTC] ** nico9283 logged off. [05:25:56 UTC] im not a hoe im a boy [05:25:56 UTC] sorry dont hurt me [05:26:09 UTC] hi marila [05:26:16 UTC] hi [05:26:17 UTC] You're a minion Niko [05:26:22 UTC] hahhh [05:26:59 UTC] cries [05:27:15 UTC] u ok? [05:27:18 UTC] he hurt me [05:27:26 UTC] Brooo [05:27:30 UTC] who [05:27:36 UTC] nico [05:27:42 UTC] WTF [05:27:53 UTC] Nico is Peppa Pig Peppa Pig little brother [05:28:02 UTC] hhhhhhaaaaahhhhhh [05:28:18 UTC] srry cant help it [05:28:28 UTC] hes lucky that bitc* aint here [05:28:37 UTC] yea [05:28:37 UTC] tarzana [05:28:51 UTC] let's go [05:28:55 UTC] meOr him [05:28:55 UTC] lest go [05:29:07 UTC] who [05:29:26 UTC] neco [05:29:35 UTC] eing single is kinda freedom [05:29:39 UTC] being [05:29:41 UTC] Cries [05:29:51 UTC] dont even plz [05:29:52 UTC] i gtg bye [05:29:57 UTC] bye [05:30:07 UTC] ** pompom1 logged off. [05:30:19 UTC] me mad [05:30:31 UTC] hugs [05:30:36 UTC] ** beanieboy logged off. [05:30:55 UTC] I'm gonna punch apple an apple [05:31:13 UTC] Anger get out [05:31:33 UTC] is it weird i like two people? [05:32:30 UTC] ** Everliegh logged off. [05:32:33 UTC] ** marila logged off. [05:32:44 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [05:36:58 UTC] ** Everliegh logged on. [05:38:00 UTC] Guys want to be my friends [05:38:21 UTC] ok let's go [05:41:50 UTC] hi [05:41:51 UTC] ** puso logged on. [05:42:39 UTC] ** mandalor logged on. [05:43:37 UTC] Do you girls want to be friends [05:44:05 UTC] ** marila logged on. [05:44:38 UTC] everleigh im sorry [05:44:49 UTC] Sorry for what [05:45:10 UTC] stealing your bf or our [05:45:33 UTC] I accept your apology hug [05:45:42 UTC] hugs [05:46:07 UTC] Go to your house again let's go together [05:46:11 UTC] but we can do a two way right [05:46:25 UTC] And that's [05:46:41 UTC] what [05:46:48 UTC] I don't have a cow [05:46:55 UTC] bf [05:47:13 UTC] hi gusy [05:47:18 UTC] What did you say [05:47:18 UTC] my house oki [05:47:33 UTC] nothing [05:47:39 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged on. [05:47:56 UTC] sorry [05:48:14 UTC] Let's go to your health what are you sorry for now [05:48:26 UTC] nvm [05:49:08 UTC] What does that mean [05:49:23 UTC] it means nevermind [05:49:35 UTC] that is what it means [05:49:44 UTC] Cries and walks away [05:49:54 UTC] come [05:50:04 UTC] ** catheleah logged off. [05:50:07 UTC] what did i do [05:50:27 UTC] nvm means nevermind [05:50:34 UTC] nvm [05:50:39 UTC] ** eshabel logged off. [05:51:09 UTC] OK [05:51:17 UTC] Let's go [05:51:19 UTC] but let's go to my house [05:51:33 UTC] hello everyone [05:51:49 UTC] how old are you [05:51:51 UTC] hello [05:52:25 UTC] everleigh how old are you [05:52:35 UTC] 12 [05:52:48 UTC] same girly [05:53:10 UTC] hello girl [05:53:18 UTC] sankayo [05:53:19 UTC] hi [05:53:27 UTC] hello [05:56:50 UTC] hey [05:56:59 UTC] put back [05:57:07 UTC] I really like the bed I like the bed I need it [05:57:24 UTC] ** ihjigjigiuvovjh logged on. [05:57:24 UTC] plz you can sleep here [05:57:45 UTC] Win Win [05:57:46 UTC] ** ihjigjigiuvovjh logged off. [05:58:00 UTC] Sure [05:58:57 UTC] my neighbor gave this to me [05:59:04 UTC] rose [05:59:05 UTC] The flower creeps me out [05:59:15 UTC] oh [05:59:30 UTC] Get rid of them [05:59:40 UTC] my neigbor lives there [05:59:40 UTC] The flower creeps me out [06:00:01 UTC] Follow me don't [06:00:05 UTC] it i [06:00:18 UTC] private [06:00:30 UTC] noo [06:00:45 UTC] she will kill me [06:01:16 UTC] she needs both [06:01:45 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged off. [06:01:45 UTC] she will kill me [06:01:54 UTC] she needs both [06:02:15 UTC] plz [06:02:28 UTC] plz [06:02:37 UTC] put back [06:02:54 UTC] put back plz [06:03:25 UTC] plz [06:03:32 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged on. [06:03:42 UTC] i need it oh god [06:03:50 UTC] plz [06:04:08 UTC] she won't forgive [06:04:14 UTC] me [06:04:18 UTC] waaaaa [06:04:20 UTC] ** Everliegh logged off. [06:04:42 UTC] ** selih logged on. [06:10:32 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged off. [06:10:47 UTC] ** nico9283 logged on. [06:11:07 UTC] moon? [06:11:28 UTC] SOMEONE IS MOONRISE HERE [06:12:01 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged on. [06:12:06 UTC] cries [06:12:16 UTC] ** 12345 logged on. [06:12:40 UTC] nico here [06:12:49 UTC] ** selih logged off. [06:13:03 UTC] marila [06:13:19 UTC] is moonrrise here? [06:13:23 UTC] no [06:13:24 UTC] *moonrise* [06:13:29 UTC] ** puso logged off. [06:13:29 UTC] ): [06:13:41 UTC] cries [06:14:05 UTC] nico do you have a bed [06:14:16 UTC] nah my gf moonrise does [06:14:22 UTC] ill text her [06:14:29 UTC] one sec [06:14:36 UTC] can you tell her if i can have one [06:14:55 UTC] she said sure but when she joins she will give [06:15:10 UTC] she will join in an hour of less [06:15:15 UTC] i need it for my neighbor [06:15:16 UTC] * or* [06:15:21 UTC] oh [06:15:33 UTC] wait for an hour or maybe 30 mins [06:15:38 UTC] bye [06:15:38 UTC] my friend took her bed [06:15:44 UTC] ** 12345 logged off. [06:15:48 UTC] WTF [06:15:55 UTC] what [06:15:57 UTC] irl im laughing [06:16:07 UTC] WHY DID SHE TAKE HER BED [06:16:15 UTC] DOES SHE THINK SHES SUPERMAN [06:16:27 UTC] she needed on and said nice bed [06:16:31 UTC] one [06:16:37 UTC] I want wood. [06:16:54 UTC] ok wait for my gf to join bye [06:17:02 UTC] bye [06:17:23 UTC] nico is it night for you [06:17:31 UTC] its [06:17:45 UTC] 11:47 AM here [06:18:13 UTC] 10:00 pm in arizona [06:18:23 UTC] nice [06:18:27 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged off. [06:18:39 UTC] my bedtime is :10 30 [06:19:01 UTC] are you okay? [06:19:34 UTC] abc to sleepover [06:19:58 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged on. [06:20:28 UTC] ABC TO SLEEPOVER [06:20:37 UTC] ** marila logged off. [06:21:01 UTC] ** marila logged on. [06:21:19 UTC] abc [06:21:24 UTC] abc to sleepover (im waiting for my gf and im boerd* [06:21:30 UTC] okay [06:21:31 UTC] abc [06:21:33 UTC] come [06:21:48 UTC] im apernently staying im my gfs house [06:22:06 UTC] i might leave and join [06:22:10 UTC] oh she does not mind right [06:22:15 UTC] yes [06:22:26 UTC] you have pajamas? [06:22:36 UTC] no [06:22:51 UTC] okay oll ask her if you can borrow her pajama [06:22:52 UTC] ** nico9283 logged off. [06:23:55 UTC] ** nico9283 logged on. [06:23:59 UTC] i might leave to sleep tho [06:24:06 UTC] she said tes [06:24:08 UTC] hes [06:24:10 UTC] yes [06:24:13 UTC] oh okay [06:24:18 UTC] here [06:24:20 UTC] ** Alfiyah logged on. [06:24:25 UTC] in game or irl [06:24:27 UTC] *gives pajamas * [06:24:34 UTC] irl [06:24:43 UTC] ** Alfiyah logged off. [06:24:45 UTC] umm i cant [06:24:51 UTC] what [06:24:53 UTC] irl [06:24:55 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged off. [06:24:59 UTC] no [06:25:04 UTC] wdym you cant [06:25:09 UTC] what cant ou [06:25:11 UTC] how old are you [06:25:28 UTC] 15 [06:25:40 UTC] im 12 [06:25:51 UTC] okay ): [06:26:08 UTC] what about in game [06:26:20 UTC] what do you mean in game [06:26:24 UTC] what in game [06:26:27 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged on. [06:26:41 UTC] sleepover in this game [06:26:47 UTC] yes [06:26:54 UTC] ITS A SLEEPOVER IN THIS GAME [06:27:14 UTC] why did you say irl [06:27:21 UTC] ** gf logged on. [06:27:29 UTC] i didnt know what your asking [06:27:43 UTC] moonlight [06:27:51 UTC] is she here [06:27:55 UTC] wdym moonlight [06:28:00 UTC] its moonrise [06:28:05 UTC] oh [06:28:11 UTC] and moonrise is at school [06:28:26 UTC] oh [06:28:40 UTC] ** kkznxiland logged on. [06:28:41 UTC] 11:00 am! [06:28:42 UTC] are you staying for sleepover or not [06:28:50 UTC] I'm hungry and want to go outside [06:28:57 UTC] i might sleep [06:29:16 UTC] okay [06:29:30 UTC] PAENUT YOU IN GAME [06:29:31 UTC] anyone [06:29:31 UTC] ** Sharley670 logged off. [06:29:42 UTC] ok shes not [06:29:46 UTC] wuzzy [06:29:54 UTC] wuzzy [06:29:57 UTC] when you leave im gonna go to squareoje [06:29:59 UTC] one [06:30:07 UTC] can you prob wait for me [06:30:17 UTC] wdym wait [06:30:24 UTC] and give bed to me [06:30:24 UTC] for you to wake up? [06:30:24 UTC] open the door please I'm stuck in here [06:30:31 UTC] yea [06:30:46 UTC] it will be night for me [06:30:48 UTC] if you can [06:30:51 UTC] wuzzy please open the door please [06:30:53 UTC] oh [06:30:56 UTC] maybe lets see if im online [06:31:07 UTC] help help [06:31:20 UTC] what happend [06:31:32 UTC] help [06:31:40 UTC] how moonrise [06:31:45 UTC] hi [06:31:52 UTC] THATS NOT MOONRISE [06:31:56 UTC] I hate wuzzy [06:31:59 UTC] oh [06:32:03 UTC] how did you get in [06:32:17 UTC] help me please I'm stuck here [06:32:19 UTC] um [06:32:29 UTC] ** sky logged on. [06:32:35 UTC] HOW DIS YOU GET IN GF [06:32:54 UTC] где все ? [06:33:02 UTC] we cant help [06:33:12 UTC] type /spawn [06:33:18 UTC] try please [06:33:20 UTC] где все люди? [06:33:26 UTC] gf type /spawn [06:33:29 UTC] I'm hungry to [06:33:38 UTC] type /spawn [06:34:03 UTC] DO IT [06:34:04 UTC] ** nia logged on. [06:34:05 UTC] it will help you if you type /spawn [06:34:06 UTC] I found something it won't open [06:34:14 UTC] hi nia! [06:34:29 UTC] gf type /spawn [06:34:35 UTC] everything is onud [06:34:50 UTC] it does not work [06:35:03 UTC] it worked [06:35:07 UTC] everything is owned by wuzzy [06:35:19 UTC] type /spawn in chat [06:35:24 UTC] nico [06:35:28 UTC] what [06:35:41 UTC] where are you [06:35:47 UTC] ** Fernalei logged on. [06:35:55 UTC] help me [06:36:15 UTC] thanks [06:36:19 UTC] how you got out [06:36:23 UTC] dude [06:36:24 UTC] hold on [06:36:52 UTC] help marila [06:36:56 UTC] hi [06:36:59 UTC] вы тут тусите [06:37:06 UTC] ii have ho tools [06:37:19 UTC] come on [06:37:26 UTC] ty [06:37:33 UTC] guys [06:37:35 UTC] yw [06:38:07 UTC] what gf [06:38:11 UTC] wait [06:38:17 UTC] ** nia logged off. [06:38:22 UTC] let's go [06:38:38 UTC] oh sh*t school time [06:38:40 UTC] food [06:38:41 UTC] in game [06:38:42 UTC] ** sky logged off. [06:39:03 UTC] im heading to school [06:39:14 UTC] ok [06:39:33 UTC] wait [06:39:34 UTC] Help [06:39:40 UTC] guys [06:39:57 UTC] I'm tired [06:39:57 UTC] no your not in my school [06:40:06 UTC] ** taylorswift1 logged on. [06:40:07 UTC] go back home [06:40:09 UTC] wtf is that [06:40:09 UTC] yes I am [06:40:13 UTC] NO [06:40:23 UTC] GO [06:40:36 UTC] YOUR MAKING ME LATE [06:40:40 UTC] don't hurt me I'll do anything [06:40:46 UTC] sorry [06:40:52 UTC] ** taylor22 logged on. [06:40:52 UTC] wait [06:41:02 UTC] :( [06:41:13 UTC] hi [06:41:39 UTC] guys were are u h [06:41:47 UTC] ima t school [06:41:52 UTC] were are u guys [06:42:09 UTC] moonrise my gf is supposed to be at school sitting next to me hut shes not online [06:42:10 UTC] im going to my house [06:42:17 UTC] im going to school [06:42:56 UTC] ** kkznxiland logged off. [06:43:05 UTC] im behind you gf [06:43:07 UTC] ** Fernalei logged off. [06:43:30 UTC] guys come to me right now I found something [06:43:33 UTC] ** linhnhi logged on. [06:43:41 UTC] NO IM ST SCHOOL DUMBO [06:44:22 UTC] guys come over [06:44:32 UTC] hi mama slrry im late [06:44:39 UTC] btw moonrise is not online [06:44:41 UTC] im busy [06:44:49 UTC] * [06:44:59 UTC] *one hour later school ends* [06:45:05 UTC] *spawn [06:45:07 UTC] were are u guys [06:45:14 UTC] im at school [06:45:24 UTC] school finished so im going home [06:45:37 UTC] ok [06:45:42 UTC] wait [06:45:56 UTC] whoever wants to come over come [06:46:11 UTC] nico i need to go to your gf house [06:46:19 UTC] why [06:46:26 UTC] health [06:46:29 UTC] this is my gf house [06:46:43 UTC] help [06:46:43 UTC] i will show you [06:46:43 UTC] ** gggg logged on. [06:46:44 UTC] oe. in [06:46:49 UTC] come in [06:46:53 UTC] I'm on [06:46:59 UTC] i have homework [06:47:06 UTC] ok [06:47:17 UTC] help !!!! [06:47:30 UTC] *does homework* [06:48:13 UTC] my hunger wa sad restored [06:48:19 UTC] was [06:48:38 UTC] tx [06:48:43 UTC] nico [06:48:54 UTC] WHAT IM BUSY [06:48:57 UTC] ty nico [06:48:58 UTC] help me !!!!!!!!! I'm lost [06:49:18 UTC] ** Moonla logged on. [06:49:29 UTC] where are you near [06:49:42 UTC] no!!!!!! [06:49:43 UTC] ** sssss logged on. [06:49:59 UTC] yhat do you see [06:50:06 UTC] what [06:50:20 UTC] imma join squareone who wants to come [06:50:21 UTC] ** linhnhi logged off. [06:50:51 UTC] who wants to come to squsre one [06:50:57 UTC] moonrise? [06:50:58 UTC] blocks and fire [06:51:07 UTC] no its moonla [06:51:13 UTC] its not moonrise [06:51:15 UTC] oh [06:51:26 UTC] help me please I'm scared!!!!!! [06:51:34 UTC] wth [06:51:36 UTC] why was she starring at you [06:51:41 UTC] wanna voem to adventure time [06:51:53 UTC] help me !! [06:51:58 UTC] what? [06:52:08 UTC] ** gggg logged off. [06:52:10 UTC] help !!!!!!!! [06:52:23 UTC] JOIN ADVENTURE TIME MARILSA [06:52:31 UTC] OK [06:52:36 UTC] ** Britte562 logged on. [06:52:40 UTC] GEEZ [06:52:46 UTC] help me it's raining [06:52:52 UTC] JOIN IT [06:52:54 UTC] ik [06:53:10 UTC] what the hell was that for [06:53:22 UTC] your hkt joining d [06:53:30 UTC] join adventure time now! [06:53:41 UTC] I can't [06:53:46 UTC] ** Britte562 logged off. [06:53:50 UTC] OK GEEZ DUDE [06:54:06 UTC] so what [06:54:15 UTC] were are and help me [06:54:18 UTC] join it now!! [06:54:24 UTC] ok [06:54:36 UTC] I can't ifu don't find me [06:54:39 UTC] where are we going [06:54:49 UTC] adventure time server [06:54:54 UTC] join it [06:54:55 UTC] ok [06:55:15 UTC] I'm scared and the place we just were [06:55:15 UTC] ** nico9283 logged off. [06:55:15 UTC] ** marila logged off. [06:56:45 UTC] help [06:56:55 UTC] ssssss [06:57:21 UTC] ** taylor22 logged off. [06:57:27 UTC] ** Moonla logged off. [06:57:29 UTC] ** taylorswift1 logged off. [06:58:20 UTC] help [06:59:10 UTC] ** hehdv logged on. [07:00:40 UTC] ** elana324252 logged on. [07:00:40 UTC] ** myo1231235 logged on. [07:00:51 UTC] ** marila logged on. [07:00:57 UTC] help [07:01:15 UTC] ** hehdv logged off. [07:01:33 UTC] ** marila logged off. [07:02:08 UTC] ** Enkhriilen logged on. [07:02:32 UTC] ** marila logged on. [07:02:42 UTC] ** sssss logged off. [07:02:51 UTC] nico [07:03:17 UTC] ** marila logged off. [07:03:51 UTC] ** marila logged on. [07:04:06 UTC] ** nico9283 logged on. [07:04:14 UTC] what happend [07:04:26 UTC] idk join here only [07:04:34 UTC] is it school time [07:04:41 UTC] ** mandalor logged off. [07:04:44 UTC] oop gtg ill be back in a few mins [07:04:48 UTC] why did you call me a good girl [07:04:54 UTC] ** Enkhriilen logged off. [07:04:58 UTC] ** ismael logged on. [07:05:00 UTC] i wss talking to kitty [07:05:10 UTC] is it time for school [07:05:12 UTC] i told her not to hit you [07:05:26 UTC] ** Enkhriilen logged on. [07:05:32 UTC] :( yeah right [07:05:50 UTC] ** CrsCraft logged on. [07:05:56 UTC] bye gtg see you in a few m8js [07:05:56 UTC] guys I'm not home  [07:05:58 UTC] mins [07:06:05 UTC] ok [07:06:05 UTC] ** ismael logged off. [07:06:06 UTC] *hugs* [07:06:13 UTC] bye [07:06:13 UTC] guys I'm not home [07:06:21 UTC] i might sleep [07:06:21 UTC] ** Enkhriilen logged off. [07:06:27 UTC] okay [07:06:34 UTC] * hugs* [07:06:39 UTC] ** nico9283 logged off. [07:06:42 UTC] byyeeee hugs [07:06:43 UTC] I'm not home guys [07:07:08 UTC] ** -Insano- logged on. [07:07:38 UTC] where's school [07:07:42 UTC] ** -Insano- logged off. [07:07:44 UTC] ** maky81 logged on. [07:07:58 UTC] ** PiaCraft logged on. [07:08:07 UTC] ** PiaCraft logged off. [07:08:28 UTC] ** CrsCraft logged off. [07:08:31 UTC] hi [07:08:37 UTC] hi [07:08:47 UTC] ** marila logged off. [07:09:07 UTC] wanna play t kr d gf [07:09:38 UTC] I can't can you find me [07:09:41 UTC] wanna play t or d gr [07:10:33 UTC] *kisses gf* [07:10:51 UTC] do u like me [07:11:03 UTC] do u like me [07:11:12 UTC] yes [07:11:38 UTC] well then come find me please [07:11:54 UTC] give me a hint [07:12:14 UTC] I'm near water [07:12:27 UTC] ty cutie [07:12:47 UTC] and there's ice [07:13:06 UTC] are you near spawn? [07:13:15 UTC] no [07:13:34 UTC] which place are you in [07:14:21 UTC] ** annainscarlet logged on. [07:14:25 UTC] I don't know if u want me to I go to the spawn thing [07:14:46 UTC] this is hard [07:14:55 UTC] I now [07:14:58 UTC] can you hide at spawn? [07:15:26 UTC] im not close [07:15:43 UTC] i cant find you [07:16:01 UTC] I'm coming stay there [07:16:24 UTC] ** elana324252 logged off. [07:17:17 UTC] you reached? [07:17:39 UTC] ** marila logged on. [07:17:46 UTC] not yet but did u fall in water [07:17:54 UTC] yes [07:18:07 UTC] nico [07:18:22 UTC] nico left [07:18:22 UTC] I saw someone fall in water [07:18:32 UTC] at spawn? [07:18:37 UTC] no [07:18:46 UTC] oh [07:18:47 UTC] ** maky81 logged off. [07:19:21 UTC] hello [07:20:21 UTC] nico told me he would be here in 8 mins [07:20:50 UTC] ** nico456 logged on. [07:21:02 UTC] marila [07:21:12 UTC] yes [07:21:37 UTC] what [07:21:41 UTC] somone called maky81 said you callesd me [07:21:53 UTC] yea [07:22:11 UTC] it has been 8 mins [07:22:11 UTC] why you called me [07:22:26 UTC] :0 [07:22:36 UTC] okay fine [07:22:52 UTC] more actually [07:22:53 UTC] help I'm lost [07:23:07 UTC] ** myo1231235 logged off. [07:23:21 UTC] ok izm in game but boerd [07:23:31 UTC] oh [07:23:32 UTC] boaerd [07:23:42 UTC] someone [07:23:57 UTC] i wish moonrise was here or mia or paenut [07:24:00 UTC] ): [07:24:10 UTC] mia ik mia [07:24:19 UTC] call her please [07:24:23 UTC] im boerd [07:24:35 UTC] I don't have he num [07:24:46 UTC] her number [07:25:14 UTC] she is my neighbor's fried [07:25:24 UTC] friend [07:26:06 UTC] hellooo [07:26:12 UTC] help [07:26:20 UTC] you there [07:26:46 UTC] nico you alive [07:26:59 UTC] hellooooo [07:27:03 UTC] I'm not nico [07:27:23 UTC] ik gf [07:27:58 UTC] umm.... were am i [07:27:59 UTC] hellooooo [07:28:11 UTC] nicoo [07:28:15 UTC] sry was afk [07:28:20 UTC] oh [07:28:48 UTC] call mia [07:28:52 UTC] maril [07:29:06 UTC] i do not have her number tho [07:29:09 UTC] marila help [07:29:11 UTC] ** annainscarlet logged off. [07:29:22 UTC] STOP GF STOP ANNOYING US [07:29:35 UTC] I'm not [07:29:42 UTC] YOU ARE [07:29:50 UTC] you kinda are [07:30:10 UTC] IM GOING UOME [07:30:12 UTC] your mean [07:30:14 UTC] but what do you see [07:30:43 UTC] lost of stuff [07:31:06 UTC] it is 12:00 am [07:31:16 UTC] gn marila [07:31:34 UTC] im not sleeping now [07:31:37 UTC] I'm back yay [07:32:02 UTC] its 1:00 AM for me [07:32:23 UTC] do you live in cali [07:32:25 UTC] well then stop playing [07:32:32 UTC] why [07:32:45 UTC] idk just asking [07:32:53 UTC] me az [07:32:57 UTC] yeh ig [07:33:10 UTC] i knew it [07:33:21 UTC] tell gf im gonna play for however long i want [07:33:38 UTC] I can see it [07:33:54 UTC] i was going to tell her [07:34:04 UTC] tell herr [07:34:33 UTC] nico is going to play how long he wants [07:34:53 UTC] I can see it I'm not blind [07:34:53 UTC] there [07:34:56 UTC] oh shoot my mom woke up caus emy laptops making noise [07:35:07 UTC] i needa hide afk [07:35:13 UTC] ** maaalaaak logged on. [07:35:15 UTC] gonna pretend im sleeping [07:35:19 UTC] afk [07:35:21 UTC] ok [07:35:45 UTC] donehee [07:35:50 UTC] ** Aleliamm logged on. [07:36:11 UTC] im playing on mobile [07:36:24 UTC] ohh [07:36:39 UTC] OM MY [07:36:43 UTC] OMG [07:36:49 UTC] my mom is prob going to wake up [07:37:08 UTC] from my keboard [07:37:14 UTC] what [07:37:34 UTC] MOONRISE CAME OVER TO MY HOUSE IRL! shes telling to sneak out to a ill tell you when your older [07:37:35 UTC] amen [07:37:46 UTC] amen [07:37:57 UTC] ** Aleliamm logged off. [07:37:57 UTC] to you [07:38:15 UTC] anyone there [07:38:17 UTC] ** SunnyandMoony logged on. [07:38:25 UTC] HIDE THERES HERBRINE ON LOOSE I SAW HIM BEHIND YOU [07:38:26 UTC] hi [07:38:34 UTC] nicow [07:38:40 UTC] I'm hinding [07:38:43 UTC] nico82? [07:38:51 UTC] yes? [07:38:55 UTC] I don't know [07:38:56 UTC] is she [07:39:01 UTC] Ik Moony [07:39:10 UTC] who are you sunny [07:39:38 UTC] ** maaalaaak logged off. [07:39:39 UTC] Gracie I am MOONYS bff irl [07:39:47 UTC] nico [07:39:50 UTC] moonrise? [07:39:59 UTC] yup [07:40:00 UTC] moonrises bff? [07:40:04 UTC] yes [07:40:10 UTC] my gf??? [07:40:29 UTC] WAIT WHA [07:40:31 UTC] nico how r u up there [07:40:35 UTC] call her into game im boerd [07:40:55 UTC] tell her to join game sunny [07:40:59 UTC] hiii [07:41:12 UTC] k [07:41:17 UTC] sunny tell moonrise to join [07:41:21 UTC] ok my bestie coming [07:41:26 UTC] HOORAY [07:41:27 UTC] nico can we be friends [07:41:29 UTC] TYSM [07:41:33 UTC] oop gtg [07:41:35 UTC] ** SunnyandMoony logged off. [07:41:54 UTC] nico can we be friends [07:42:02 UTC] ** Moonrise logged on. [07:42:09 UTC] omggg [07:42:30 UTC] nico moonrise is here [07:42:34 UTC] HI [07:42:40 UTC] ? [07:42:49 UTC] where is Gracie? [07:42:59 UTC] she left [07:43:04 UTC] oh ok [07:43:18 UTC] MOON [07:43:18 UTC] hi moonrise [07:43:25 UTC] hi [07:43:27 UTC] its me nico82 [07:43:32 UTC] i missed youu [07:43:42 UTC] ik Gracie told me [07:43:43 UTC] afk one secy [07:43:44 UTC] i can tell [07:44:04 UTC] im vack [07:44:12 UTC] so nice to meet you moonrise [07:44:17 UTC] moon rise i was so boerd [07:44:31 UTC] ?? [07:45:05 UTC] ? [07:45:50 UTC] hello [07:46:03 UTC] ** nico456 logged off. [07:46:07 UTC] moonrise can I have a bed [07:46:14 UTC] his phone died [07:46:23 UTC] oh [07:46:25 UTC] I have nkne [07:46:26 UTC] hi [07:46:36 UTC] can i [07:46:53 UTC] I HAVE NO BEDS ON ME [07:47:01 UTC] oh [07:47:19 UTC] hello? [07:47:46 UTC] im prob nico's friend idk [07:48:12 UTC] hello u there [07:48:16 UTC] not like that tho [07:48:18 UTC] ** Moonrise logged off. [07:49:06 UTC] why u guys not talking to me [07:49:12 UTC] ** Moonrise logged on. [07:49:33 UTC] ** marila logged off. [07:49:45 UTC] bad WiFi do not worry [07:50:10 UTC] why is everyone inviting me now what did I do [07:50:23 UTC] ? [07:50:25 UTC] ** marila logged on. [07:50:31 UTC] HI [07:50:39 UTC] hi [07:50:49 UTC] hi [07:50:55 UTC] here [07:51:02 UTC] no [07:51:02 UTC] ** nico456 logged on. [07:51:08 UTC] thx [07:51:18 UTC] have 3 at homw [07:51:18 UTC] your welcome [07:51:21 UTC] i might need to leave and join caus eim eating [07:51:30 UTC] ok [07:51:31 UTC] k [07:51:40 UTC] moon meet me at spawn [07:52:00 UTC] hello [07:52:09 UTC] I gotta go to school but I will bring my phone cuz it's allowed [07:52:10 UTC] she is lagging [07:52:23 UTC] me [07:52:28 UTC] were is school [07:52:40 UTC] game or irl [07:52:47 UTC] irl [07:53:03 UTC] hello [07:53:12 UTC] hi gf [07:53:24 UTC] it's allowed to bring your phones to summer school [07:53:31 UTC] hi I'm scared [07:53:49 UTC] ** puilui logged on. [07:54:03 UTC] moon you cAn still play? [07:54:22 UTC] i nervous for tomorrow [07:54:26 UTC] I am not stupid it's just a fun school basically [07:54:36 UTC] yeah it is [07:54:41 UTC] yeah at school tho [07:54:42 UTC] why u scared for t [07:54:46 UTC] summer school is amazing [07:54:50 UTC] ik [07:54:55 UTC] afk [07:54:55 UTC] yea [07:54:56 UTC] mine is [07:54:57 UTC] ** Imaan logged on. [07:55:06 UTC] why u scared for tomorrow [07:55:13 UTC] gtg [07:55:18 UTC] im nervous for tomorrow [07:55:26 UTC] aww bye babe [07:55:27 UTC] ** Moonrise logged off. [07:55:48 UTC] who's bab? [07:55:48 UTC] im nervous for tomorrow [07:56:48 UTC] so nervous [07:56:49 UTC] ** nico456 logged off. [07:57:03 UTC] who's bab? [07:58:08 UTC] hello [07:58:15 UTC] hi [07:58:46 UTC] do u have a gf yes no [07:58:46 UTC] im so nervous for tomorrow [07:59:16 UTC] ** puilui logged off. [07:59:21 UTC] ** carlyy logged on. [07:59:35 UTC] do u [08:00:20 UTC] do u don't lie to me please [08:01:07 UTC] ** marila logged off. [08:01:40 UTC] ** carlyy logged off. [08:01:49 UTC] marila do have a gf yes no [08:02:24 UTC] ** Ash logged on. [08:02:51 UTC] ** marila logged on. [08:02:56 UTC] Marilyn do not lie to me [08:03:20 UTC] gf what [08:03:29 UTC] ** Imaan logged off. [08:03:34 UTC] marila yes no [08:03:47 UTC] what [08:03:48 UTC] what did i do [08:04:11 UTC] nothing are u a girl or a boy [08:04:29 UTC] holy shit [08:04:37 UTC] ** nico456 logged on. [08:04:42 UTC] are u a girl or a boy [08:04:47 UTC] nicooo [08:04:59 UTC] ahhh wtf [08:05:03 UTC] marila [08:05:20 UTC] marila girl or boy wich on [08:05:20 UTC] is moonrise here? [08:05:28 UTC] no [08:05:39 UTC] sunny! [08:05:39 UTC] im a girl gf [08:05:53 UTC] what you guys doing [08:05:58 UTC] wrong person then [08:06:12 UTC] i died [08:06:14 UTC] gracie is here? [08:06:21 UTC] idk [08:06:30 UTC] I'm looking for a boyfriend [08:06:48 UTC] there are no boys in server [08:06:50 UTC] no I'm a girl [08:06:55 UTC] you and moonrise are sneaking out [08:07:05 UTC] huh [08:07:06 UTC] except me [08:07:44 UTC] r u and moonrise sneaking out [08:07:50 UTC] nole [08:07:53 UTC] no [08:08:08 UTC] oh [08:08:11 UTC] THERES NOT BOYS IN THIS SERVER EXEPT ME [08:08:21 UTC] ** Ash logged off. [08:08:24 UTC] does anyone have agf if not come too me too be your gf [08:08:26 UTC] SO NO BF FOR YOU [08:08:57 UTC] nico am i your friend [08:09:03 UTC] gf you wont have a bf cause im the only boy here but im already taken [08:09:03 UTC] ** Dunemann50 logged on. [08:09:11 UTC] yes [08:09:19 UTC] yay [08:09:54 UTC] dune man is a boy [08:10:07 UTC] ,... [08:10:10 UTC] ** vhgghjvkgh logged on. [08:10:21 UTC] bahahaha [08:10:29 UTC] ** Dunemann50 logged off. [08:10:39 UTC] if u want a gf come to me I'll be your gf [08:10:46 UTC] he left bahahaha [08:11:03 UTC] brother im taken and rest lf hoys dont type only [08:11:18 UTC] stop [08:11:32 UTC] STOP WAHT [08:11:41 UTC] STOP MY LIFE? [08:11:48 UTC] no [08:11:51 UTC] IM HOT STOPPING MY LIFE [08:11:57 UTC] not [08:12:06 UTC] stop what your poor sense of humanity [08:13:07 UTC] no not end your life stop means stop not stop your lif [08:13:27 UTC] COCOCOCNUTTT [08:13:44 UTC] IM NOT A BOY IM NOT A GIRL IM A COCONUT [08:14:12 UTC] i am a coconut hen [08:14:13 UTC] i gtg soon [08:14:22 UTC] I'm not a girl I'm not a boy I'm a coconut [08:14:37 UTC] ** annainscarlet logged on. [08:14:46 UTC] hi anna [08:15:33 UTC] pass me a pickaxe marila [08:15:51 UTC] come to my house [08:16:00 UTC] pass me a pickaxe [08:16:18 UTC] i dont have one i died [08:16:38 UTC] i have one at my house [08:16:49 UTC] come [08:16:50 UTC] ** vhgghjvkgh logged off. [08:17:09 UTC] who's a boy and don't have a gf come to the wite house [08:17:29 UTC] ** nico456 logged off. [08:17:31 UTC] in the morning [08:17:39 UTC] ** nico456 logged on. [08:17:47 UTC] ** nico456 logged off. [08:17:56 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [08:18:22 UTC] i got pickaxe [08:18:34 UTC] where is the boy eho hit us [08:18:42 UTC] he left [08:19:01 UTC] I'm dying [08:19:09 UTC] ee [08:19:18 UTC] be quite gf [08:19:27 UTC] okay [08:19:36 UTC] kakaskaka [08:20:46 UTC] come up marila [08:21:25 UTC] I thought i saw an apple chasing me [08:21:48 UTC] how [08:22:13 UTC] marila follow me [08:22:49 UTC] jump you wont die [08:22:54 UTC] theres water [08:23:21 UTC] you landed in shallow end [08:23:24 UTC] dude I DIED [08:23:31 UTC] i didnt [08:23:42 UTC] you landed in shallow end [08:23:49 UTC] hey I'm lost [08:24:46 UTC] ** Moonrise logged on. [08:24:52 UTC] hi babe [08:24:56 UTC] HI [08:25:03 UTC] at school [08:25:05 UTC] hi [08:25:11 UTC] afk [08:25:18 UTC] fick gtg [08:25:32 UTC] im afk [08:25:51 UTC] ** Moonrise logged off. [08:25:51 UTC] moon [08:26:41 UTC] hello!!!!!!¡!! [08:27:07 UTC] ** Ainnour logged on. [08:27:16 UTC] ** huwul logged on. [08:27:19 UTC] help!!!!!!!!!! [08:27:40 UTC] back [08:27:46 UTC] afk [08:27:59 UTC] moonrise was here for a sec [08:28:08 UTC] ** Ageli logged on. [08:28:08 UTC] hi do u have a gf [08:28:26 UTC] this way [08:28:55 UTC] moonrise was here for a sec [08:29:04 UTC] whatever [08:29:59 UTC] MOONRISE? [08:30:08 UTC] where is she [08:30:21 UTC] she left [08:30:28 UTC] ** annainscarlet logged off. [08:30:43 UTC] ** huwul logged off. [08:30:43 UTC] JUMP [08:30:45 UTC] you where afk [08:30:57 UTC] were [08:31:12 UTC] hi [08:31:26 UTC] by I like The paerson with an 8 [08:31:42 UTC] ** gf logged off. [08:32:25 UTC] i have 1 life [08:32:45 UTC] ** prime- logged on. [08:32:49 UTC] ** Ageli logged off. [08:33:06 UTC] does your [08:33:29 UTC] does my? [08:33:34 UTC] does your mom know you have a gf? [08:33:40 UTC] does my what ? [08:33:41 UTC] yes [08:33:57 UTC] ** Kylie13 logged on. [08:33:58 UTC] ok [08:34:38 UTC] hi [08:34:38 UTC] we both died at same time [08:34:43 UTC] yepyep [08:34:46 UTC] hi [08:34:49 UTC] hi [08:34:52 UTC] WOW WOW WOW [08:35:21 UTC] ** gf logged on. [08:35:21 UTC] ** Ageli logged on. [08:35:32 UTC] hi gf... [08:35:38 UTC] Ayo [08:35:53 UTC] I'm New can we meet [08:36:04 UTC] what? [08:36:20 UTC] hi nico [08:36:26 UTC] hihi [08:36:29 UTC] you are dating her you liked my sister addi12 [08:36:34 UTC] oh ya who wants to be my boyfriend [08:36:38 UTC] ** Ageli logged off. [08:36:42 UTC] me [08:36:46 UTC] what??? [08:36:54 UTC] you d [08:36:57 UTC] prim come here [08:36:59 UTC] bombastic side eye [08:37:03 UTC] ok baby [08:37:15 UTC] you don't remember addi12 do you nico [08:37:22 UTC] where are you [08:37:25 UTC] nah [08:37:35 UTC] she is my sister did she tell you she loves you ! [08:37:39 UTC] criminal offensive side eye [08:37:41 UTC] Next to bars [08:37:55 UTC] right i will tpr you [08:38:05 UTC] actually you got the wrong nico the other was my brother [08:38:08 UTC] afk [08:38:21 UTC] NO ITS YOU NICO [08:38:28 UTC] come to me [08:38:32 UTC] ** Ageli logged on. [08:38:33 UTC] NO [08:38:36 UTC] is this your house ? [08:39:14 UTC] amajz [08:39:14 UTC] back [08:39:23 UTC] what your name [08:39:36 UTC] who [08:39:44 UTC] my gf [08:39:45 UTC] hii [08:39:50 UTC] its you nico you are wearing in the same outfit [08:40:04 UTC] oh sorry [08:40:17 UTC] he was on my phone [08:40:26 UTC] my name is brooklynn [08:40:35 UTC] No thats cap everybody saids that [08:40:43 UTC] npe [08:40:46 UTC] hi and that was fast [08:40:46 UTC] ok nice name and change your skin [08:41:01 UTC] okay hold on [08:41:04 UTC] ** gf logged off. [08:41:10 UTC] thanks [08:41:39 UTC] ** gf logged on. [08:41:56 UTC] you did not change your skin [08:41:58 UTC] I don't think I can [08:42:00 UTC] help i hear snoring in my window [08:42:36 UTC] who wants a gf ? [08:42:38 UTC] noooooo [08:42:54 UTC] who wants a girlfriend? [08:42:58 UTC] prim noo [08:42:59 UTC] ty [08:42:59 UTC] ** prime- logged off. [08:43:13 UTC] wheres moonrise [08:43:16 UTC] ** kingboss- logged on. [08:43:24 UTC] ** Ageli logged off. [08:43:29 UTC] help i hear snoring in my window [08:43:37 UTC] prim noo [08:43:40 UTC] wheees moony [08:43:44 UTC] Who wants to date me ???? [08:43:50 UTC] who prime- [08:43:57 UTC] ** zzzahriah logged on. [08:44:08 UTC] prime is dying he has cancer [08:44:11 UTC] no he's myn [08:44:21 UTC] ** Ainnour logged off. [08:44:22 UTC] WHERE THE HELL IS MY GF MOONRISE MALIA [08:44:34 UTC] IDK [08:44:37 UTC] he does not have cancer he's my brother [08:44:55 UTC] no he is my brother bitc* [08:45:08 UTC] prim nooooooooo! [08:45:09 UTC] ** 1233344si logged on. [08:45:14 UTC] ** Ainnour logged on. [08:45:31 UTC] call her [08:45:36 UTC] prime is kingboss he just PM me [08:45:37 UTC] hi [08:45:46 UTC] ill join later [08:45:46 UTC] hub [08:45:47 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [08:45:50 UTC] he is are brother and my sister [08:45:51 UTC] huh [08:45:58 UTC] ** Ainnour logged off. [08:45:59 UTC] stop [08:46:08 UTC] yea kingboss can i be your girlfriend [08:46:21 UTC] he is my brother and he said your ugly [08:46:26 UTC] <1233344si> hi [08:46:30 UTC] damn [08:46:32 UTC] kingboss [08:46:39 UTC] WHAT [08:46:41 UTC] are u gonna hit me [08:46:49 UTC] are we sibling's [08:46:52 UTC] what [08:46:54 UTC] <1233344si> sorry [08:47:07 UTC] I would like to [08:47:46 UTC] sorry [08:47:46 UTC] ** marila logged off. [08:48:11 UTC] <1233344si> Let' do a home [08:48:21 UTC] ok [08:48:25 UTC] let's go home [08:48:32 UTC] ok bro [08:48:57 UTC] gf has a boyfriend i am go to tell prime [08:49:13 UTC] yea his name is prime- [08:49:53 UTC] ** 1233344si logged off. [08:50:12 UTC] ** kingboss- logged off. [08:50:18 UTC] ** Kylie13 logged off. [08:50:26 UTC] ** prime- logged on. [08:50:32 UTC] ** addi12 logged on. [08:50:34 UTC] if prim doesn't come back I'm getting a new boyfriend [08:50:44 UTC] hey [08:50:52 UTC] what [08:51:01 UTC] gf you are cheating on me we are done [08:51:04 UTC] no i am just saying hi [08:51:05 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [08:51:10 UTC] prime [08:51:12 UTC] no I'm not [08:51:14 UTC] im backk [08:51:26 UTC] gf was cheating on you with kingboss [08:51:33 UTC] my brother kingboss- told me [08:51:34 UTC] malira [08:51:35 UTC] ew no [08:51:41 UTC] what you did what [08:52:14 UTC] did anyone named Moonrise join [08:52:26 UTC] yea maybe in 45 minu [08:52:42 UTC] she will join. in 45 mins? [08:52:44 UTC] wow gf cheated on me with kingboss- [08:52:53 UTC] prim I did not cheat on u and king boss ew [08:53:19 UTC] HE TOLD ME DO NOT LIE [08:53:30 UTC] I'm not [08:53:41 UTC] addi is moonrise joining in 45 mins? [08:53:44 UTC] she is [08:53:55 UTC] ty for elling me [08:54:03 UTC] no I'm not [08:54:03 UTC] its ok [08:54:06 UTC] cheating on me [08:54:19 UTC] gf is cheating on you prime [08:54:23 UTC] we are done [08:54:34 UTC] GF IS VHEATING ON HOUU [08:54:35 UTC] prime can we date ? [08:54:38 UTC] ** gf logged off. [08:54:45 UTC] yes [08:54:53 UTC] ok meet me here [08:54:55 UTC] bye i have to leave [08:54:58 UTC] ** prime- logged off. [08:55:06 UTC] ok bye bab [08:55:24 UTC] nico [08:55:30 UTC] yes? [08:55:44 UTC] are you dating anyone [08:55:54 UTC] im dating Moonrise [08:55:57 UTC] bc your brother said you were [08:56:10 UTC] im dating moonrise [08:56:16 UTC] ok [08:56:51 UTC] why you aksed if im dating anyone [08:57:34 UTC] addi why you akeed [08:57:36 UTC] asked [08:57:46 UTC] just wondering [08:58:18 UTC] you want me to be your bf? [08:58:44 UTC] i am not cheating on my bab so no i dont want to date you and you have a gf [08:58:58 UTC] you have a gf amd i have a bf [08:59:00 UTC] k [08:59:18 UTC] ma brother my gf wont mind ig [09:00:10 UTC] nico why did you want to date me [09:00:51 UTC] WHENS MOON JWOINING [09:01:00 UTC] in 40 minutes [09:01:35 UTC] ** inbhvd logged on. [09:01:49 UTC] ** dodik logged on. [09:01:59 UTC] addi [09:02:01 UTC] ** lalyn logged on. [09:02:19 UTC] ADDII [09:02:28 UTC] yes nico? [09:02:58 UTC] what would you do if i didnt have a gf [09:02:59 UTC] ** inbhvd logged off. [09:03:02 UTC] ** islwd logged on. [09:03:14 UTC] if i was [09:03:38 UTC] if i wasn't dating prime I wouldn't date you [09:04:00 UTC] ya right [09:04:12 UTC] bitc* [09:04:14 UTC] stop the cap [09:04:26 UTC]  [09:04:44 UTC] i am dating someone so i am not dating you bitc* [09:04:45 UTC] ik you would date me [09:04:59 UTC] stop cappin [09:05:18 UTC] bro i am a girl who is dating someone so bye [09:06:11 UTC] dont go i need to know when moons comin [09:06:24 UTC] ** dodik logged off. [09:06:55 UTC] ik you would date me stop capping [09:07:11 UTC] i am not goi g to ever date you [09:07:19 UTC] cap [09:07:54 UTC] okay fine we will see ahout that [09:07:57 UTC] ihave to go [09:08:04 UTC] imma go play baldis bascis bye [09:08:15 UTC] *kisses addi12* [09:08:16 UTC] ** Schones455 logged on. [09:08:51 UTC] ** addi12 logged off. [09:08:58 UTC] ** mxjdjdjxm logged on. [09:09:00 UTC] ** islwd logged off. [09:09:12 UTC] ** islwd logged on. [09:09:24 UTC] ano ginaga wa mo [09:10:02 UTC] ** lalyn logged off. [09:10:02 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [09:12:47 UTC] ** Mopkobka logged on. [09:13:21 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [09:13:27 UTC] ** Schones455 logged off. [09:13:44 UTC] anyone? [09:13:50 UTC] ** Schones455 logged on. [09:14:11 UTC] ** Mopkobka logged off. [09:14:18 UTC] ** mxjdjdjxm logged off. [09:14:24 UTC] ** zzzahriah logged off. [09:15:44 UTC] ** cotin logged on. [09:15:47 UTC] ** foskip logged on. [09:16:12 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [09:16:44 UTC] ** foskip logged off. [09:17:51 UTC] ** loralain logged on. [09:18:03 UTC] ** cotin logged off. [09:18:34 UTC] ** lili logged on. [09:18:49 UTC] ** ARMY_BANGTAN logged on. [09:19:22 UTC] he'l [09:19:28 UTC] ** loralain logged off. [09:22:58 UTC] hi [09:23:19 UTC] ** islwd logged off. [09:23:21 UTC] hello  [09:23:51 UTC] hi [09:24:03 UTC] hi? [09:24:05 UTC] ** Schones455 logged off. [09:27:29 UTC] ** ggfffhj logged on. [09:27:39 UTC] ** kpm logged on. [09:28:50 UTC] ** kpm logged off. [09:34:43 UTC] ** ggfffhj logged off. [09:38:18 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [09:39:05 UTC] ** sarah logged on. [09:40:22 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [09:40:30 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [09:40:43 UTC] moonrise? [09:40:54 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [09:42:51 UTC] ** Christoff3026 logged on. [09:45:31 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [09:45:49 UTC] Chris [09:46:10 UTC] nvm [09:46:26 UTC] hi guyss [09:46:33 UTC] hello [09:46:37 UTC] cr [09:46:48 UTC] crhistsn you from my gsme school [09:47:00 UTC] with koonrise george and ally [09:47:08 UTC] and beanieboy [09:47:20 UTC] guys let's play another game [09:47:31 UTC] okkk [09:47:43 UTC] ** Christoff3026 logged off. [09:47:48 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [09:47:50 UTC] ** sarah logged off. [09:49:01 UTC] ** lili logged off. [09:51:17 UTC] ** ARMY_BANGTAN logged off. [10:01:58 UTC] ** sweetcute logged on. [10:03:34 UTC] ** sweetcute logged off. [10:12:24 UTC] ** ANKL logged on. [10:18:18 UTC] ** ANKL logged off. [10:20:41 UTC] ** 83783782 logged on. [10:21:33 UTC] ** hilmu_imuri logged on. [10:22:05 UTC] ** pieru logged on. [10:23:04 UTC] ** hilmu_imuri logged off. [10:23:06 UTC] ** nico922 logged on. [10:23:26 UTC] ** fifi logged on. [10:23:34 UTC] hi fifi [10:23:58 UTC] ** pieru logged off. [10:24:19 UTC] ** Rash_2211 logged on. [10:24:25 UTC] hi rash [10:24:30 UTC] ** fifi logged off. [10:25:29 UTC] ** 83783782 logged off. [10:26:07 UTC] hello?? [10:26:13 UTC] hi [10:26:30 UTC] rash wanna be friends [10:26:57 UTC] wNna be friend [10:27:21 UTC] what [10:27:27 UTC] wanna be friends rash [10:28:06 UTC] oh well then [10:28:27 UTC] yes?? [10:28:39 UTC] yes?? [10:28:42 UTC] ** nico922 logged off. [10:29:03 UTC] ** nico922 logged on. [10:29:13 UTC] ** nico922 logged off. [10:31:24 UTC] hello [10:32:43 UTC] ** Rash_2211 logged off. [10:33:22 UTC] ** Masha201029 logged on. [10:34:08 UTC] привет [10:36:02 UTC] ** Alina logged on. [10:36:41 UTC] ** rikrkrkrkrk logged on. [10:37:29 UTC] привет [10:37:32 UTC] ** Ageli logged on. [10:38:18 UTC] ** Alina logged off. [10:39:08 UTC] ** Ageli logged off. [10:42:07 UTC] ** casey logged on. [10:42:37 UTC] ** Ageli logged on. [10:43:11 UTC] am I alone [10:45:36 UTC] ** casey logged off. [10:45:41 UTC] ** Masha201029 logged off. [10:47:25 UTC] ** serena logged on. [10:47:36 UTC] ** Ageli logged off. [10:50:17 UTC] ** rsn logged on. [10:52:28 UTC] ** serena logged off. [10:52:29 UTC] ** rikrkrkrkrk logged off. [10:52:42 UTC] ** rikrkrkrkrk logged on. [10:53:41 UTC] ** rsn logged off. [10:55:47 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [11:02:49 UTC] hi [11:03:05 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [11:03:11 UTC] ** rikrkrkrkrk logged off. [11:04:59 UTC] ** rikrkrkrkrk logged on. [11:05:53 UTC] ** princess logged on. [11:07:34 UTC] ** rikrkrkrkrk logged off. [11:09:12 UTC] ** jalemmxkkkikhcbmbbm logged on. [11:09:49 UTC] come to me guys [11:10:46 UTC] ** princess logged off. [11:13:46 UTC] ** tagurmom logged on. [11:13:54 UTC] ** jalemmxkkkikhcbmbbm logged off. [11:14:57 UTC] ** ncufhfjfd logged on. [11:16:14 UTC] ** ncufhfjfd logged off. [11:16:48 UTC] ** Abbie912 logged on. [11:17:22 UTC] ** Abbie912 logged off. [11:17:58 UTC] ** ANKL logged on. [11:18:54 UTC] ** ANKL logged off. [11:19:20 UTC] ** catnap logged on. [11:19:32 UTC] dogdays [11:19:54 UTC] hi [11:20:15 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged on. [11:21:03 UTC] ** tagurmom logged off. [11:21:07 UTC] ** catnap logged off. [11:21:40 UTC] ** hnof2020 logged on. [11:22:09 UTC] ** hnof2020 logged off. [11:22:33 UTC] ** XxxT_2014 logged on. [11:23:27 UTC] ** XxxT_2014 logged off. [11:24:24 UTC] ** fbfbhybgjv logged on. [11:24:59 UTC] ** fbfbhybgjv logged off. [11:26:43 UTC] ** minalala logged on. [11:27:04 UTC] ** catnap logged on. [11:27:25 UTC] dogdays [11:27:29 UTC] ** lili logged on. [11:27:47 UTC] ** minalala logged off. [11:28:28 UTC] ** catnap logged off. [11:29:45 UTC] ** lili logged off. [11:29:57 UTC] ** Uuauajau logged on. [11:30:54 UTC] ** Uuauajau logged off. [11:33:52 UTC] ** mainnpelisss logged on. [11:35:06 UTC] ** parw logged on. [11:35:41 UTC] ** SWEET_CANDY195 logged on. [11:35:52 UTC] ** mainnpelisss logged off. [11:36:30 UTC] ** SWEET_CANDY195 logged off. [11:37:21 UTC] ** enua logged on. [11:39:30 UTC] ** enua logged off. [11:39:59 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged off. [11:41:03 UTC] ** parw logged off. [11:41:13 UTC] ** catnap logged on. [11:41:25 UTC] hello [11:41:50 UTC] im catnap from smiling critters [11:42:12 UTC] and u [11:42:39 UTC] hello [11:43:40 UTC] ** catnap logged off. [11:44:11 UTC] ** ipc logged on. [11:47:03 UTC] ** dede logged on. [11:47:15 UTC] ** sidjen logged on. [11:49:38 UTC] ** ipc logged off. [11:51:21 UTC] من میترسم [11:51:31 UTC] I am scared [11:52:02 UTC] Hi , skip if you have if you know that i'm saying what [11:52:14 UTC] ** sidjen logged off. [11:52:31 UTC] ** Abbie912 logged on. [11:54:31 UTC] ** hucisjxkdjsshhw logged on. [11:54:54 UTC] ** hucisjxkdjsshhw logged off. [11:56:42 UTC] ** Abbie912 logged off. [11:57:09 UTC] ** nick9 logged on. [11:57:33 UTC] hi dede [11:57:51 UTC] come with me [11:58:26 UTC] dede [11:58:42 UTC] come [11:59:18 UTC] come ovrr hrre [11:59:33 UTC] come to this room [11:59:40 UTC] i meanwLl [11:59:43 UTC] wall [12:00:13 UTC] *pins on wall* [12:00:27 UTC] *kisses* [12:01:09 UTC] ** Afine logged on. [12:01:33 UTC] *kisses* [12:01:46 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged on. [12:02:03 UTC] .. [12:02:44 UTC] ** catnap logged on. [12:02:47 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged off. [12:03:13 UTC] umm hi [12:03:17 UTC] hiii [12:03:18 UTC] ** nick9 logged off. [12:03:45 UTC] ** boynie logged on. [12:03:48 UTC] ** Afine logged off. [12:03:56 UTC] beanie boy [12:04:05 UTC] ** boynie logged off. [12:04:29 UTC] ** beanieboy828 logged on. [12:04:35 UTC] hi [12:04:53 UTC] hi [12:04:55 UTC] ** Kira_43016 logged on. [12:05:05 UTC] ** beanie929 logged on. [12:05:18 UTC] ** beanieboy828 logged off. [12:05:39 UTC] ** mejor8 logged on. [12:05:40 UTC] hi carnap [12:05:42 UTC] ** Kira_43016 logged off. [12:05:44 UTC] hi [12:05:51 UTC] its me beanie oy [12:05:53 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged on. [12:05:54 UTC] boy [12:05:58 UTC] ok [12:06:06 UTC] wanna play t or d [12:06:12 UTC] sure [12:06:22 UTC] mk gome [12:06:25 UTC] come [12:06:28 UTC] ok [12:06:31 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged off. [12:06:50 UTC] t or d [12:06:55 UTC] t [12:07:28 UTC] yes [12:07:35 UTC] tor d [12:07:39 UTC] ** mejor8 logged off. [12:07:54 UTC] t or d [12:08:11 UTC] maybe [12:08:19 UTC] k [12:08:22 UTC] t or d [12:08:24 UTC] truth [12:08:27 UTC] t [12:08:45 UTC] is it turth that you like me [12:08:53 UTC] yes [12:09:00 UTC] as a gf [12:09:07 UTC] ** 7LEUOWUOWUO0U179YE7 logged on. [12:09:07 UTC] maybe yes [12:09:30 UTC] who is that [12:09:35 UTC] idk [12:09:43 UTC] ok [12:10:00 UTC] hisses [12:10:39 UTC] umm yes [12:10:43 UTC] ** X_Bianca_XfoxbluT_X logged on. [12:11:02 UTC] get in cat P [12:11:31 UTC] t or d [12:11:38 UTC] HOLA [12:11:55 UTC] dare [12:11:57 UTC] d [12:11:59 UTC] umm ok [12:12:20 UTC] i dare you too kiss me [12:13:14 UTC] HOLA DEDE 7w7 [12:13:24 UTC] babe t or d [12:13:30 UTC] d [12:14:04 UTC] wait i didnt do my dare [12:14:12 UTC] o yeah [12:14:21 UTC] *kisses catnap* [12:14:28 UTC] done [12:14:29 UTC] ** watermelon520 logged on. [12:14:31 UTC] ** SWEET_CANDY195 logged on. [12:14:33 UTC] ok [12:14:39 UTC] you choose d or t? [12:14:43 UTC] ** eerrewr logged on. [12:14:46 UTC] d [12:15:07 UTC] ** watermelon520 logged off. [12:15:20 UTC] i dare you to kiss me this time hou type *kisses (playername) [12:15:29 UTC] *you* [12:15:35 UTC] what? [12:15:43 UTC] ** watermelonnn logged on. [12:15:45 UTC] i dare you to kiss me [12:15:52 UTC] ok [12:15:52 UTC] ** watermelonnn logged off. [12:15:54 UTC] but you type [12:15:58 UTC] <7LEUOWUOWUO0U179YE7> kkkķkkkkk [12:16:05 UTC] me type ok [12:16:21 UTC] kiss beanie boy with tongue [12:16:44 UTC] mm [12:16:52 UTC] ask me [12:16:59 UTC] what? [12:17:01 UTC] 7w7 [12:17:04 UTC] t or d [12:17:22 UTC] t or d [12:17:30 UTC] d [12:17:43 UTC] d [12:17:46 UTC] ** SWEET_CANDY195 logged off. [12:18:06 UTC] i dareyou too tell me your secret [12:18:46 UTC] wow [12:19:15 UTC] fatnap do you onow anuone named moonrise [12:19:23 UTC] ** polokita logged on. [12:19:26 UTC] *catnap* [12:19:32 UTC] umm i think so why? [12:19:41 UTC] shes my friend [12:19:46 UTC] o [12:19:56 UTC] and my brothers gf [12:20:49 UTC] dede [12:21:02 UTC] ablas español? [12:21:03 UTC] ** eerrewr logged off. [12:21:10 UTC] afk [12:21:12 UTC] ** polokita logged off. [12:21:20 UTC] ok [12:21:52 UTC] come [12:22:37 UTC] wait are you girly pops bf [12:22:38 UTC] ** sarah logged on. [12:23:15 UTC] catnap [12:23:23 UTC] yes [12:23:39 UTC] ن [12:23:39 UTC] T-X? [12:23:42 UTC] join adventure time [12:23:46 UTC] yeah [12:23:57 UTC] join adventure time [12:24:00 UTC] o i cant for some reason [12:24:05 UTC] why [12:24:19 UTC] But tell me when you do there what do you do there? [12:24:50 UTC] dont worry im escaping jail [12:25:00 UTC] uou play in adventure time [12:25:07 UTC] its a pvp server [12:25:07 UTC] no [12:25:18 UTC] sadly [12:25:22 UTC] why [12:25:36 UTC] But I do play this war game [12:25:54 UTC] I think it's called bed wars [12:26:00 UTC] *falls on catnap* [12:26:08 UTC] OW [12:26:15 UTC] ** sarah logged off. [12:26:23 UTC] Aren't you a god with nine tails? [12:26:26 UTC] is bedwars in this kawaii world [12:26:35 UTC] yeah [12:26:49 UTC] lemme check one sec [12:26:53 UTC] ** beanie929 logged off. [12:27:05 UTC] BYE DEDE [12:27:38 UTC] ** beanie929 logged on. [12:27:38 UTC] hisses [12:27:47 UTC] ** X_Bianca_XfoxbluT_X logged off. [12:27:54 UTC] wanna join skywars babe? [12:28:01 UTC] sure [12:28:10 UTC] if im not there join this server [12:28:27 UTC] ** catnap logged off. [12:28:28 UTC] *kisses* see you there [12:28:30 UTC] ** beanie929 logged off. [12:28:48 UTC] ** 7LEUOWUOWUO0U179YE7 logged off. [12:28:56 UTC] ** sonic logged on. [12:29:03 UTC] ** sonic logged off. [12:29:16 UTC] ** sidjen logged on. [12:29:16 UTC] ** catnap logged on. [12:29:33 UTC] dogday [12:29:58 UTC] dogday [12:30:05 UTC] help me pls [12:30:08 UTC] Children are very d*** [12:30:12 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [12:30:22 UTC] starts to cry [12:31:28 UTC] ** beanie929 logged on. [12:31:34 UTC] i cant [12:31:42 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [12:31:47 UTC] wa wa whyy [12:31:59 UTC] im sorry stars to cry because they won't let me [12:32:20 UTC] im sorry [12:32:38 UTC] i told them that their dad went to get milk and never came back cause they didnt let you in [12:32:51 UTC] Starts to laugh [12:33:30 UTC] i see you [12:33:38 UTC] babahah [12:33:46 UTC] ** Baleigh logged on. [12:33:48 UTC] ** dede logged off. [12:33:52 UTC] how to get up there [12:34:14 UTC] How to get up where? [12:34:29 UTC] roof [12:34:32 UTC] o [12:34:36 UTC] Follow me [12:35:03 UTC] This Ruth or the other [12:36:08 UTC] what is that thing!!! [12:36:09 UTC] ** sidjen logged off. [12:36:16 UTC] A goblin [12:36:49 UTC] ** kissmyass logged on. [12:36:51 UTC] bor [12:36:59 UTC] bro [12:37:10 UTC] catnap lets be a miraculous couple [12:37:21 UTC] Miraculous like the movie [12:37:26 UTC] yes [12:37:32 UTC] ok [12:37:33 UTC] ladybug [12:37:39 UTC] yes [12:37:52 UTC] you change name to ladybug me cat noir [12:38:05 UTC] ok [12:38:07 UTC] ** beanie929 logged off. [12:38:14 UTC] ** kissmyass logged off. [12:38:27 UTC] ** kissmyass logged on. [12:38:27 UTC] ** catnap logged off. [12:39:21 UTC] ** catnoir82 logged on. [12:39:24 UTC] ** catnap logged on. [12:40:02 UTC] ** ELHJ logged on. [12:40:16 UTC] catnap you didnt change it ? [12:40:18 UTC] ** IPLO logged on. [12:40:34 UTC] ** vzgz logged on. [12:40:44 UTC] no for some reason [12:40:55 UTC] ** sleepyy logged on. [12:41:11 UTC] im sorry wait i have a idea change your name to dogday [12:41:18 UTC] ** catnoir82 logged off. [12:41:21 UTC] catnoir wanna be my friend [12:41:35 UTC] Catnap, do you wanna be my friend? [12:41:38 UTC] ** dogday82 logged on. [12:41:50 UTC] catnap and dogday like eachother [12:41:57 UTC] sure [12:42:01 UTC] ou [12:42:03 UTC] OK, would you like to live with me? [12:42:20 UTC] sure just hold on ok [12:42:28 UTC] WHAT [12:42:47 UTC] whats your talent [12:42:54 UTC] ** kissmyass logged off. [12:43:00 UTC] ): [12:43:05 UTC] ** kissmyass logged on. [12:43:31 UTC] :(((( [12:43:36 UTC] what? [12:43:56 UTC] ** sidjen logged on. [12:44:00 UTC] what's wrong [12:44:05 UTC] ** jejdcmcnclfvv logged on. [12:44:12 UTC] elhj wanna be my friend [12:44:17 UTC] your living with sleepy [12:44:26 UTC] you can too [12:44:32 UTC] ** sidjen logged off. [12:44:35 UTC] i dont want to [12:44:41 UTC] Why not? [12:44:52 UTC] i like my house [12:45:14 UTC] Is this your home? [12:45:14 UTC] ok then starts crying because of prototype [12:45:15 UTC] ** jejdcmcnclfvv logged off. [12:45:26 UTC] hold on ok [12:45:27 UTC] what [12:45:33 UTC] Is this your home? [12:45:41 UTC] yes [12:46:01 UTC] im ok prototyp [12:46:15 UTC] wheres prototyp [12:46:16 UTC] what? he my god [12:46:21 UTC] ** ELHJ logged off. [12:46:27 UTC] ** ELHJ logged on. [12:46:40 UTC] hes in my head [12:46:42 UTC] ** probarla logged on. [12:47:03 UTC] i have dreams of prototype almost killing me [12:47:41 UTC] wait opl hoin bwck [12:47:46 UTC] o he'd did but why [12:48:00 UTC] pretend he will kill me tomorrow [12:48:08 UTC] imma join back wiat [12:48:11 UTC] ** dogday82 logged off. [12:48:41 UTC] Catnap come to the spawn [12:48:47 UTC] ok [12:48:57 UTC] Would you like to see my house? [12:49:00 UTC] whats your telent [12:49:09 UTC] I don't know drawing [12:49:11 UTC] yeah sure [12:49:20 UTC] OK catnap come [12:49:21 UTC] hi [12:49:29 UTC] so idk know how to draw [12:49:30 UTC] Hi, would you like to be my friend? [12:49:53 UTC] OK, come on catnap [12:49:54 UTC] ** vzgz logged off. [12:49:57 UTC] maybe your like my friend crafty corn [12:50:36 UTC] So you can sleep in here [12:50:39 UTC] this is your house [12:50:48 UTC] ** probarla logged off. [12:50:54 UTC] yes, and I sleep in the other room [12:51:00 UTC] ok [12:51:08 UTC] Come, I'll show you where I sleep [12:51:21 UTC] o nice [12:51:34 UTC] And yeah [12:51:51 UTC] ** probarla logged on. [12:51:59 UTC] And if you want, this, is the guest bedroom [12:52:09 UTC] ok [12:52:26 UTC] How old are you catnap? [12:52:33 UTC] 13 u [12:52:52 UTC] I'm nine [12:53:04 UTC] o [12:53:15 UTC] ** emaskssjjshshshs logged on. [12:53:17 UTC] well cool;) [12:53:19 UTC] Is that OK with you? [12:53:28 UTC] yeah of course [12:53:43 UTC] ** Baleigh logged off. [12:53:48 UTC] ** kissmyass logged off. [12:53:52 UTC] im catnap form smiling critters [12:54:03 UTC] Should we go to bed now? [12:54:13 UTC] umm yeah [12:54:30 UTC] Come come [12:55:06 UTC] OK, good night [12:55:11 UTC] goodnight [12:55:37 UTC] Oh sorry I didn't mean to hit you [12:55:43 UTC] its ok [12:56:01 UTC] ** maaalaaak logged on. [12:56:57 UTC] ** kznk logged on. [12:57:07 UTC] ** Angala logged on. [12:57:24 UTC] ** catnap logged off. [12:57:49 UTC] ** sleepyy logged off. [12:59:01 UTC] ** maaalaaak logged off. [13:00:10 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [13:01:48 UTC] ** probarla logged off. [13:02:13 UTC] ** tttt logged on. [13:02:35 UTC] ** Issa2 logged on. [13:03:11 UTC] ** emaskssjjshshshs logged off. [13:03:36 UTC] ** asik1209 logged on. [13:04:25 UTC] ** lavendergirl126 logged on. [13:04:37 UTC] ** lavendergirl126 logged off. [13:04:44 UTC] ** Angala logged off. [13:04:49 UTC] ** Issa2 logged off. [13:05:15 UTC] ** asik1209 logged off. [13:05:34 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [13:05:40 UTC] hi [13:05:56 UTC] hi miss-circle [13:06:09 UTC] is anyone i know here? [13:06:26 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [13:06:43 UTC] miss circle is moonrise here [13:07:07 UTC] no [13:07:18 UTC] beanie? [13:07:47 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [13:08:06 UTC] ** tttt logged off. [13:08:12 UTC] ** kbipqefh88t31u92r9d logged on. [13:08:37 UTC] miss circle can you be prototype and catch me and kill me in game [13:09:00 UTC] how do i do that tho? [13:09:15 UTC] chase me in game and kill me [13:09:23 UTC] ** kznk logged off. [13:09:56 UTC] im at spawn [13:10:03 UTC] pretend im catnap [13:10:09 UTC] o [13:10:52 UTC] ** dajjnu logged on. [13:10:53 UTC] im at spawnnn [13:11:04 UTC] i fell.. [13:11:13 UTC] wheee [13:11:18 UTC] ** ELHJ logged off. [13:11:35 UTC] die in water [13:11:39 UTC] drown [13:11:46 UTC] y [13:11:55 UTC] we can go back up [13:12:11 UTC] alr but my swords are here [13:12:20 UTC] idk [13:13:00 UTC] ok one two three [13:13:12 UTC] afk [13:13:31 UTC] back [13:13:32 UTC] opp gtg [13:13:35 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [13:13:36 UTC] bye [13:15:07 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [13:16:19 UTC] ** dajjnu logged off. [13:16:22 UTC] ** sleepyy logged on. [13:17:12 UTC] ** yasmin logged on. [13:17:41 UTC] Does anyone wanna be my friend? [13:18:39 UTC] ** yasmin logged off. [13:18:41 UTC] ** paenut logged on. [13:19:24 UTC] hello [13:20:15 UTC] twinsies [13:20:25 UTC] ** probarla logged on. [13:20:36 UTC] hello?? [13:20:40 UTC] ** sleepyy logged off. [13:21:20 UTC] hello [13:21:23 UTC] ** paenut logged off. [13:21:53 UTC] ** m logged on. [13:23:15 UTC] ** ww logged on. [13:24:18 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [13:24:27 UTC] ** ww logged off. [13:25:13 UTC] hi [13:25:42 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [13:26:36 UTC] ** lovevook logged on. [13:27:32 UTC] ** m logged off. [13:27:57 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [13:29:16 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [13:29:33 UTC] ** probarla logged off. [13:29:33 UTC] ** kc logged on. [13:30:26 UTC] ** seann logged on. [13:30:42 UTC] ** probarla logged on. [13:31:22 UTC] SPSHMU KC IS THATYOU!? [13:32:21 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [13:34:22 UTC] ** kaiakaka logged on. [13:34:32 UTC] we're on your team mob [13:35:43 UTC] ** seann logged off. [13:36:51 UTC] ** kaiakaka logged off. [13:37:26 UTC] yall are crazy [13:37:36 UTC] stop chasing me [13:37:53 UTC] Where are you lovey? Whatever you are. [13:37:53 UTC] ** zhevril logged on. [13:38:29 UTC] I'm hiding [13:38:38 UTC] ** Moonrise logged on. [13:38:56 UTC] ** the_lol logged on. [13:39:05 UTC] ** emma33756666919 logged on. [13:39:19 UTC] halo [13:39:41 UTC] afk [13:40:29 UTC] yes I'm still alive watch out for those two crazy girls [13:41:07 UTC] ** Aviseracsa logged on. [13:42:05 UTC] ** Aviseracsa logged off. [13:43:31 UTC] how do I g3t food? [13:43:41 UTC] ** lovevook logged off. [13:44:03 UTC] ** Axel8 logged on. [13:44:30 UTC] ** moodie logged on. [13:44:32 UTC] ** probarla logged off. [13:44:40 UTC] ** kitty logged on. [13:46:13 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged on. [13:46:13 UTC] ** Moonrise logged off. [13:46:40 UTC] ** Moonrise logged on. [13:46:55 UTC] hi? [13:46:55 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged off. [13:47:12 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [13:47:25 UTC] NICO82? [13:47:26 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [13:47:30 UTC] hi moon! [13:47:30 UTC] a [13:47:34 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [13:47:34 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [13:47:43 UTC] i was look ing for you the whole day [13:47:44 UTC] hi babe [13:47:51 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged on. [13:47:56 UTC] i ssked circle beanie crhis george [13:48:09 UTC] why didnt you join [13:48:14 UTC] ? [13:48:16 UTC] i was bored [13:48:31 UTC] oh summer school [13:48:45 UTC] anyway what you doing irl [13:49:01 UTC] it's over now so I can spend more time with you [13:49:13 UTC] yey [13:49:23 UTC] is george heee [13:49:26 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [13:49:29 UTC] or crhiss [13:49:34 UTC] or paenut ally [13:49:48 UTC] oh eating sweets bc I got sweets for finishing summer school [13:49:59 UTC] NICE [13:50:11 UTC] ik [13:50:40 UTC] hello friends [13:50:46 UTC] ** Axel8 logged off. [13:51:12 UTC] moon come [13:51:26 UTC] ** EmmaHelenaSapphire logged on. [13:52:01 UTC] who want to be my friend [13:52:06 UTC] hi [13:52:13 UTC] hii moodie [13:52:15 UTC] i died [13:52:20 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [13:52:22 UTC] nuuu [13:52:29 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [13:52:52 UTC] hii [13:53:08 UTC] who want to be my friend [13:53:17 UTC] moonrise [13:53:20 UTC] hi [13:53:22 UTC] ? [13:53:27 UTC] is classmates here [13:53:28 UTC] hii [13:53:36 UTC] nu [13:54:18 UTC] moodie how old are you [13:54:50 UTC] ** yuttkini logged on. [13:55:42 UTC] ** emma33756666919 logged off. [13:55:47 UTC] help [13:55:48 UTC] come to spawn moon [13:55:53 UTC] moooooooon [13:56:36 UTC] ** kbipqefh88t31u92r9d logged off. [13:56:38 UTC] MOON WHEN I SAW YOUR NAME IN GAME I GOT EXCITED AND I ACCIDENTALLY BROKE MY MOMS FAV VASE [13:56:38 UTC] ** may logged on. [13:56:53 UTC] WAIT WHA [13:57:01 UTC] WHAT TO I DOOO [13:57:20 UTC] who want to be my boyfriend [13:57:30 UTC] say I NEVER DID IT [13:57:36 UTC] okay [13:57:42 UTC] babe want meat [13:57:54 UTC] thx [13:57:55 UTC] ** the_lol logged off. [13:57:57 UTC] nice couple [13:58:00 UTC] yw [13:58:04 UTC] ty [13:58:05 UTC] ** kc logged off. [13:58:19 UTC] I need a bf [13:58:27 UTC] find one sree [13:58:52 UTC] ** kitty logged off. [13:59:02 UTC] I KEEP HEARING POOPATY IN MY NEWS MY GRANPAS WATCHING UK NEWS LOL [13:59:20 UTC] oml ok [13:59:30 UTC] INSTEAD LF PUBARTY ITS POOPSRTY [13:59:47 UTC] LOL OML [13:59:52 UTC] LMAO [13:59:54 UTC] HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA [13:59:58 UTC] hi [13:59:59 UTC] nico be friends [14:00:08 UTC] what? [14:00:15 UTC] be friends. [14:00:37 UTC] ** suszy logged on. [14:00:47 UTC] okay WHY THE FCK ARE YOU STARING AT EACHOTHER [14:00:52 UTC] hi [14:00:57 UTC] hi [14:00:59 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged off. [14:01:18 UTC] SUZY CAME OUT OF NO WHERE NOW [14:01:23 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged on. [14:01:24 UTC] LMAO IRL [14:01:26 UTC] ** cc logged on. [14:01:39 UTC] what [14:01:44 UTC] what sree [14:01:44 UTC] can give me wood [14:01:49 UTC] no [14:02:00 UTC] babe kers get [14:02:03 UTC] moonrise you can give me wood [14:02:12 UTC] babe get inside house its crazy [14:02:16 UTC] what nico [14:02:19 UTC] je suis nouvelle [14:02:19 UTC] I HAVE NO WOOD [14:02:24 UTC] okk [14:02:33 UTC] cmon babe inside house leave theese aliens [14:02:42 UTC] where is everyone [14:02:44 UTC] they are cute couple [14:02:48 UTC] lmao irl [14:02:56 UTC] out alienn [14:03:07 UTC] lmao [14:03:10 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged off. [14:03:12 UTC] ** yuttkini logged off. [14:03:21 UTC] cc stop [14:03:36 UTC] ** moodie logged off. [14:03:46 UTC] moon gaurd back door ill gaurd front door [14:04:16 UTC] ** cc logged off. [14:04:25 UTC] she lft [14:04:36 UTC] Yay! [14:04:38 UTC] I can't find anyone [14:04:47 UTC] hi [14:04:50 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [14:04:52 UTC] hi [14:04:53 UTC] hi [14:05:00 UTC] HI MISS CIRCLE [14:05:05 UTC] moonrise joined [14:05:12 UTC] moon say hi [14:05:18 UTC] ** EmmaHelenaSapphire logged off. [14:05:19 UTC] hi [14:05:26 UTC] hi moonrise [14:05:29 UTC] hi [14:05:49 UTC] ** may logged off. [14:05:51 UTC] BEHIND YOU CIRCLE [14:05:57 UTC] ** cc logged on. [14:06:32 UTC] wtf [14:06:38 UTC] CARMENN [14:06:55 UTC] SANTIAGO [14:06:57 UTC] ** zhevril logged off. [14:06:59 UTC] ** cc logged off. [14:07:00 UTC] dont hurt the carmenn [14:07:17 UTC] i killed it [14:07:30 UTC] ** cc logged on. [14:07:33 UTC] moreee [14:07:37 UTC] T^T [14:07:39 UTC] NUUU [14:07:48 UTC] HELP [14:08:04 UTC] ** Indahqaseh102737 logged on. [14:08:10 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [14:08:27 UTC] ** cc logged off. [14:08:44 UTC] ** the_lol logged on. [14:09:24 UTC] *sleeps [14:09:26 UTC] ** Indahqaseh102737 logged off. [14:09:54 UTC] wtf [14:09:56 UTC] * wakes up at 6:00 AM* [14:10:23 UTC] gm babe [14:10:30 UTC] gm [14:10:44 UTC] ** hannah logged on. [14:10:48 UTC] ** emily logged on. [14:10:51 UTC] i hate nico [14:10:54 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [14:10:56 UTC] WHAT [14:11:11 UTC] *becomes sonic* [14:11:16 UTC] bad suszy bad [14:11:37 UTC] nothing [14:11:37 UTC] *dark mode activated [14:11:49 UTC] tf? [14:11:56 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [14:11:59 UTC] FCK YOU B*TCH SHUT YOUR FCKIN MOTH [14:12:07 UTC] aaaaaa [14:12:26 UTC] *chases suzy with a knife [14:12:41 UTC] wow I have never seen you so mad I am impressed [14:13:00 UTC] jowck [14:13:14 UTC] ** cc logged on. [14:13:30 UTC] ** jt3 logged on. [14:13:33 UTC] noooooo [14:13:37 UTC] OH NO THE ALIEN IS HERE [14:13:41 UTC] SOMEONE KILL THIS WOMAN [14:13:52 UTC] on it bae [14:14:31 UTC] *grabs an axe* [14:14:47 UTC] wtf [14:14:48 UTC] ** emily logged off. [14:15:06 UTC] SHUT THE FACK UP BSTICH [14:15:34 UTC] I really like you [14:15:40 UTC] SHUT UP [14:15:51 UTC] sorry [14:16:11 UTC] im tired im jusst gonna cuss [14:16:21 UTC] ** jt3 logged off. [14:16:25 UTC] im kill my self [14:16:28 UTC] babe I am coming to help [14:16:53 UTC] ** cc logged off. [14:16:54 UTC] i lost her [14:16:56 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [14:17:01 UTC] ** suszy logged off. [14:17:08 UTC] babe ill cuss you find her [14:17:20 UTC] she left [14:17:27 UTC] hi! [14:17:29 UTC] ** IPLO logged off. [14:17:45 UTC] YEAH ONE SEC IM BUYING A AXE FROM BLINKIT [14:17:49 UTC] IRL [14:17:57 UTC] AND IM GOING TO HER [14:18:05 UTC] IRL [14:18:22 UTC] babe tp me to you [14:18:54 UTC] not working [14:19:00 UTC] im at your house [14:19:02 UTC] damn [14:19:12 UTC] k I will come [14:19:51 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [14:19:59 UTC] Hola [14:20:18 UTC] hola [14:20:32 UTC] estoy buscando novia de la piel morocha o moren [14:20:34 UTC] morena [14:20:35 UTC] im jumping [14:20:51 UTC] dont worry i speak spanish [14:20:52 UTC] yay? [14:21:02 UTC] Hola soy nico [14:21:18 UTC] mucho gustos? [14:21:32 UTC] idk spanish [14:21:37 UTC] and shed gone [14:21:40 UTC] busco novia de la piel morocha o morena [14:21:45 UTC] como estas [14:21:52 UTC] bien [14:21:58 UTC] ** zgfchhbewe logged on. [14:22:00 UTC] mucho gusto [14:22:02 UTC] :) [14:22:06 UTC] oye kia [14:22:16 UTC] OML KIS [14:22:24 UTC] WHAT [14:22:35 UTC] KIA I DIDNT REMEMBER YOU [14:22:40 UTC] que [14:22:45 UTC] ** mayar555 logged on. [14:22:46 UTC] quiero una novia [14:22:56 UTC] .. [14:23:02 UTC] what? [14:23:08 UTC] i didnt read [14:23:22 UTC] ** pitinpianjupennpeo logged on. [14:23:25 UTC] ** zgfchhbewe logged off. [14:23:34 UTC] he wants a girlfriend [14:23:37 UTC] yes i do want [14:23:49 UTC] who Kia [14:23:58 UTC] wdym [14:24:02 UTC] ** mayar555 logged off. [14:24:18 UTC] maybe tomorrow when my mom leaves for vacation to uk [14:24:26 UTC] ** hannah logged off. [14:24:34 UTC] ok [14:24:51 UTC] wait I live in the uk [14:24:51 UTC] ** pitinpianjupennpeo logged off. [14:25:07 UTC] busco novia de la piel morocha o morena [14:25:11 UTC] alguna [14:25:25 UTC] ** Walty logged on. [14:26:16 UTC] necesito comida [14:26:22 UTC] WOW [14:26:26 UTC] me too [14:26:32 UTC] kia [14:26:34 UTC] :O [14:26:36 UTC] si [14:26:44 UTC] quiero una novia de la piel morocha o morena [14:26:44 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [14:27:07 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [14:27:18 UTC] no puedo leer español rápido [14:27:28 UTC] wanna join another server like nasa [14:27:31 UTC] Aphmou r u real? [14:27:34 UTC] JT2 [14:27:40 UTC] shes not [14:27:42 UTC] ok hoin ansa [14:27:42 UTC] I got banned on nasa [14:27:47 UTC] WHYYY [14:27:49 UTC] ** lavendergirl126 logged on. [14:27:57 UTC] I swore too much [14:27:58 UTC] KIA WHAT WAS THAT FOR [14:28:02 UTC] lol [14:28:09 UTC] R u real? [14:28:13 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [14:28:18 UTC] walty shes not [14:28:19 UTC] ** kc logged on. [14:28:19 UTC] KIA IM GONNA SAY FCK YOU IN SPANISH [14:28:26 UTC] ONE SEC [14:28:35 UTC] Oh ok [14:28:41 UTC] nvm i wont [14:28:46 UTC] Ya [14:28:49 UTC] ** lavendergirl126 logged off. [14:28:59 UTC] which nasa [14:29:10 UTC] nasa. gov [14:29:25 UTC] KIS WHY SRE YOU HERE [14:29:40 UTC] this was my house first lol [14:29:42 UTC] BAE GET KIA OUT [14:30:00 UTC] BAE ! [14:30:01 UTC] moony is my daughter [14:30:03 UTC] I need a home : ( [14:30:19 UTC] OH WAIT YOUR THE FCKIN REAVHER [14:30:25 UTC] unfortunately she's right [14:30:31 UTC] SCHOOL TIME BAE [14:30:35 UTC] k [14:30:44 UTC] ** kc logged off. [14:30:48 UTC] Idk how to craft [14:30:51 UTC] wait I am hungy [14:30:56 UTC] Or make a home [14:31:45 UTC] r u the real aphmau? [14:32:01 UTC] shes not [14:32:04 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [14:32:13 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [14:32:15 UTC] aphmua doesn't join online servers [14:32:18 UTC] Morris can you kill me [14:32:18 UTC] k but I am at spawn [14:32:38 UTC] ** mejor8 logged on. [14:32:41 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [14:32:42 UTC] Morris can you kill me 梁 [14:32:53 UTC] aphamu stfu [14:32:55 UTC] MORRIS [14:33:10 UTC] ** kc logged on. [14:33:13 UTC] who tf is Morris? [14:33:32 UTC] ** lulaplayz logged on. [14:33:33 UTC] ** Dragonplaz logged on. [14:33:46 UTC] at your house [14:33:51 UTC] ** Walty logged off. [14:34:01 UTC] /spawn [14:34:04 UTC] I at spawn [14:34:30 UTC] ** Enkhriilen logged on. [14:36:59 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [14:37:37 UTC] ** kc logged off. [14:37:40 UTC] ** vjchdhf logged on. [14:38:05 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [14:38:07 UTC] ** Noranxxx_ logged on. [14:38:23 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [14:38:28 UTC] ** fhfghgfgcfgffyyhghv logged on. [14:38:40 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [14:38:42 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [14:38:54 UTC] KIA ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL WE ALMOST REACHED [14:39:01 UTC] ** kc logged on. [14:39:16 UTC] ** Valeriya_Ice logged on. [14:39:24 UTC] No im not going us you keep yelling [14:39:30 UTC] ** Enkhriilen logged off. [14:39:39 UTC] its time for school [14:39:43 UTC] ** Noranxxx_ logged off. [14:39:49 UTC] ** Noranxxx_ logged on. [14:40:08 UTC] ** Ezy_Seagers logged on. [14:40:21 UTC] which way to school kia [14:40:25 UTC] tpr to me [14:40:31 UTC] nope [14:40:43 UTC]  [14:40:46 UTC] im not going [14:40:51 UTC] moonrisea [14:41:00 UTC] moonrise ask your mom to come [14:41:00 UTC] ? [14:41:06 UTC] ** melody logged on. [14:41:12 UTC] hi [14:41:23 UTC] Mom can you please come to school [14:41:29 UTC] ** Noranxxx_ logged off. [14:41:32 UTC] you want what do  [14:41:34 UTC] HEEE MOON [14:41:34 UTC] im upgrading my house [14:41:41 UTC] so no [14:41:41 UTC] ky [14:41:49 UTC] hi everyone! [14:41:56 UTC] hi! [14:42:05 UTC] melody can you be the teacher of our school [14:42:05 UTC] ** saira_quadro logged on. [14:42:21 UTC] PLEASE! [14:42:29 UTC] oml the signs [14:42:34 UTC] bruh.. no [14:43:05 UTC] OML [14:43:05 UTC] aphmou i love ur videos [14:43:20 UTC] ** saira_quadro logged off. [14:43:20 UTC] APAH,U [14:43:22 UTC] not aphmua [14:43:28 UTC] ** melody logged off. [14:43:30 UTC] Kia please [14:43:31 UTC] hi aphmou [14:43:39 UTC] its not her lol [14:43:46 UTC] please kiaaa [14:43:53 UTC] I SAID NO [14:44:09 UTC] bae do somthing! [14:44:23 UTC] i will if i get done upgrading my house fast [14:44:31 UTC] umm what's 12x12!? [14:44:51 UTC] kc i love u [14:44:55 UTC] 144 [14:44:57 UTC] .. your a teen not a teacher [14:45:05 UTC] aphmou i love ur vids [14:45:13 UTC] its not her [14:45:24 UTC] ... [14:45:48 UTC] WHO WANTS TO BE OUR TEACHER? [14:46:06 UTC] ok im done with my house [14:46:17 UTC] ** pompom1 logged on. [14:46:22 UTC] the signs tho [14:47:03 UTC] i wish kia listend [14:47:14 UTC] insent tp [14:47:22 UTC] i [14:47:30 UTC] sit bae [14:48:03 UTC] ok what subject first? [14:48:09 UTC] math [14:48:13 UTC] kay [14:48:39 UTC] what is 56-7 [14:48:52 UTC] 49 [14:48:52 UTC] 49? [14:48:56 UTC] yes [14:49:11 UTC] did not even know the answer i just randomly guessed [14:49:13 UTC] 78+9 [14:49:23 UTC] 81? [14:49:44 UTC] 87 [14:49:44 UTC] moon [14:50:00 UTC] ? [14:50:15 UTC] ** isa logged on. [14:50:30 UTC] yes [14:50:33 UTC] ** thaii logged on. [14:50:34 UTC] 87 [14:50:47 UTC] SIT DOWN [14:51:18 UTC] next is spanish class [14:51:24 UTC] re [14:51:26 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [14:51:38 UTC] 1000/2 [14:52:02 UTC] put it back [14:52:22 UTC] i threw it [14:52:35 UTC] 1000/2 [14:52:39 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [14:52:43 UTC] ** sema logged on. [14:52:46 UTC] WHAT 10000/2 [14:52:55 UTC] 1000/2 [14:53:04 UTC] is 500 [14:53:05 UTC] SHUT UP [14:53:19 UTC] your just dumb [14:53:25 UTC] 5 [14:53:26 UTC] stfu [14:53:27 UTC] anyways [14:53:42 UTC] no cussing [14:53:52 UTC] idc [14:54:05 UTC] check the signs [14:54:20 UTC] hello [14:54:23 UTC] 250÷2 [14:54:35 UTC] sit [14:54:55 UTC] you have five hearts [14:55:03 UTC] shut up [14:55:12 UTC] you have four heart [14:55:16 UTC] 125 [14:55:28 UTC] someone end this school [14:55:33 UTC] you have five heart [14:55:43 UTC] ** thaii logged off. [14:55:53 UTC] help [14:55:58 UTC] ** fhfghgfgcfgffyyhghv logged off. [14:55:59 UTC] next is count to five in Spanish [14:56:01 UTC] ** sema logged off. [14:56:12 UTC] uno dos tres quatro cinco [14:56:23 UTC] good now moony [14:56:30 UTC] uno duos [14:56:37 UTC] uno dos [14:56:41 UTC] umm [14:56:51 UTC] thats 1 ..2 [14:56:57 UTC] tres [14:57:03 UTC] 3 [14:57:08 UTC] quatro [14:57:15 UTC] cinco. [14:57:32 UTC] ** semasuuu logged on. [14:57:34 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [14:57:54 UTC] whats nextt [14:57:56 UTC] ** kc logged off. [14:58:06 UTC] ** pompom1 logged off. [14:58:13 UTC] ** semasuuu logged off. [14:58:25 UTC] ** vjchdhf logged off. [14:58:32 UTC] ** alaito logged on. [14:58:40 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [14:58:46 UTC] shoo [14:59:04 UTC] uno dos tred quatro cinco [14:59:05 UTC] HEYY [14:59:15 UTC] ** isa logged off. [14:59:32 UTC] afk i ste a chili irl [14:59:39 UTC] I'm hungry [15:00:52 UTC] lemme say radom numbers in an radom order [15:01:19 UTC] eqd nbrf gbgued whyhuhndnssadh h hgkdasukhbasd abh sd sdha jj hbsda bsjd h ajb ds hajas dbsacdbbascejbbacsdbbasdcbbshhdcsdhnbjcsdcquhjiref ingy [15:01:32 UTC] 07552693810 [15:01:36 UTC] bghgxczygguxzscgusxzygguscscszguxguggcssugscsghgsxhsbgshgbsgsschbgchsbgcshgbschgbgschbggshggbghbsghggsbchgbgsschggbhggbcsbhggscghbgschgsgcbddgshbcdggbghsdschygbscxshbyscxgbhssxcbbhgscbghschbgscdhbyscscshbgschsgbdhbgdsccgbhsdcghbsdcchhbsdh [15:02:01 UTC] scdjctgbjgsybdccbgjycs dugbydcsgjybcdcsjgbyccsdgucbydcsgjbyscdcuyg sugys dsud ygbyyuhsddcyihsdiseydysddycusyugddcyydydgdsjb hvffa dj nkdcs. mkljssvfeijmosfvdkjfjmdvjkdvjkvfdcjkd,jcdmcmjmdcjmcdjmdcnmcdmncdndc n cd nscnms nmscjmscjsdkjdskjs [15:02:33 UTC] is school over? [15:02:34 UTC] dhb ke chb. kbbd chakbhbsc dj hdbc. bvjbgfdsgbjhsdvjhgb fsdbghjfs dnghjsdf ygjhsdfcjbygfdscfrjvsgbysfvbrgyjjvbgyfsrfgjryscbsrfgyjbv4# gbyjrsfgbiysr bgsjcryfjgbfysfyjbgvgddgbryjgadd bigygy bifadiby gfdsibygfvsrigybdfsvbiguvsfdybgfvsdbyigv [15:02:42 UTC] ig it is [15:02:55 UTC] k I am going homw [15:03:09 UTC] kk [15:03:21 UTC] ** mejor8 logged off. [15:03:26 UTC] im going to my house not your house [15:03:28 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [15:03:34 UTC] k [15:03:46 UTC] ** MAMAMAMAAMAMAAMAAAM logged on. [15:05:13 UTC] ** Ezy_Seagers logged off. [15:05:39 UTC] всем привет [15:05:51 UTC] рр [15:06:55 UTC] ** RIVER_JJ logged on. [15:06:56 UTC] ** Valeriya_Ice logged off. [15:06:59 UTC] moon [15:07:06 UTC] ? [15:07:19 UTC] ph tn [15:07:26 UTC] gn [15:07:34 UTC] ** RIVER_JJ logged off. [15:07:41 UTC] ? [15:08:10 UTC] ищу друзей пиши 123 [15:09:05 UTC] ** MAMAMAMAAMAMAAMAAAM logged off. [15:09:25 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [15:09:32 UTC] ** saeeeee logged on. [15:09:48 UTC] zzzz [15:09:51 UTC] zzzzz [15:09:54 UTC] zzz [15:09:56 UTC] zzzz [15:09:58 UTC] zzzz [15:10:47 UTC] ** saeeeee logged off. [15:11:38 UTC] who tf is in my home? [15:11:46 UTC] ** the_lol logged off. [15:11:52 UTC] me [15:11:57 UTC] and me [15:12:00 UTC] oh om [15:12:31 UTC] ** mia logged on. [15:12:43 UTC] (becomes sick) [15:12:51 UTC] ** rrrrdgcc logged on. [15:12:51 UTC] oh noo [15:13:05 UTC] (wakes up) [15:13:17 UTC] (coughs) [15:13:21 UTC] ** Andrew logged on. [15:13:24 UTC] ** wommo logged on. [15:13:35 UTC] mmmm I don't feel well [15:14:13 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [15:14:59 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [15:15:19 UTC] EEEEEE [15:15:24 UTC] hi [15:15:34 UTC] HELICOPTER HELICOPTERRR [15:15:40 UTC] ** rrrrdgcc logged off. [15:15:46 UTC] hun [15:16:10 UTC] CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA CHAPA [15:16:24 UTC] HELICOPTER HELICOPTERRRR [15:16:29 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [15:16:38 UTC] EEEEEE EEEEE EE E EE [15:16:47 UTC] HELICOPTER HELICOPTERRRR [15:16:51 UTC] ** Jqsoksks logged on. [15:16:56 UTC] hi [15:17:08 UTC] CHIPI CHIPI CHPA HPA [15:17:14 UTC] oh ya [15:17:16 UTC] (says sickly) luvi luvi lava lava dupi dupi dupi boom boom boom [15:17:17 UTC] who are you [15:17:22 UTC] ** iluha logged on. [15:17:39 UTC] WE LIVE SE LOVE WE LIE POOP POOP POOP POOP [15:17:43 UTC] callarse la boca [15:17:57 UTC] hunny? [15:18:11 UTC] ** Dragonplaz logged off. [15:18:18 UTC] ** 149898oO logged on. [15:18:25 UTC] ** Dragonplaz logged on. [15:18:31 UTC] help me [15:18:39 UTC] hello [15:18:43 UTC] EEEEEEEEE E E E E E E E E E L [15:19:01 UTC] ** Haika logged on. [15:19:03 UTC] ** Dragonplaz logged off. [15:19:13 UTC] AMDNBXHS GATESGDDZ FYCDA TFTCHREWSWC UFCSW TFUFUYV SWTYUVSDcHTFDSCDT CFUsT FDDSHvh ACDSC FGDSC AHVVVTH SWXSHGAGAXVHSTVGFsvvxsvgfxsvxgssvfysxs [15:19:13 UTC] hun I think I am sick [15:19:15 UTC] ** Dragonplaz logged on. [15:19:19 UTC] ** ally logged on. [15:19:21 UTC] ** Dragonplaz logged off. [15:19:22 UTC] callarse la boca [15:19:26 UTC] ** lulaplayz logged off. [15:19:27 UTC] moonrise you ok?? [15:19:30 UTC] ally kia moon is heeeee [15:19:31 UTC] sl [15:19:34 UTC] yay [15:19:37 UTC] ** 149898oO logged off. [15:19:42 UTC] I am sick [15:19:42 UTC] moon how ade you sick tho [15:19:44 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [15:19:50 UTC] ** Jqsoksks logged off. [15:19:51 UTC] idk [15:20:04 UTC] * gives instant relif medi* [15:20:15 UTC] ** iluha logged off. [15:20:23 UTC] (takes does not work) [15:20:23 UTC] YOUR NOR SICK ANYMORE SCHOOL TIME ALLY AND MOONRISE [15:20:33 UTC] it worked [15:20:33 UTC] ** Haika logged off. [15:20:35 UTC] really [15:20:38 UTC] nope [15:20:43 UTC] your not green anymore [15:20:47 UTC] school time [15:20:53 UTC] ** Reina___Azuky logged on. [15:20:59 UTC] ok [15:21:00 UTC] ok ok [15:21:01 UTC] im not the teacher [15:21:08 UTC] ally and moon type /spawn [15:21:11 UTC] same [15:21:13 UTC] (throws up) [15:21:15 UTC] YOU SRE DUMBO KIS [15:21:26 UTC] MOONRISE COME [15:21:35 UTC] k [15:21:37 UTC] que nico [15:21:53 UTC] whats que? [15:22:24 UTC] it means what. i thought you knew spanish [15:22:33 UTC] ** LA-LETI-xd logged on. [15:22:38 UTC] were are you all [15:22:41 UTC] ? [15:22:46 UTC] heading tl scgool [15:23:09 UTC] help bae [15:23:14 UTC] HOLAAAA [15:23:19 UTC] Hola [15:23:20 UTC] BAE [15:23:26 UTC] ALGUIEN SPANISH ? [15:23:31 UTC] HOLAA LETI [15:23:34 UTC] un poco [15:23:41 UTC] HOLA COMO ESTAS [15:23:48 UTC] BIEM [15:23:50 UTC] (yeets nico onto land) [15:23:53 UTC] BIEN BIEN [15:23:54 UTC] BIEN Y TU? [15:24:01 UTC] bien y tu [15:24:04 UTC] SOY NICO [15:24:14 UTC] mia wtf [15:24:20 UTC] ME ALEGRO AZUKY YO BIEN TMB [15:24:30 UTC] wat?? [15:24:33 UTC] Gracias,igualmente [15:24:34 UTC] KIA TEACHER GO TO CLASS ALLY HEAD TO SCHOOL [15:24:44 UTC] :) [15:24:44 UTC] GO GO GO [15:24:49 UTC] come here mia [15:24:56 UTC] COMO TE LLAMAS AZUKY ME CONOCES ? [15:25:03 UTC] (throws up) [15:25:03 UTC] AMIGASS [15:25:20 UTC] MIA [15:25:21 UTC] ** George85 logged on. [15:25:23 UTC] whyy [15:25:26 UTC] where [15:25:28 UTC] Si si te conosco,pero no quiero que sepan quien spy [15:25:31 UTC] my house [15:25:31 UTC] hi [15:25:34 UTC] in a minute [15:25:36 UTC] gerge is jere george ally school time [15:25:38 UTC] ? [15:25:39 UTC] now [15:25:43 UTC] ITS SCHOOL TIME [15:25:44 UTC] ok [15:25:47 UTC] ok im heading there [15:25:50 UTC] DIMELO NO DIRE A NADIE TE LO PROMETO [15:25:50 UTC] i am at school [15:25:59 UTC] POSTA Q NO DIRE [15:26:03 UTC] DIME X PRIV [15:26:09 UTC] Babe wait for me [15:26:10 UTC] Ah OKay [15:26:20 UTC] babe what [15:26:30 UTC] moon is my gf [15:26:30 UTC] kia you a fake friend so no [15:26:38 UTC] tf [15:26:40 UTC] what the f** y [15:26:52 UTC] what [15:26:54 UTC] ? [15:26:57 UTC] Moony comee [15:27:01 UTC] mia you stole my stuff [15:27:06 UTC] same [15:27:14 UTC] (throws up) [15:27:15 UTC] AAA JAJAJA PERO XQ NO QUIERES Q NADIE SEPA [15:27:26 UTC] TE PELEASTE CON ALGUIEN AMIGA [15:27:27 UTC] XQ No [15:27:30 UTC] xD [15:27:33 UTC] she took my bed a some stuff in my chest [15:27:41 UTC] XD OKAY OKAY XD [15:27:41 UTC] same [15:27:42 UTC] dit [15:27:51 UTC] how would I get there [15:27:56 UTC] Voy a Cambiar mi cuenta otravez [15:27:56 UTC] GRACIAS X DARME UNA IDEA YO TMB ARE XD [15:27:57 UTC] and broke my house [15:28:01 UTC] george ally where armeyou mia [15:28:15 UTC] how would I get there kia [15:28:20 UTC] Que idea? [15:28:26 UTC] tpr to me guys [15:28:29 UTC] tp? [15:28:36 UTC] DE CAMBIARME DE NOMBRE Y Q NADIE SEPA QUIEN SOY XD [15:28:39 UTC] tp [15:28:42 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [15:28:45 UTC] XD [15:29:00 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> A Cambiar mi actitud otravez [15:29:07 UTC] bae george finally arrived [15:29:13 UTC] ally too [15:29:13 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [15:29:14 UTC] TJ YO VOY VOLVER A SER SANTA XD [15:29:20 UTC] mkay [15:29:24 UTC] jajaj [15:29:28 UTC] dumbo george comee [15:29:39 UTC] MI BOQUITA ANDABA MUY SUCIA XD [15:29:48 UTC] xD [15:29:55 UTC] ow [15:29:58 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [15:30:03 UTC] Okay [15:30:04 UTC] EN GERMAN [15:30:06 UTC] ok [15:30:14 UTC] Me tengo que ir [15:30:23 UTC] GEORGE [15:30:23 UTC] OKAAA BYEEEEEEE [15:30:26 UTC] Chau Cuidate. [15:30:27 UTC] ** Reina___Azuky logged off. [15:30:31 UTC] ** LA-LETI-xd logged off. [15:30:37 UTC] ** Alexandri logged on. [15:30:50 UTC] :) [15:31:15 UTC] George85 come [15:31:20 UTC] stop [15:31:30 UTC] ** wommo logged off. [15:31:38 UTC] ** George85 logged off. [15:31:43 UTC] (Throws up on George85) [15:32:04 UTC] ** Andrew logged off. [15:32:19 UTC] kicks allys balls [15:32:22 UTC] ** Alexandri logged off. [15:32:42 UTC] stut up [15:33:02 UTC] i dont shut up i grow up and when i look st you i throw up [15:33:22 UTC] (kisses nico4568) [15:33:57 UTC] (: [15:34:24 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [15:34:24 UTC] moon slly left [15:34:34 UTC] ok [15:34:36 UTC] ally georgee [15:34:41 UTC] yes [15:34:49 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [15:34:51 UTC] mia ally come to class [15:34:57 UTC] no [15:34:58 UTC] no [15:35:02 UTC] no im not nico [15:35:09 UTC] NOW BITCH* [15:35:22 UTC] (throws up) [15:35:35 UTC] th [15:35:39 UTC] moonrise go home imma belt theese fckers [15:35:41 UTC] hi ally... [15:35:46 UTC] hi mia [15:35:50 UTC] ** the_lol logged on. [15:35:52 UTC] NICO [15:35:56 UTC] you fcken idiots come down [15:36:02 UTC] what [15:36:06 UTC] no [15:36:15 UTC] BITCH**** [15:36:23 UTC] you sweared in chat [15:36:29 UTC] ** ally logged off. [15:36:29 UTC] ikk [15:36:37 UTC] shes dumb [15:36:38 UTC] nico is bad teacher [15:36:43 UTC] ** ally logged on. [15:36:45 UTC] lets go kill him [15:36:49 UTC] how tf did you swear? [15:36:53 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [15:36:55 UTC] ok [15:37:31 UTC] ty [15:37:43 UTC] ** 807oy78888888 logged on. [15:37:43 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [15:37:57 UTC] moon go home and rest [15:37:59 UTC] Oml I am gonna starve to death in game [15:38:05 UTC] ok [15:38:25 UTC] (theo [15:38:25 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [15:38:29 UTC] ha [15:38:35 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [15:38:35 UTC] (throws up) [15:38:48 UTC] hah [15:38:53 UTC] babe g [15:38:58 UTC] ayoo [15:39:03 UTC] yay [15:39:07 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [15:39:15 UTC] ** nico4568 logged on. [15:39:23 UTC] <807oy78888888> udah gak [15:39:26 UTC] ** 807oy78888888 logged off. [15:39:29 UTC] come [15:39:32 UTC] babe you have anything like a sword [15:39:35 UTC] (coughs hardly) [15:39:40 UTC] come [15:39:43 UTC] ally [15:39:48 UTC] ok [15:39:48 UTC] ** Christian123 logged on. [15:39:54 UTC] I have a wood sword but I am homs [15:39:54 UTC] oh hi [15:39:55 UTC] CURSE YOU MIA AND ALLY [15:40:02 UTC] hi =) [15:40:04 UTC] oh hi [15:40:07 UTC] give me [15:40:09 UTC] hi [15:40:10 UTC] ??? [15:40:13 UTC] babe please [15:40:19 UTC] tysm [15:40:26 UTC] come nico gunna kill us [15:40:33 UTC] ok [15:41:01 UTC] mia ally want some apples? [15:41:09 UTC] (throws up) [15:41:10 UTC] can I have it [15:41:10 UTC] noo I have meat [15:41:17 UTC] yes [15:41:23 UTC] come meet me at spawn [15:41:23 UTC] hes tricking you ally! [15:41:28 UTC] no or yes [15:41:33 UTC] mo i have apples [15:41:40 UTC] come meet me [15:41:42 UTC] he said you want apples so he could kill u [15:41:47 UTC] ni [15:41:48 UTC] no [15:41:49 UTC] no ill feed ya [15:41:55 UTC] this [15:41:56 UTC] i have bananas apples and lots [15:42:01 UTC] come [15:42:10 UTC] ally come moonrise didnt give ma anything's [15:42:10 UTC] ok [15:42:27 UTC] nico I dont care [15:42:32 UTC] ALLY [15:42:43 UTC] what [15:42:44 UTC] nico shut up [15:42:55 UTC] come to dpswn moonrise aants you [15:43:01 UTC] your a mean teacher nico [15:43:05 UTC] moonrise wants you [15:43:15 UTC] ik not a teacher [15:43:15 UTC] dont liee!!! [15:43:22 UTC] MOONRISE WNTS YOU [15:43:30 UTC] wdym I am at home cuz I am sick [15:43:31 UTC] not true stupid nico! [15:43:34 UTC] SORRY MOONRISE THEY ARE MEAN [15:43:40 UTC] ok [15:43:52 UTC] ally no hes tricking you! [15:43:56 UTC] help [15:44:05 UTC] SHES WAITING [15:44:17 UTC] come here [15:44:22 UTC] no [15:44:24 UTC] never [15:44:39 UTC] shes waiting up [15:44:45 UTC] here [15:44:48 UTC] why [15:44:49 UTC] help mia [15:44:51 UTC] I am with nico waiting for you [15:44:59 UTC] one sec [15:45:05 UTC] ill be back [15:45:08 UTC] miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [15:45:15 UTC] ally say /spawn [15:45:24 UTC] (coughs hardly) [15:45:26 UTC] i am freee [15:45:37 UTC] were are you [15:45:40 UTC] are you ok [15:45:46 UTC] nope [15:45:51 UTC] yes were are you? [15:45:58 UTC] i was trying to mine the bones idiot [15:45:59 UTC] been sick for so long [15:46:20 UTC] mia is mean she doesnt care [15:46:23 UTC] none of the bones have things in them [15:46:26 UTC] I doo [15:46:28 UTC] im sorry moon [15:46:30 UTC] ** blablablalallllppxx logged on. [15:46:36 UTC] it's ok [15:46:39 UTC] mia come [15:46:42 UTC] nobody loves you except me [15:46:46 UTC] ok.. [15:46:53 UTC] ): [15:46:59 UTC] wow so sweet not [15:47:01 UTC] well [15:47:06 UTC] lol [15:47:10 UTC] paenut and me [15:47:12 UTC] IDC ANYMORE! [15:47:28 UTC] come mia [15:47:45 UTC] t [15:47:54 UTC] bro how [15:48:01 UTC] tap on the sit [15:48:05 UTC] ** Christian123 logged off. [15:48:44 UTC] IGNORE MIS [15:48:50 UTC] sorry [15:48:52 UTC] IGNORE MIA AND ALLY [15:48:59 UTC] YA [15:49:10 UTC] i hate you [15:49:10 UTC] THEY ARE BRATS [15:49:17 UTC] IGNORE ALL THE BULLY'S AND HATERS ALWAYS [15:49:21 UTC] STFU BIT* [15:49:36 UTC] nico your a f u c k I mg fake friend so I. dont care [15:50:04 UTC] was i evr your f u c k i n g friend b i t c h [15:50:15 UTC] no right [15:50:18 UTC] mia [15:50:27 UTC] SO SHUT THE F U C K UPPPP! [15:50:30 UTC] (throws up) [15:50:42 UTC] moonrise you ok? [15:50:45 UTC] moonrise here is vomiting medicine [15:50:53 UTC] ignore mis and ally [15:51:03 UTC] (takes me dice) [15:51:08 UTC] you spelled my name wrong [15:51:13 UTC] IDC [15:51:17 UTC] what [15:51:21 UTC] go back to kindergarten [15:51:28 UTC] SHUT UP MIS [15:51:31 UTC] mis [15:51:34 UTC] MIA [15:51:41 UTC] go to hell nico [15:51:44 UTC] babe shes hitting me [15:51:53 UTC] ** blablablalallllppxx logged off. [15:52:08 UTC] babe do somthing about that b i t c h [15:52:27 UTC] I can't I'm too sick [15:52:43 UTC] *crys* [15:52:49 UTC] ** nico4568 logged off. [15:52:58 UTC] i wont kill you [15:53:03 UTC] ** nico45 logged on. [15:53:13 UTC] I AM SORRY OK BUT MY LIFE IS HARD ENOUGH [15:53:15 UTC] not you [15:53:19 UTC] bro I know thats ya nico [15:53:28 UTC] MOONRISE I GOT WEPONS [15:53:30 UTC] ** the_lol logged off. [15:53:42 UTC] ok [15:53:42 UTC] *crys* [15:53:44 UTC] I CSN FINALLY KICK THEESE B I T C H E S A S S [15:53:52 UTC] stop!!!!!! [15:53:52 UTC] run [15:53:53 UTC] you are safe i won't kill you [15:54:09 UTC] everyone stop fighting!!! [15:54:16 UTC] ok [15:54:18 UTC] STFU B I T C H [15:54:24 UTC] ** Karabo logged on. [15:54:27 UTC] moonrise IGNORE THEM [15:54:33 UTC] you gonna change skin? [15:54:35 UTC] no one ever listens except ally [15:54:40 UTC] eist [15:54:45 UTC] doesn't [15:54:47 UTC] yeah [15:54:49 UTC] ** 7w7saik logged on. [15:54:56 UTC] ** alaito logged off. [15:55:00 UTC] F U C K E R S [15:55:04 UTC] Imma go to sleep [15:55:10 UTC] okay gn [15:55:35 UTC] i am sorry [15:55:46 UTC] * in mind i hate them* [15:55:50 UTC] mornin [15:55:57 UTC] mornin hun [15:56:10 UTC] (throws up) [15:56:12 UTC] i wont killl both of you please [15:56:19 UTC] gives medi [15:56:25 UTC] *crys* [15:56:28 UTC] (takes) [15:56:37 UTC] (coughs hardly) [15:56:42 UTC] gives water [15:56:49 UTC] (drinks) [15:57:01 UTC] *crys loudly* [15:57:16 UTC] I feel more horrible then yesterday [15:57:26 UTC] oh noo [15:57:28 UTC] here get better gift [15:57:38 UTC] no one on the server could ever be nice except my friends *crys loudly* [15:57:50 UTC] me [15:57:52 UTC] (crys hardly) [15:58:00 UTC] mia me [15:58:16 UTC] (crys) [15:58:20 UTC] moonrise [15:58:23 UTC] come her [15:58:33 UTC] hospiatal [15:58:39 UTC] get in. car [15:58:41 UTC] mia are you at your house [15:58:49 UTC] *drives [15:58:55 UTC] ya whatever (crys) [15:58:58 UTC] we arrvied [15:59:39 UTC] (crys) [15:59:46 UTC] are you ok [16:00:17 UTC] are you ok [16:00:26 UTC] nope [16:00:30 UTC] n-no [16:00:49 UTC] please stop [16:00:50 UTC] moonrise the docter said your not sick anymore [16:01:07 UTC] (crys) [16:01:12 UTC] ** vayo logged on. [16:01:16 UTC] wdym I still feel terrible [16:01:39 UTC] afk [16:01:40 UTC] (crys) [16:01:54 UTC] mia i /tar you [16:02:11 UTC] what (crys) [16:02:24 UTC] im back moon [16:02:24 UTC] mia i /tpr you [16:02:32 UTC] folliw me [16:02:41 UTC] but you need a tp staff [16:02:44 UTC] I still feel terrible [16:02:49 UTC] oh [16:03:30 UTC] docter said your better comw [16:03:50 UTC] WDYM I FEEL TERRIBLE [16:03:55 UTC] ** rikjll logged on. [16:03:57 UTC] ** 7w7saik logged off. [16:04:20 UTC] TF [16:04:22 UTC] what [16:04:35 UTC] ** vayo logged off. [16:04:41 UTC] how do you feel [16:04:42 UTC] ally where are you [16:04:43 UTC] TF [16:04:50 UTC] TERRIBLE [16:04:50 UTC] ALLY OUT [16:05:07 UTC] ** DR125 logged on. [16:05:08 UTC] i am at the /spawn [16:05:18 UTC] oh this you [16:05:30 UTC] what? [16:05:38 UTC] keep ally and mia out [16:05:40 UTC] tf? [16:05:56 UTC] SKELLIE [16:06:22 UTC] ** Karabo logged off. [16:06:31 UTC] afk [16:06:43 UTC] mia come to the /spawn [16:06:57 UTC] SKELLIE! [16:06:58 UTC] ** Karabo logged on. [16:07:05 UTC] ** ally logged off. [16:07:05 UTC] ** DR125 logged off. [16:07:08 UTC] I didnt [16:07:47 UTC] ** Itzel07 logged on. [16:08:13 UTC] ** nico45 logged off. [16:08:42 UTC] ** Itzel07 logged off. [16:08:46 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged on. [16:09:24 UTC] ** j94fienfiqwe0neifun logged on. [16:09:35 UTC] ** rikjll logged off. [16:10:12 UTC] ** FRUtiecheery logged on. [16:10:20 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged off. [16:11:01 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged on. [16:11:47 UTC] ** Karabo logged off. [16:11:47 UTC] ** KAMCTKA logged off. [16:12:27 UTC] wait [16:12:35 UTC] Hello? [16:12:50 UTC] I was that the whole time [16:13:01 UTC] th [16:13:15 UTC] this from Kia you need it [16:13:22 UTC] ok [16:15:13 UTC] ** paenut logged on. [16:15:23 UTC] hello [16:15:30 UTC] hi sissy [16:15:38 UTC] omg hi!!! [16:15:45 UTC] is mom on? [16:15:51 UTC] no [16:15:58 UTC] sadness [16:16:07 UTC] aaaaah help [16:16:15 UTC] where you [16:16:24 UTC] spawn [16:16:29 UTC] ok [16:16:33 UTC] ** FRUtiecheery logged off. [16:17:08 UTC] ** Khalodi logged on. [16:17:12 UTC] ** marila logged on. [16:17:27 UTC] ** Karabo logged on. [16:17:46 UTC] what's up [16:17:55 UTC] I good [16:17:59 UTC] ** Barhomi logged on. [16:18:01 UTC] good [16:18:16 UTC] my mom got in a car accident [16:18:22 UTC] moonrise is nico here [16:18:24 UTC] what oh no! [16:18:29 UTC] Peanut [16:18:31 UTC] it's ok [16:18:38 UTC] yes [16:18:51 UTC] Nevermind [16:18:55 UTC] ok [16:19:06 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [16:19:24 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [16:19:29 UTC] nia [16:19:30 UTC] hi nia [16:19:41 UTC] Hi [16:19:42 UTC] are you my mom nia [16:19:58 UTC] No im girlypops mom [16:20:04 UTC] ok [16:20:05 UTC] ** Cassie2015 logged on. [16:20:13 UTC] What! [16:20:13 UTC] ** ffearful logged on. [16:20:20 UTC] ahhh it's todayyy [16:20:20 UTC] hey who wants to play among us [16:20:27 UTC] meee [16:20:28 UTC] me [16:20:35 UTC] i do t have da game but sure [16:20:36 UTC] ok [16:20:44 UTC] ** Reina___Azuky logged on. [16:20:46 UTC] can you join my room [16:20:48 UTC] Im gonig to buckees today!)!!!!!!$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [16:20:53 UTC] ok [16:20:57 UTC] uh yaaa [16:21:01 UTC] ** Cassie2015 logged off. [16:21:05 UTC] the code is [16:21:12 UTC] 2828 [16:21:20 UTC] roywlg [16:21:37 UTC] ** Mariana logged on. [16:21:44 UTC] sissy. [16:21:46 UTC] ima see if i can download it rq [16:21:54 UTC] ok? [16:21:59 UTC] yes? [16:21:59 UTC] ** Reina___Azuky logged off. [16:22:04 UTC] ** Parvathy logged on. [16:22:12 UTC] Nia [16:22:18 UTC] will you join my room on among us [16:22:19 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [16:22:35 UTC] nia you are girly pops mom? [16:22:42 UTC] Yes [16:22:45 UTC] heloo [16:22:46 UTC] Nia! [16:22:48 UTC] sissy [16:22:59 UTC] no cuz my nana has this stupid thing that will not let me dowlwnd among us [16:23:10 UTC] ok [16:23:21 UTC] that's ok [16:23:27 UTC] Aaaaa [16:23:30 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [16:23:32 UTC] nia is girly pop alowed [16:23:41 UTC] aaaaaaaah [16:23:44 UTC] do you live with your nana? [16:23:46 UTC] to cuss [16:23:49 UTC] naaaaaah [16:23:49 UTC] Nia your daughter girlpops is mean [16:23:50 UTC] yez [16:23:55 UTC] nope cant, my dad restarted my apple password [16:24:04 UTC] ok [16:24:18 UTC] good for you sissy [16:24:33 UTC] yea girly pop called my neighbor a loser [16:24:40 UTC] haha [16:24:56 UTC] ** paenut logged off. [16:25:01 UTC] and kept hitting me [16:25:25 UTC] ** Parvathy logged off. [16:26:29 UTC] ** Jalissa424 logged on. [16:26:32 UTC] ** Mariana logged off. [16:26:42 UTC] ** Jaylynn424 logged on. [16:26:45 UTC] moonrise do you know if nico I saw going to join [16:27:03 UTC] nico called me stupid [16:27:14 UTC] idk [16:27:20 UTC] in his friend [16:27:24 UTC] im [16:27:27 UTC] ok [16:27:39 UTC] .... [16:27:51 UTC] Hey [16:27:56 UTC] hell [16:28:00 UTC] help [16:28:03 UTC] ** schickedanz logged on. [16:28:06 UTC] ** Mariana logged on. [16:28:18 UTC] I'm sorry you say this but GET OUT! [16:28:41 UTC] Or DIE [16:29:06 UTC] SPIDER MAN [16:29:33 UTC] ** schickedanz logged off. [16:29:43 UTC] ** Mariana logged off. [16:29:47 UTC] are you kia [16:30:05 UTC] ummm [16:30:08 UTC] hi [16:30:14 UTC] hi [16:30:21 UTC] spooder man.. pfft. [16:30:27 UTC] how are you? [16:30:32 UTC] srry srry [16:30:42 UTC] bad I am sick in game [16:30:53 UTC] (throws up) [16:31:04 UTC] where are you [16:32:07 UTC] wtf [16:32:12 UTC] wtf [16:32:16 UTC] wtf [16:32:34 UTC] Im up here help! [16:32:35 UTC] moonrise where are you [16:32:44 UTC] homw [16:32:56 UTC] bone house [16:33:04 UTC] Miss circle!!!!!!!!!!!! [16:33:16 UTC] ** ally logged on. [16:33:21 UTC] ye? [16:33:26 UTC] how did you get up there [16:33:39 UTC] Im stuck help!!!!!!! [16:34:02 UTC] ally [16:34:04 UTC] niaaaaaaa [16:34:21 UTC] Nia Jump. thats the best a [16:34:39 UTC] **thing i can think of [16:35:04 UTC] ally *crying* [16:35:12 UTC] why [16:35:15 UTC] ? [16:35:19 UTC] Please call me [16:35:20 UTC] hi [16:35:27 UTC] hola [16:35:28 UTC] what? [16:35:28 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged on. [16:35:42 UTC] ** Mari logged on. [16:35:48 UTC] i am going to school [16:35:54 UTC] Ali, that's Julissa [16:35:56 UTC] ally.. [16:36:02 UTC] Help!!!!!!!!!! [16:36:04 UTC] yes [16:36:14 UTC] ** j94fienfiqwe0neifun logged off. [16:36:16 UTC] gurk [16:36:18 UTC] Again? *laughs a little* [16:36:22 UTC] help kia trapped me prettyer on a island [16:36:23 UTC] gurl [16:36:31 UTC] what mia [16:36:40 UTC] ? [16:36:48 UTC] WHERE IS SHE [16:36:53 UTC] That is Julissa [16:36:59 UTC] help! [16:36:59 UTC] where is kia [16:37:05 UTC] ok [16:37:09 UTC] I dont know [16:37:10 UTC] say /spawn [16:37:14 UTC] ok [16:37:15 UTC] mia [16:37:22 UTC] I did it says to far [16:37:24 UTC] Nia, tey to jump into the water [16:37:31 UTC] ****try [16:37:32 UTC] Ok [16:37:39 UTC] ** pompom1 logged on. [16:37:42 UTC] bru [16:37:53 UTC] mia where are you and kia [16:38:13 UTC] on a random island [16:38:15 UTC] ** pompom1 logged off. [16:38:25 UTC] ill be back [16:38:26 UTC] ** mia logged off. [16:38:30 UTC] ** Jaylynn424 logged off. [16:38:31 UTC] ok [16:38:33 UTC] kia take me with [16:38:44 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [16:38:51 UTC] ** maymay123 logged on. [16:38:53 UTC] kia!!! [16:38:56 UTC] hi [16:39:01 UTC] I got Mia to save her kill nia [16:39:08 UTC] ** ossjj logged on. [16:39:08 UTC] come to school people [16:39:09 UTC] ** Mari logged off. [16:39:16 UTC] Nia? [16:39:17 UTC] why [16:39:21 UTC] ** Mari logged on. [16:39:27 UTC] save mia or save his ill kill one of them [16:39:27 UTC] ** kerax logged on. [16:39:28 UTC] in the game [16:39:34 UTC] in real life [16:39:36 UTC] ok nvm thought u were afk [16:39:41 UTC] no [16:39:45 UTC] Im so gonna f#cking kill you kia! [16:39:51 UTC] ** Jaylynn424 logged on. [16:39:55 UTC] dam girl [16:40:00 UTC] kia [16:40:01 UTC] How do you my sister want to talk to you on the chat [16:40:05 UTC] That's so mean [16:40:09 UTC] why [16:40:12 UTC] ** ossjj logged off. [16:40:15 UTC] idots [16:40:18 UTC] ** davi logged on. [16:40:28 UTC] ** maria logged on. [16:40:37 UTC] where are you kia [16:40:42 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged off. [16:40:42 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [16:40:52 UTC] school [16:41:03 UTC] Ali my sister wants to call you [16:41:09 UTC] ok [16:41:13 UTC] ** davi logged off. [16:41:13 UTC] HEY, STOP [16:41:25 UTC] kia where are you [16:41:54 UTC] ** Jaylynn424 logged off. [16:42:03 UTC] hi? [16:42:06 UTC] ** maymay123 logged off. [16:42:15 UTC] i am going to the /spawn [16:42:17 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [16:42:22 UTC] what? [16:42:36 UTC] huh [16:42:40 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [16:42:56 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [16:42:58 UTC] Ha kia left! [16:43:02 UTC] I didnt [16:43:03 UTC] MIA [16:43:12 UTC] I see you! [16:43:12 UTC] ** kerax logged off. [16:43:13 UTC] what are you trying to say [16:43:18 UTC] ** ally logged off. [16:43:26 UTC] marlia I secretly hated you [16:43:38 UTC] ima head to the school. im just gonna think abt stm for a while... [16:43:38 UTC] Run!!!! [16:43:42 UTC] b I t c h a s s [16:43:46 UTC] kia!!! [16:44:09 UTC] kia? [16:44:27 UTC] oml [16:44:36 UTC] ** Karabo logged off. [16:44:40 UTC] ** Shaku logged on. [16:44:53 UTC] ** dhey logged on. [16:44:59 UTC] 66 books! [16:45:07 UTC] hi [16:45:11 UTC] ** kia42 logged on. [16:45:12 UTC] Hi [16:45:22 UTC] hi [16:45:22 UTC] kia? [16:45:27 UTC] uh [16:45:27 UTC] yes [16:45:32 UTC] I HAVE 66 BOOKS! [16:45:40 UTC] sorry haa [16:45:41 UTC] someone has my name [16:45:43 UTC] not [16:45:50 UTC] bro im kia [16:45:51 UTC] kia4what's up [16:45:53 UTC] ** dhey logged off. [16:45:53 UTC] Ali where are you Ali where are you nice [16:46:00 UTC] thats not m [16:46:10 UTC] kia4 is fake [16:46:14 UTC] mom? [16:46:15 UTC] no [16:46:18 UTC] mar [16:46:38 UTC] no kia is my bestie [16:46:43 UTC] dine its me girlypops [16:46:50 UTC] ONLY KIA4 KNOW THIS [16:46:50 UTC] seeeee [16:46:52 UTC] kia4 is real, kia42 is the faker... [16:46:52 UTC] Kia [16:46:54 UTC] I lied to ruin your life [16:47:01 UTC] seeee [16:47:07 UTC] im the real [16:47:28 UTC] ** Jalissa424 logged off. [16:47:29 UTC] can i have my name back [16:47:29 UTC] right how may siblings do I have [16:47:31 UTC] ur kidding. said ur the faker. [16:47:35 UTC] two [16:47:42 UTC] uou have two [16:47:48 UTC] ** marila logged off. [16:47:52 UTC] ** maria logged off. [16:47:56 UTC] ** marila logged on. [16:48:10 UTC] YUP KIA42 IS THE REAL ONE [16:48:14 UTC] girlypop give my name back [16:48:15 UTC] i [16:48:22 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [16:48:27 UTC] ** kia42 logged off. [16:48:28 UTC] listen to mom [16:48:38 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [16:48:39 UTC] wait :) [16:48:40 UTC] ** mia logged on. [16:48:44 UTC] im back baby [16:48:45 UTC] ** Moonrise logged off. [16:49:00 UTC] i got my name back [16:49:05 UTC] sh*t [16:49:19 UTC] mar what happened [16:49:21 UTC] help that fake kia trapped me [16:49:29 UTC] I coming [16:49:31 UTC] ** rjdjdirirj logged on. [16:49:36 UTC] ** Moonrise logged on. [16:49:45 UTC] damn [16:49:53 UTC] where is she [16:49:55 UTC] hi moony i got my name back [16:50:03 UTC] yay! [16:50:18 UTC] i can't believe girlypop did that [16:50:21 UTC] kiaaa! [16:50:27 UTC] yes mar [16:50:31 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [16:50:52 UTC] ** 100000009 logged on. [16:50:55 UTC] im sorry i was so confused [16:51:11 UTC] please help me [16:51:14 UTC] mom can you tp me to you [16:51:19 UTC] ** LEELEEYYYYY logged on. [16:51:21 UTC] its oki but what did she do when she was me [16:52:14 UTC] mar uou at home? [16:52:27 UTC] no not right now [16:52:30 UTC] ** Kit7565 logged on. [16:52:36 UTC] where are you? [16:52:46 UTC] but i can come [16:52:51 UTC] oki [16:53:03 UTC] im at the bridge [16:53:11 UTC] oki [16:53:11 UTC] ola [16:53:22 UTC] hola [16:53:28 UTC] ** qwezqesaawaza logged on. [16:53:35 UTC] X: 1.0, Y: 1.0, Z: 65.5 [16:53:45 UTC] kia do not be mad but [16:54:28 UTC] ** 100000009 logged off. [16:54:33 UTC] ** hsjsshsjsgsabhas logged on. [16:54:52 UTC] ** Kit7565 logged off. [16:54:56 UTC] i invited one of my friends and she took your bed [16:55:09 UTC] ** kc logged on. [16:55:11 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [16:55:13 UTC] qho?? [16:55:18 UTC] who? [16:55:29 UTC] everleigh [16:56:00 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [16:56:07 UTC] Nia, I have been in love with sense the day we’ve meant. And I was just wondering if u would be my Girlfriend? [16:56:12 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [16:56:15 UTC] ewwww [16:56:25 UTC] hope she is not mad [16:57:45 UTC] mom [16:58:07 UTC] ** Dolly2 logged on. [16:58:14 UTC] why did i even trust everleigh [16:58:41 UTC] Spider-Man [16:58:44 UTC] ummm [16:58:45 UTC] ** esmeeeeses logged on. [16:59:18 UTC] why is there a cross infront of me [16:59:23 UTC] ** Zoey_O_X logged on. [16:59:28 UTC] ? [16:59:40 UTC] infront of Kia's house [16:59:41 UTC] is it made out of ice? [16:59:47 UTC] oh [16:59:56 UTC] no cobblestone [17:00:00 UTC] can you tp me to kias house [17:00:08 UTC] Hi Kc [17:00:09 UTC] i will try [17:00:10 UTC] ** esmeeeeses logged off. [17:00:15 UTC] ** mejor8 logged on. [17:00:20 UTC] ** Barhomi logged off. [17:00:32 UTC] ** Khalodi logged off. [17:00:38 UTC] I can't [17:00:50 UTC] :( [17:00:59 UTC] ** Dolly2 logged off. [17:00:59 UTC] i do not have permission [17:01:17 UTC] what the [17:01:36 UTC] nooo [17:02:04 UTC] ** Dolly2 logged on. [17:02:05 UTC] ** Shaku logged off. [17:02:16 UTC] ** Mari logged off. [17:02:17 UTC] ** maria logged on. [17:02:24 UTC] ** Zoey_O_X logged off. [17:02:26 UTC] ** ffearful logged off. [17:02:26 UTC] ** mia logged off. [17:03:01 UTC] I am coming to kias house [17:03:11 UTC] is nico joing [17:03:17 UTC] idk [17:03:22 UTC] ** 123alo109 logged on. [17:03:32 UTC] ** qwezqesaawaza logged off. [17:03:37 UTC] gtt [17:03:41 UTC] gtg [17:03:44 UTC] ** Moonrise logged off. [17:04:31 UTC] i am so nervous [17:05:13 UTC] ** LEELEEYYYYY logged off. [17:05:16 UTC] ** Alma logged on. [17:06:31 UTC] ** hsjsshsjsgsabhas logged off. [17:06:36 UTC] hi [17:06:37 UTC] ** mejor8 logged off. [17:08:14 UTC] Hi [17:08:17 UTC] ** maria logged off. [17:08:47 UTC] ** cutie logged on. [17:10:01 UTC] ** Alma logged off. [17:11:21 UTC] ** Dolly2 logged off. [17:11:45 UTC] where is nicooo [17:11:54 UTC] ** kc logged off. [17:11:54 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [17:12:35 UTC] ** kc logged on. [17:13:11 UTC] ** Alma logged on. [17:13:55 UTC] ** agustnaaa logged on. [17:14:06 UTC] hola [17:14:33 UTC] ** ksjdjkwjsjxnu logged on. [17:14:50 UTC] ** Alma logged off. [17:14:53 UTC] ** kc logged off. [17:15:06 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged on. [17:15:07 UTC] ** 123alo109 logged off. [17:15:51 UTC] hii cutie [17:16:29 UTC] waaaa [17:16:51 UTC] hiii friends [17:16:52 UTC] ** cutie logged off. [17:17:16 UTC] sorry [17:17:16 UTC] ** kc logged on. [17:17:20 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [17:17:38 UTC] ** marila logged off. [17:17:59 UTC] hii [17:18:55 UTC] hii [17:18:58 UTC] be friends [17:19:14 UTC] have your hat in your leggings [17:19:35 UTC] what you tell [17:19:54 UTC] ** cacaaaush logged on. [17:20:12 UTC] ** agustnaaa logged off. [17:20:21 UTC] bi*** [17:20:21 UTC] ** wrenn logged on. [17:20:47 UTC] who want to be my friend [17:21:13 UTC] ** cacaaaush logged off. [17:21:22 UTC] pls gave me wood [17:22:21 UTC] ** kc logged off. [17:22:42 UTC] ** kc logged on. [17:23:39 UTC] ** Moonrise logged on. [17:24:00 UTC] Nico? [17:24:35 UTC] ** ksjdjkwjsjxnu logged off. [17:24:45 UTC] EVERYBODY VOTE APHMAU FOR BEST GAMER AWARD [17:25:01 UTC] ofc i don't vote her [17:25:18 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged off. [17:25:32 UTC] aphmau [17:26:55 UTC] I am gonna go on gacha life 2 [17:27:00 UTC] ** Moonrise logged off. [17:27:06 UTC] ** kc logged off. [17:27:07 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged on. [17:27:30 UTC] ** marila logged on. [17:28:05 UTC] ** rjdjdirirj logged off. [17:28:07 UTC] ** wrenn logged off. [17:28:21 UTC] is nico here [17:28:56 UTC] :( [17:29:59 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged on. [17:30:15 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [17:30:20 UTC] nooooo I thought it was nico [17:30:32 UTC] waaa [17:32:21 UTC] hello [17:32:29 UTC] :( [17:32:33 UTC] hi [17:33:35 UTC] ** marila logged off. [17:34:03 UTC] ah [17:34:08 UTC] hi [17:34:12 UTC] ** BELA891 logged on. [17:34:13 UTC] hi [17:34:22 UTC] oh hola [17:34:25 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [17:34:30 UTC] hola [17:34:47 UTC] perdoname [17:34:58 UTC] no ahi prolema [17:35:03 UTC] HOLA BUSCO AMIGOS [17:35:07 UTC] pero te veia muy serca y sospeche. [17:35:25 UTC] estaba cerca? [17:35:31 UTC] hola BELSA [17:35:37 UTC] BELA [17:35:39 UTC] si eras el unico en la varita. [17:36:07 UTC] ** Jqsoksks logged on. [17:36:08 UTC] ** dayana341 logged on. [17:36:10 UTC] bueno vivo cerca del spawn por eso [17:36:25 UTC] QUIEN QUIERE BENIR A MI CASA [17:36:28 UTC] holaaaa [17:36:38 UTC] hola dayana [17:36:38 UTC] bela que copiona [17:36:48 UTC] PORQUE [17:36:55 UTC] xd. [17:37:00 UTC] pq ese es mi nombre biejo [17:37:12 UTC] viejo [17:37:28 UTC] eso xd [17:37:34 UTC] xd [17:37:39 UTC] NO ME LLAMO BELA ME LLAMO abygail [17:37:59 UTC] y mano usted juega seguido? [17:37:59 UTC] ahh xd [17:38:10 UTC] pero sabes que soy bella891 [17:38:11 UTC] yo? [17:38:21 UTC] si [17:38:42 UTC] pq te copiaste [17:38:44 UTC] o mucho pero si juego mas o menos y vos? [17:38:59 UTC] hace cuanto jugas? [17:39:05 UTC] me puse bela porque no me deja entrar como abygail [17:39:06 UTC] yo [17:39:21 UTC] ah [17:39:23 UTC] ase desde 2023 [17:39:28 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [17:39:29 UTC] aaah [17:39:39 UTC] recien estas volviendo? [17:39:43 UTC] si [17:39:48 UTC] ** Jqsoksks logged off. [17:39:48 UTC] aah oka [17:39:57 UTC] mi cuenta era Luis_xD [17:39:58 UTC] y isa [17:40:08 UTC] no se [17:40:13 UTC] eso creo porque no recuerdo [17:40:16 UTC] no vino [17:40:19 UTC] aah mmm vi una vez un proyencto con ese nombre [17:40:39 UTC] si ya no me conecte mas [17:40:44 UTC] pero ahora si [17:40:48 UTC] oka amigito. [17:40:55 UTC] ok [17:41:09 UTC] bela queres benir a mi casa [17:41:14 UTC] si [17:41:22 UTC] estoy en el spawn [17:41:37 UTC] ya vengo [17:41:39 UTC] oka [17:41:44 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged off. [17:41:45 UTC] bela anda al spawn ai boi esta medio lejos mi casa [17:41:53 UTC] ok [17:42:34 UTC] solo apreta /spawn [17:42:40 UTC] y listo [17:43:32 UTC] ** dayana341 logged off. [17:44:25 UTC] ** Hamiltonfan logged on. [17:44:37 UTC] isaias dijo que le gustan negras y tube que usar tu nombre para engañarlo y aserme pasar de bos pra ber que me desia porque me trato re mal [17:45:06 UTC] xd [17:45:10 UTC] como aby [17:46:04 UTC] Hiii!!! [17:46:19 UTC] joni [17:46:22 UTC] dime [17:46:36 UTC] cuantos años tenes [17:46:40 UTC] 17 [17:46:51 UTC] a ok [17:47:09 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [17:47:29 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [17:47:33 UTC] joni [17:47:36 UTC] si [17:47:40 UTC] ** Hamiltonfan logged off. [17:47:46 UTC] queres ser mi amigo [17:47:58 UTC] Bueno. [17:47:58 UTC] ** marila logged on. [17:48:07 UTC] ** marila logged off. [17:48:12 UTC] donde estas [17:48:27 UTC] ** talaham logged on. [17:48:33 UTC] en mi huerta talando arboles. [17:48:39 UTC] ** talaham logged off. [17:48:49 UTC] donde esta eso [17:49:40 UTC] mmm nose [17:49:51 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [17:49:55 UTC] serca de que cosa [17:50:08 UTC] no puedo describirlo... [17:50:21 UTC] jhonny xd I need gold [17:50:42 UTC] I beg u [17:50:48 UTC] I need it badly [17:50:57 UTC] tiene globos es un camopo nose desime [17:51:11 UTC] algo que tenga [17:51:18 UTC] no lo encontrarias. [17:51:41 UTC] igual dime [17:51:52 UTC] kia4 I don't know you... [17:52:01 UTC] im is bff [17:52:09 UTC] im mias bff [17:52:10 UTC] pues ay un oso... [17:52:19 UTC] are you mia? [17:52:21 UTC] please [17:52:24 UTC] ** Jexs logged on. [17:52:27 UTC] sure???? [17:52:28 UTC] no im her bff [17:52:34 UTC] ah [17:52:34 UTC] algo mas [17:52:39 UTC] pleaseee [17:52:48 UTC] JhibbyxD [17:52:57 UTC] Jhonny [17:52:57 UTC] please [17:52:58 UTC] xD [17:52:58 UTC] que quiere [17:52:59 UTC] ** Christian123 logged on. [17:53:12 UTC] I need gold really bad [17:53:19 UTC] Puedes Ser mi Papa'¿¿ [17:53:32 UTC] esta del spawn asia adonde [17:53:32 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [17:53:38 UTC] joni [17:53:43 UTC] no no esta en el spawn [17:53:47 UTC] ** mia logged on. [17:53:57 UTC] Si o no JhonnyxD [17:53:59 UTC] Jexs esta bien [17:54:07 UTC] ** George85 logged on. [17:54:21 UTC] jhonnyxd I need gold [17:54:23 UTC] hello [17:54:28 UTC] =( [17:54:28 UTC] same [17:54:34 UTC] please.. [17:54:39 UTC] samw [17:54:39 UTC] ** marila logged on. [17:54:42 UTC] same [17:54:42 UTC] :D [17:54:50 UTC] ** DREAM_20 logged on. [17:55:00 UTC] del spwn desime adelante atras isquierda derecha [17:55:08 UTC] jexs [17:55:17 UTC] Que [17:55:24 UTC] hola [17:55:30 UTC] ok [17:55:31 UTC] hola [17:55:33 UTC] xD [17:55:38 UTC] todo bien'¿ [17:55:39 UTC] ** mia logged off. [17:55:44 UTC] pls tell english [17:55:44 UTC] si [17:55:50 UTC] hi [17:55:51 UTC] marilia [17:55:54 UTC] hi [17:55:54 UTC] hiii [17:55:57 UTC] ill be tiger boy u be what do u think [17:55:59 UTC] si [17:56:06 UTC] nose no puedo describir el lugar donde estoy bela [17:56:07 UTC] queres ser mi amiga [17:56:07 UTC] hi george85 [17:56:17 UTC] ill be monkey-man [17:56:25 UTC] hi who r u [17:56:25 UTC] umm im mexican American [17:56:26 UTC] HAHAHAHAHA OK [17:56:36 UTC] Jhonny Te Puedo Mandar tp Papa [17:56:38 UTC] '¿ [17:56:44 UTC] lets go now NASA gov ok [17:56:47 UTC] ta bien hijo mande pues. [17:56:49 UTC] ok bye [17:56:49 UTC] why did you laugh [17:56:53 UTC] ** George85 logged off. [17:56:54 UTC] ** Christian123 logged off. [17:56:59 UTC] xD [17:57:01 UTC] ummm [17:57:05 UTC] marila are you single [17:57:14 UTC] marilia queres benir a mi casa [17:57:19 UTC] why [17:57:22 UTC] hola [17:57:26 UTC] no se [17:57:30 UTC] Ala [17:57:30 UTC] just ask tell [17:57:34 UTC] si o no [17:57:36 UTC] ** bella_Rosieur logged on. [17:57:38 UTC] Muchos Arbolitos papa [17:57:43 UTC] ** bella_Rosieur logged off. [17:57:45 UTC] no [17:57:57 UTC] si por que no puedo comprar y gastar oro es mejor plantar. [17:57:57 UTC] porque no [17:57:59 UTC] you have bf okk [17:58:00 UTC] ummm [17:58:05 UTC] Claro [17:58:08 UTC] naur [17:58:16 UTC] Papa cuantos Años tienes [17:58:17 UTC] xD [17:58:19 UTC] i do not [17:58:27 UTC] 17 y tu xd...? [17:58:33 UTC] 13 [17:58:35 UTC] años [17:58:37 UTC] tengo [17:58:39 UTC] aaah [17:58:42 UTC] ok [17:58:44 UTC] xD [17:58:49 UTC] I need a gf [17:58:59 UTC] yo 19 años soi re chiquita no [17:59:04 UTC] how old are you tho [17:59:08 UTC] xD [17:59:12 UTC] 19 años enserio xd?? [17:59:18 UTC] Muy Chiquita Sos bela [17:59:20 UTC] siiiiii [17:59:22 UTC] Jajaja [17:59:30 UTC] how old are you [17:59:43 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged off. [17:59:44 UTC] sorry [17:59:51 UTC] Alos 18 Mevoy de Mi Casa .__. Pi pi pi [17:59:53 UTC] no no soi bela soi abygail [17:59:53 UTC] what [17:59:56 UTC] what you ask [18:00:04 UTC] how old are you [18:00:11 UTC] hmmm...... [18:00:21 UTC] I am 16 [18:00:25 UTC] you [18:00:35 UTC] ** ins1 logged on. [18:00:39 UTC] damnnnn nopeee [18:00:51 UTC] im younger [18:00:54 UTC] how old are you [18:00:58 UTC] ** laalddd logged on. [18:01:04 UTC] 12 [18:01:12 UTC] it's ok [18:01:19 UTC] alguien sabe abrir puertas ycofres [18:01:25 UTC] yo [18:01:28 UTC] only 4 years gap [18:01:28 UTC] what? [18:01:29 UTC] xD [18:01:51 UTC] ummm what [18:02:10 UTC] no problem 4 years gap only [18:02:23 UTC] womp womp [18:02:30 UTC] you goo definitely on jail [18:02:44 UTC] you are going to be single [18:02:45 UTC] jexs me ayudas a bbrir cofres asi me pongo armadura y si queres agaras ara bos [18:02:51 UTC] why [18:02:55 UTC] xD Ok [18:02:58 UTC] womp womp [18:03:08 UTC] I find one gf definately [18:03:10 UTC] Que cofre'¿ [18:03:11 UTC] ** buttercups_ logged on. [18:03:13 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged on. [18:03:16 UTC] ben a mi casa [18:03:17 UTC] lag [18:03:28 UTC] find one the same age as you [18:03:31 UTC] me saco el internet. [18:03:46 UTC] I have no problem to [18:03:49 UTC] xD [18:04:01 UTC] a girl to younger [18:04:07 UTC] no means no womp womp [18:04:13 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [18:04:33 UTC] find another girl [18:04:36 UTC] ** buttercups_ logged off. [18:04:54 UTC] hii [18:05:03 UTC] hi dream [18:05:15 UTC] how are you [18:05:18 UTC] dream you are being creepy af [18:05:18 UTC] ** tobielcumbiero logged on. [18:05:26 UTC] i [18:05:31 UTC] **im ok [18:05:36 UTC] I am creepy why [18:05:44 UTC] ** bella logged on. [18:05:46 UTC] nice [18:05:52 UTC] you are like drake [18:05:53 UTC] be friends [18:05:55 UTC] hi bella [18:06:13 UTC] ** camila_x-x_xd logged on. [18:06:34 UTC] ** camila_x-x_xd logged off. [18:06:45 UTC] hi Jhonny [18:06:54 UTC] hi DREAM_20. [18:07:03 UTC] Miss_Circle be friends [18:07:14 UTC] okay [18:07:19 UTC] nice [18:07:28 UTC] Jhonny be friends [18:07:39 UTC] Are okey. [18:07:42 UTC] abre esta [18:07:51 UTC] soo nic [18:07:55 UTC] ** ins1 logged off. [18:08:06 UTC] Wee Esta Puerta Solo le Puede Abrir El Dueñoo [18:08:12 UTC] is nico in this server [18:08:14 UTC] I need a gf can you find for me Jhonny [18:08:28 UTC] Wee Esta Puerta Solo le Puede Abrir El Dueñoo [18:08:34 UTC] y el cofre [18:08:37 UTC] que puerta. [18:08:59 UTC] La puerta de hierro [18:09:00 UTC] xD [18:09:06 UTC] xd si [18:09:10 UTC] aca jexs el cofre [18:09:25 UTC] No tiene Nada Este Cofreeeee we [18:09:31 UTC] nice Miss_Cirlce [18:09:42 UTC] ** Arlie143 logged on. [18:09:44 UTC] brave girl [18:09:47 UTC] mi amiga dijo que aca ai armaduraen el cofre [18:09:59 UTC] Te Mintio Pues [18:10:13 UTC] abri la de iero [18:10:20 UTC] ** Arlie143 logged off. [18:10:23 UTC] No se puedeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [18:10:35 UTC] la pared [18:10:37 UTC] I need a gf [18:10:38 UTC] ** marila logged off. [18:10:40 UTC] ** laalddd logged off. [18:10:49 UTC] ** tobielcumbiero logged off. [18:11:15 UTC] xD [18:11:15 UTC] ** Enamorado433 logged on. [18:11:22 UTC] gah [18:11:24 UTC] jono que ases aca en mi casa [18:11:26 UTC] sorry [18:11:27 UTC] ** cupcake3 logged on. [18:11:37 UTC] ah no mames que lag. [18:11:40 UTC] jony [18:11:46 UTC] QUE [18:11:51 UTC] que* [18:11:53 UTC] so [18:11:54 UTC] xD [18:11:57 UTC] xd [18:12:10 UTC] que ases aca en mi casa jony [18:12:12 UTC] ** bella logged off. [18:12:15 UTC] esto frena [18:12:18 UTC] ** Enamorado433 logged off. [18:12:25 UTC] nose mi hijo me invito... [18:12:41 UTC] enamorado hola [18:12:43 UTC] thx [18:12:59 UTC] ** Fuquay478 logged on. [18:13:06 UTC] hola [18:13:09 UTC] hola [18:13:12 UTC] hola [18:13:15 UTC] hla [18:13:17 UTC] give my sword back [18:13:18 UTC] hola [18:13:20 UTC] hiii [18:13:22 UTC] hola [18:13:26 UTC] hola [18:13:29 UTC] hola [18:13:36 UTC] Papa [18:13:40 UTC] dime [18:13:50 UTC] te mande tp [18:13:51 UTC] xD [18:13:52 UTC] ** Fuquay478 logged off. [18:13:56 UTC] who want to be my girlfriend [18:13:57 UTC] Gracias [18:14:02 UTC] ooka [18:14:12 UTC] quiero amigos no loquos [18:14:22 UTC] Quien es el loco [18:14:24 UTC] '¿ [18:14:25 UTC] xD [18:14:30 UTC] solo estoy saltando xd... [18:14:36 UTC] ** cupcake3 logged off. [18:14:40 UTC] tu [18:14:45 UTC] yo'¿¿ [18:14:54 UTC] ** Fallenstein840 logged on. [18:15:03 UTC] es brmis [18:15:04 UTC] Que falta de Respeto xD [18:15:05 UTC] afk rq [18:15:06 UTC] who want to be my gf [18:15:10 UTC] a [18:15:46 UTC] ** Fallenstein840 logged off. [18:15:48 UTC] joni estas bien [18:15:55 UTC] si porque [18:16:06 UTC] byeeeee [18:16:16 UTC] bye [18:16:30 UTC] ):< [18:16:35 UTC] xd [18:16:42 UTC] quieres ser mi novia Miss_Circle [18:16:47 UTC] ** Hunkin556 logged on. [18:16:50 UTC] bengan con migo [18:17:23 UTC] ** marila logged on. [18:17:23 UTC] que [18:17:31 UTC] i don't understand spanish... [18:17:31 UTC] oh... [18:17:33 UTC] xD [18:17:36 UTC] ** Hunkin556 logged off. [18:17:40 UTC] jex por que me matas [18:17:53 UTC] তুমি আমার gf হতে চাও [18:18:02 UTC] Por que quiero [18:18:13 UTC] awoop jumpscare [18:18:21 UTC] xD [18:18:23 UTC] Ahree [18:18:26 UTC] que pendejo y pelotudo que sos [18:18:36 UTC] jexs [18:18:37 UTC] ):< vos [18:18:41 UTC] ** juyyobly logged on. [18:18:45 UTC] sorry marila [18:18:56 UTC] it's ok [18:18:57 UTC] you want to be my gf [18:19:00 UTC] jexs [18:19:00 UTC] ya nos calmamos si [18:19:10 UTC] um, me? [18:19:12 UTC] vos [18:19:15 UTC] joni [18:19:20 UTC] que [18:19:20 UTC] yes you [18:19:24 UTC] so [18:19:34 UTC] xd [18:19:36 UTC] intenten encontrarme [18:19:38 UTC] um, sure. [18:19:38 UTC] ... [18:19:46 UTC] ooo my god [18:19:47 UTC] si pueden [18:19:56 UTC] estamos jugando alas escondidas? [18:19:57 UTC] btw [18:20:02 UTC] ye? [18:20:02 UTC] si [18:20:04 UTC] how old are you [18:20:18 UTC] he is 16 [18:20:22 UTC] Creo Que en Este Juego no Es muy Utill [18:20:23 UTC] xD [18:20:28 UTC] I ask her [18:20:31 UTC] what [18:20:33 UTC] ** juyyobly logged off. [18:20:34 UTC] ok [18:20:41 UTC] no me encontraran nunca [18:20:54 UTC] ** hrurhfchdhch logged on. [18:21:06 UTC] oh s**t im 11... pre. [18:21:07 UTC] ** Karabo logged on. [18:21:15 UTC] ok [18:21:29 UTC] wtf [18:21:38 UTC] are you adjust to my age na [18:21:50 UTC] no jexs [18:21:51 UTC] what happened [18:22:11 UTC] nome encontraran jony y jexs [18:22:22 UTC] No Jexs [18:22:34 UTC] ** hrurhfchdhch logged off. [18:22:39 UTC] ** Everliegh logged on. [18:22:43 UTC] Jhonny No Sos mas Mi Papa Ahora Soy Huerfano [18:22:44 UTC] xD [18:22:48 UTC] hablas espanol [18:22:52 UTC] xd [18:22:56 UTC] te encontre [18:22:57 UTC] byeee [18:23:02 UTC] byee baby [18:23:03 UTC] de mi nadie escapa [18:23:05 UTC] bye [18:23:13 UTC] ** DREAM_20 logged off. [18:23:16 UTC] Si Hablo español Por'¿ [18:23:30 UTC] ok joy queres ser mi papa [18:23:31 UTC] ummm you are 11 right [18:23:41 UTC] joni [18:23:42 UTC] ye.. [18:23:43 UTC] a [18:23:43 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged on. [18:23:45 UTC] xd sos mayor que yo [18:23:51 UTC] xD [18:23:54 UTC] no [18:23:58 UTC] umm he's 16 [18:24:01 UTC] hii jexs [18:24:03 UTC] No hera que tenias 19 [18:24:04 UTC] ik. [18:24:05 UTC] años [18:24:13 UTC] te menti 9 años [18:24:16 UTC] si grandecita... [18:24:18 UTC] oh.. [18:24:22 UTC] tengo yo [18:24:38 UTC] Jhonny Solo Dicis Que Es Adoctada JAajajia jnjffjdsa [18:24:39 UTC] xD [18:24:41 UTC] ummm someone in this server is 9 [18:24:48 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged off. [18:24:52 UTC] bella [18:24:53 UTC] xD [18:24:58 UTC] ** SheyyynPlayzzz logged on. [18:25:02 UTC] xd [18:25:03 UTC] -_- [18:25:03 UTC] bella is 9 [18:25:06 UTC] ** layy logged on. [18:25:14 UTC] ok? [18:25:18 UTC] bella is 9 [18:25:23 UTC] matia is 1 [18:25:33 UTC] ummm [18:25:37 UTC] ages dont matter. [18:25:40 UTC] ah xd [18:25:48 UTC] xD [18:25:53 UTC] unless its a 36 yr old [18:25:53 UTC] ** Everliegh logged off. [18:25:58 UTC] or 89 [18:26:08 UTC] dios se lage mucho este mapa bie los quiero no a todos pero los quiero pendejos jony y jexs [18:26:09 UTC] sabes pvp hijo? [18:26:10 UTC] Wtf [18:26:25 UTC] bro when he told me his age he said hmmmm [18:26:32 UTC] ** BELA891 logged off. [18:26:42 UTC] Ni la Conosco [18:26:43 UTC] xD [18:26:45 UTC] so high e was guessing an age [18:26:46 UTC] menos yo. [18:26:50 UTC] he [18:26:55 UTC] Menisimos yo [18:26:56 UTC] xD [18:26:56 UTC] gtg [18:26:58 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [18:27:06 UTC] Si se pvp [18:27:11 UTC] Pero Alto lagg [18:27:15 UTC] jugamos??? [18:27:17 UTC] pvp [18:27:18 UTC] Ok [18:27:23 UTC] ven [18:27:27 UTC] 3 [18:27:27 UTC] 2 [18:27:28 UTC] 1 [18:27:29 UTC] yaa [18:27:30 UTC] xD [18:27:35 UTC] ven aqua ay menos lag. [18:27:38 UTC] jexs hablas ingles [18:27:47 UTC] Nop Speak inglesh [18:27:52 UTC] n [18:28:12 UTC] Stop [18:28:14 UTC] oka [18:28:16 UTC] hablas espanol [18:28:16 UTC] que pasa [18:28:16 UTC] Espera bro [18:28:36 UTC] Che Soy el Unico Que PArece que me va Explotar la compu [18:28:37 UTC] xDDDDD [18:28:41 UTC] ooh [18:28:43 UTC] xd [18:28:53 UTC] ponela a reiniciar.. [18:28:57 UTC] Esta Mas Lentaaaaaaaaaa Mis FPS estan al 0 [18:29:06 UTC] No veo Nadaaaaaaaa [18:29:12 UTC] presiona la R [18:29:14 UTC] Ahi vengooo Locooo [18:29:17 UTC] hello? [18:29:18 UTC] oka [18:29:19 UTC] hola [18:29:22 UTC] ** Jexs logged off. [18:29:44 UTC] who wants to be may best friends? [18:29:49 UTC] ** layy logged off. [18:29:56 UTC] meee [18:30:21 UTC] ** SheyyynPlayzzz logged off. [18:30:48 UTC] ** kehdudo logged on. [18:31:44 UTC] ** marila logged off. [18:32:33 UTC] ** kehdudo logged off. [18:33:20 UTC] ** Moonrise logged on. [18:33:59 UTC] hi? [18:34:42 UTC] HELLO? [18:36:14 UTC] ** Moonrise logged off. [18:36:34 UTC] ** mia logged on. [18:36:40 UTC] hi [18:36:55 UTC] hi jhonnyxd [18:37:02 UTC] hi [18:37:23 UTC] hi [18:37:25 UTC] hi [18:37:40 UTC] wow what is this town [18:37:54 UTC] wow [18:38:08 UTC] you made this? [18:38:31 UTC] no [18:38:36 UTC] oh [18:38:51 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [18:38:54 UTC] ** Jexs logged on. [18:39:04 UTC] the down does [18:39:21 UTC] Jhonny [18:39:27 UTC] dime [18:39:28 UTC] ** asriothesniper logged on. [18:39:32 UTC] chau [18:39:34 UTC] ** Jexs logged off. [18:39:37 UTC] hi [18:39:43 UTC] ** Karabo logged off. [18:39:45 UTC] ** hrurhfchdhch logged on. [18:39:50 UTC] but I don't have my account ancient [18:39:53 UTC] hi [18:39:58 UTC] hi [18:40:14 UTC] hi [18:40:17 UTC] ** olorakk logged on. [18:40:24 UTC] hi JohnnyxD hi mia [18:40:26 UTC] ** hrurhfchdhch logged off. [18:40:29 UTC] ** Dolly2 logged on. [18:40:33 UTC] go [18:40:40 UTC] I need food [18:40:48 UTC] ** olorakk logged off. [18:40:54 UTC] yay [18:40:57 UTC] I need food [18:41:09 UTC] ** Everliegh logged on. [18:41:15 UTC] iyosha you forgot about and lboblbobloblbobobboblbobobobobobo [18:41:19 UTC] ** dayana341 logged on. [18:41:20 UTC] I need food [18:41:23 UTC] hahhh [18:41:24 UTC] blbolboblboblbobobobobooboboboboboboblbobblobbloblboblblbo [18:41:27 UTC] Lilypandas left me [18:41:33 UTC] hola [18:41:37 UTC] hola [18:41:59 UTC] ** BELA891 logged on. [18:42:05 UTC] holajhwonny [18:42:14 UTC] uh [18:42:29 UTC] HOLA BUSCO AMIGAS [18:42:30 UTC] oh my look at this [18:42:42 UTC] yo [18:42:44 UTC] ill be back [18:42:48 UTC] ** mia logged off. [18:42:50 UTC] uh [18:43:12 UTC] DAYANA ANDA AL SPAWN QUERES JUGR A LAS ESCONDIDAS [18:43:18 UTC] TU CUENTAS [18:43:21 UTC] ** mia logged on. [18:43:39 UTC] whoa! [18:43:48 UTC] ** marii123 logged on. [18:44:07 UTC] DAYANA [18:44:14 UTC] ** marii123 logged off. [18:44:38 UTC] hi mia [18:44:42 UTC] hi [18:44:43 UTC] ** hrurhfchdhch logged on. [18:44:51 UTC] Hi [18:45:09 UTC] BUSCO AMIGAS [18:45:26 UTC] bela tu eras mi amiga [18:45:27 UTC] um jhonnyxd sorry to ask but I need gold [18:45:33 UTC] pq quieres otra [18:45:39 UTC] thanks [18:45:42 UTC] ok [18:45:43 UTC] DAYANA BEN AL SPAWN [18:45:47 UTC] in wonderland my house got glitched by some guy named somthing I don't remember [18:45:59 UTC] I have a question how are you so rich [18:46:04 UTC] ** hrurhfchdhch logged off. [18:46:05 UTC] yebame a tu casa [18:46:08 UTC] wait I'll reset my game [18:46:18 UTC] I work a lot. [18:46:24 UTC] OK [18:46:24 UTC] o wow [18:46:25 UTC] ** sarihi logged on. [18:46:29 UTC] ill be back [18:46:32 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged on. [18:46:34 UTC] o cool! [18:46:52 UTC] how can I work a lot like you? [18:47:07 UTC] hii mia [18:47:12 UTC] ho [18:47:15 UTC] hii [18:47:25 UTC] ** sarihi logged off. [18:47:28 UTC] how you colour your name tag [18:47:34 UTC] I didn't [18:47:37 UTC] okay [18:47:44 UTC] ok [18:47:53 UTC] im a staff of jt2 so my namteg blue [18:47:58 UTC] I want to do jobs [18:48:09 UTC] ok ask nemo [18:48:17 UTC] hii Miss_Circle [18:48:22 UTC] okay ima go mining [18:48:37 UTC] it's just the range [18:48:38 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged on. [18:48:41 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [18:48:42 UTC] ** tobias16 logged on. [18:48:44 UTC] hola mano [18:48:47 UTC] hola [18:48:56 UTC] hola sanpro [18:48:58 UTC] Jhonny hii [18:49:01 UTC] bro estas en tu casa [18:49:01 UTC] HOLA SAMU [18:49:07 UTC] ** MAGUI3 logged on. [18:49:16 UTC] I was Guardian of this server before. [18:49:25 UTC] ok [18:49:27 UTC] whoa! [18:49:32 UTC] Jhonny [18:49:32 UTC] so cool!!!! [18:49:37 UTC] and your not anymore [18:49:37 UTC] tell me [18:49:39 UTC] bro tpy [18:50:11 UTC] I've got my own air socet if I drown [18:50:29 UTC] ** Everliegh logged off. [18:50:33 UTC] Jhonny are you single [18:50:37 UTC] Not because Nemo changed my password in khiller. [18:50:41 UTC] jhonny [18:50:49 UTC] em yes... [18:50:51 UTC] que bro [18:50:54 UTC] Jhonny are you single [18:50:54 UTC] ** mikcsi logged on. [18:50:59 UTC] TPY [18:51:03 UTC] nno te capto [18:51:10 UTC] por accidente le mande a snipe xd. [18:51:17 UTC] answer me Jhonny pls [18:51:24 UTC] sanpro [18:51:25 UTC] SAMPRO TE LLAMAS SAMU ENREALIDAD SI O NO [18:51:28 UTC] hes single [18:51:39 UTC] bro me robaron todo asta enel spawn me dejaron [18:51:42 UTC] HOLAAAAAAA [18:51:46 UTC] que [18:51:54 UTC] SO [18:51:56 UTC] you want to be my boyfriend Jhonny [18:51:57 UTC] holaaaaaa [18:52:06 UTC] ayoooo [18:52:09 UTC] BELA MIRA [18:52:09 UTC] sanprooooo [18:52:14 UTC] QUEEEE [18:52:16 UTC] ** agustnaaa logged on. [18:52:33 UTC] I had a gf but I lost her and I will never see her again. [18:52:34 UTC] hola [18:52:36 UTC] OLA AGUS [18:52:38 UTC] g y tense o te beso [18:52:47 UTC] biste [18:52:51 UTC] q [18:52:53 UTC] you want to be my boyfriend [18:52:53 UTC] COMO [18:53:04 UTC] bela mira [18:53:05 UTC] como estan [18:53:08 UTC] A SE PONA DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [18:53:17 UTC] de [18:53:29 UTC] biste [18:53:30 UTC] AGUS [18:53:31 UTC] a\ah. [18:53:33 UTC] q [18:53:35 UTC] answer me Jhonny [18:53:40 UTC] ah..... [18:53:40 UTC] LE BISTE A FREYJA [18:53:42 UTC] NO ENTIENDO ESCRIBI BIEN [18:53:47 UTC] YO LA BI AYER [18:53:49 UTC] ** mia logged off. [18:53:55 UTC] nopi ella vive aca [18:54:04 UTC] bela mira [18:54:08 UTC] ah. senõr ben peto [18:54:10 UTC] tell [18:54:16 UTC] aca vive [18:54:20 UTC] SAMPRO [18:54:29 UTC] jajajajaja escribi bien [18:54:30 UTC] açço [18:54:38 UTC] que te paso [18:54:42 UTC] aceo [18:54:43 UTC] GRASIAS [18:54:45 UTC] ** mikcsi logged off. [18:54:56 UTC] q hacen [18:55:01 UTC] ** GEDEIKIS logged on. [18:55:02 UTC] I can't have a girlfriend [18:55:02 UTC] pls answer me Jhonny [18:55:06 UTC] SANPRRO ME DAS PENA [18:55:10 UTC] ME ROBARONT TODO ASTA LO DE MI CASA [18:55:11 UTC] A WE MONTA K ah. sor [18:55:14 UTC] make a gf . [18:55:25 UTC] make me your gf pls [18:55:25 UTC] uuu [18:55:30 UTC] n potata [18:55:34 UTC] te gustaaa [18:55:35 UTC] se fue tu amiga [18:55:38 UTC] uuuuu [18:55:40 UTC] I don't to leave excited and hurt. [18:55:49 UTC] como [18:55:52 UTC] ** BELA891 logged off. [18:55:55 UTC] tenes contraseña? [18:55:59 UTC] no se [18:56:01 UTC] ya noni beso [18:56:06 UTC] sjjsj [18:56:07 UTC] si tengo [18:56:08 UTC] I can't leave you and cheat yo [18:56:31 UTC] oooooooooooo hace yu de [18:56:45 UTC] .-_- [18:57:10 UTC] si aplo [18:57:10 UTC] you can trust me Jhonny [18:57:16 UTC] alguien quiere ser mi amigo [18:57:17 UTC] q hacen [18:57:18 UTC] ** marii123 logged on. [18:57:18 UTC] bro como asi que te robaron que pasaste tu contraseña.. [18:57:27 UTC] nop [18:57:27 UTC] hola [18:57:37 UTC] reply me [18:57:41 UTC] entonces como te robaron [18:57:45 UTC] hola mari [18:57:47 UTC] sanpro o o o o o o o o o [18:57:48 UTC] NO SE [18:57:49 UTC] holiss [18:57:59 UTC] ta mi me robaron anbien [18:58:13 UTC] como estas [18:58:18 UTC] bien y vso [18:58:21 UTC] hola mari [18:58:22 UTC] vos* [18:58:25 UTC] yo bien sj [18:58:31 UTC] hme alegro [18:58:32 UTC] I don't know once I fell in love and got hurt... [18:58:34 UTC] me* [18:58:35 UTC] agustnaaa [18:58:36 UTC] Jhonny [18:58:39 UTC] yes [18:58:39 UTC] que [18:58:45 UTC] bro no llores.. [18:58:49 UTC] reply me pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls [18:58:51 UTC] xd [18:58:55 UTC] y tensas beuno [18:58:57 UTC] XD [18:59:01 UTC] EMPESARE DE SERO [18:59:04 UTC] te quiero mucho,,,bro no llores [18:59:04 UTC] CERO [18:59:12 UTC] que dice [18:59:13 UTC] Y [18:59:14 UTC] XDDDD [18:59:17 UTC] y [18:59:19 UTC] oo no [18:59:30 UTC] my armor was broken [18:59:32 UTC] p hăce [18:59:36 UTC] T-T [18:59:38 UTC] cuando me robaron mi cuenta tambien empeze todo desde cero.... [18:59:49 UTC] ** marila logged on. [18:59:52 UTC] who can speak english [18:59:54 UTC] ah............... [18:59:57 UTC] PERO TU ERES PRO [18:59:58 UTC] me [19:00:13 UTC] Y TESAS EL [19:00:13 UTC] capas no juege mas [19:00:17 UTC] bro.... [19:00:20 UTC] ** marii123 logged off. [19:00:25 UTC] Jhonny pls except me [19:00:31 UTC] que [19:00:35 UTC] no me dejes eres mi unico mejor antes..los dejaron... [19:00:43 UTC] … [19:00:44 UTC] de verdad te robaron... [19:00:46 UTC] pls tell in english [19:00:49 UTC] tienes contraseña? [19:00:57 UTC] JHONNY QUIERES SER MI AMIGO [19:00:58 UTC] SI TENGO [19:01:06 UTC] entonces como te robaron [19:01:07 UTC] ...le sona... [19:01:08 UTC] ** tobias16 logged off. [19:01:09 UTC] si dayana. [19:01:23 UTC] NO SE ALGUN JAKER [19:01:26 UTC] who can give me Armor [19:01:31 UTC] no [19:01:34 UTC] me dejes... [19:01:40 UTC] I mean to sanpro [19:01:43 UTC] yo estaba en tu casa ayer [19:01:47 UTC] OK NO LO ARE [19:01:48 UTC] y estaba bien [19:01:51 UTC] umm [19:01:56 UTC] ** Enny logged on. [19:01:58 UTC] ýo besa el or no? [19:02:05 UTC] pero tu contraseña es facil ? [19:02:14 UTC] mira la caja lacontra es 22o4 [19:02:22 UTC] ay dios [19:02:23 UTC] okee [19:02:26 UTC] I can't fall in love. [19:02:31 UTC] I want to see something [19:02:39 UTC] hola [19:02:42 UTC] no la digas puess [19:02:50 UTC] where I can .ine [19:02:53 UTC] hola/ hi [19:02:53 UTC] mine [19:02:56 UTC] w v ano [19:03:03 UTC] no mames de verdad te robaron... [19:03:11 UTC] umm i can show you [19:03:19 UTC] no vm [19:03:29 UTC] hiii [19:03:38 UTC] be friends [19:03:53 UTC] i can help you mine [19:03:57 UTC] agustnaaa [19:04:01 UTC] okay ithink this is it! [19:04:05 UTC] que [19:04:09 UTC] ayer entarron dos choritos y me pegaro y a mi ma le pegaron y mi mama agarro un acarten y lo pego xddddddd [19:04:16 UTC] *gasps* [19:04:20 UTC] i can show you the way [19:04:21 UTC] agustnaaa where I can mine [19:04:26 UTC] this is it yes!!!!!!!! [19:04:34 UTC] come [19:04:34 UTC] ok show me [19:04:36 UTC] TENGO HIERRO NOMMAS [19:04:43 UTC] bro estas bien? [19:04:59 UTC] it is far away [19:05:01 UTC] A S ONH JON ELLAAAAA!!!!!!! [19:05:08 UTC] ok [19:05:09 UTC] SI [19:05:14 UTC] como te robaron [19:05:23 UTC] A DEPO!!!!!!!!!!!.!!. [19:05:24 UTC] I don't have anything [19:05:24 UTC] NO SE [19:05:29 UTC] oh.-_- [19:05:29 UTC] ** mia logged on. [19:05:41 UTC] a sn bo [19:05:43 UTC] thank you [19:05:44 UTC] esa me pide que sea su novio. [19:05:46 UTC] todo esta con protex [19:05:46 UTC] bye [19:05:56 UTC] p [19:05:56 UTC] your welcome [19:06:07 UTC] what you ask [19:06:14 UTC] ** mandalor logged on. [19:06:19 UTC] hola mandalor. [19:06:28 UTC] hola mandolar [19:06:29 UTC] hola jhonn [19:06:35 UTC] what you ask [19:06:35 UTC] hi [19:06:38 UTC] hi [19:06:41 UTC] hola spiper [19:06:57 UTC] noo [19:06:59 UTC] mierda [19:07:02 UTC] sniper* [19:07:05 UTC] w es como? [19:07:07 UTC] VOLVI [19:07:14 UTC] hola santino [19:07:15 UTC] ah. [19:07:17 UTC] who is this [19:07:17 UTC] la araña fue [19:07:27 UTC] hola mandalor [19:07:30 UTC] but do not go in my house or my neighbor [19:07:38 UTC] Don't cry bro i love you [19:07:40 UTC] why [19:07:49 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [19:07:49 UTC] hi [19:07:55 UTC] hi mia [19:07:57 UTC] hi [19:08:00 UTC] no se k bona [19:08:01 UTC] ª [19:08:02 UTC] i do not want you to steal [19:08:08 UTC] can give me food [19:08:11 UTC] holee [19:08:14 UTC] hi mar [19:08:15 UTC] grasias [19:08:17 UTC] €¥£ [19:08:20 UTC] come [19:08:30 UTC] food [19:08:32 UTC] ay no por un momento me ilusione [19:08:40 UTC] ajaja [19:08:41 UTC] tenes madera [19:08:45 UTC] mar girly pop stole all my stuff [19:08:45 UTC] ¥£€£_¥_£¥_£¥£¥£¥£_¥£¥_£¥£_¥¥£££££¥££££¥££_£¥ [19:08:48 UTC] dequee [19:08:48 UTC] maldita kia [19:08:56 UTC] tuga po [19:09:09 UTC] this is I bouse [19:09:12 UTC] house [19:09:15 UTC] are you at the house kia [19:09:19 UTC] on beni [19:09:20 UTC] yes [19:09:22 UTC] ** Karina247 logged on. [19:09:24 UTC] ok [19:09:30 UTC] bro [19:09:38 UTC] y ahora cambiaras de cuenta? [19:09:45 UTC] girlypop stole my inventory [19:09:47 UTC] o como alguien sabe tu contraseña [19:09:55 UTC] QUE NO TENGO ESPADA [19:10:02 UTC] ghost [19:10:04 UTC] cambia de contra nomas [19:10:06 UTC] capas [19:10:07 UTC] ** Napnapa42 logged on. [19:10:09 UTC] ok a girl requested going mining [19:10:10 UTC] help [19:10:13 UTC] grasias [19:10:16 UTC] no se puede cambiar la contraseña [19:10:21 UTC] ** Karina247 logged off. [19:10:22 UTC] si [19:10:40 UTC] desde cuando [19:10:42 UTC] where we go [19:10:50 UTC] solo nemo puede [19:10:51 UTC] no se puede [19:10:53 UTC] de la caja o de la cuenta? [19:11:00 UTC] hi mar [19:11:01 UTC] se w [19:11:05 UTC] de cuenta [19:11:09 UTC] hi [19:11:11 UTC] hi kia [19:11:12 UTC] yo puedo [19:11:15 UTC] hi [19:11:20 UTC] okee [19:11:25 UTC] look what they did to my house [19:11:30 UTC] ik [19:11:37 UTC] le soi beuno -_- [19:11:37 UTC] ** sanndd logged on. [19:11:38 UTC] o my god [19:11:41 UTC] my bed is gone [19:11:48 UTC] come. on [19:11:50 UTC] so bad for you [19:11:58 UTC] todos pueden [19:11:59 UTC] ** Enny logged off. [19:12:03 UTC] ** MAGUI3 logged off. [19:12:05 UTC] j [19:12:05 UTC] and girlypop stole my whole inventory [19:12:06 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged off. [19:12:15 UTC] huh! [19:12:15 UTC] wait girly pop could be the hacker [19:12:16 UTC] ** Napnapa42 logged off. [19:12:22 UTC] I can come [19:12:25 UTC] ojun un petodinos [19:12:26 UTC] queres saber como? [19:12:26 UTC] yes [19:12:34 UTC] where I can mine [19:12:36 UTC] hi mia [19:12:40 UTC] umm [19:12:49 UTC] wait [19:12:54 UTC] where [19:13:02 UTC] I come [19:13:02 UTC] one sec [19:13:12 UTC] no chat okee sanpro? [19:13:27 UTC] ty [19:13:30 UTC] only to omigos [19:13:34 UTC] jonny quieres saber o no? [19:13:42 UTC] que [19:13:44 UTC] I need to mine [19:13:45 UTC] cosa [19:13:46 UTC] MY IRON IS GONE [19:13:57 UTC] como cambiar la contra? [19:14:06 UTC] im so mad rn [19:14:08 UTC] ok [19:14:12 UTC] hi [19:14:13 UTC] hi [19:14:14 UTC] tu puedes? [19:14:17 UTC] si [19:14:24 UTC] where I can mine pls tell [19:14:32 UTC] hi [19:14:32 UTC] one moment [19:14:38 UTC] come [19:14:44 UTC] ok [19:14:48 UTC] yo estoy bien mi contra tiene 12 digitos. [19:14:53 UTC] jsjs [19:14:56 UTC] can I have food please please [19:14:59 UTC] y como dayna [19:15:00 UTC] comee [19:15:08 UTC] okey pero no solo nemos puede todos pueden [19:15:11 UTC] mar do you have stone [19:15:17 UTC] que [19:15:18 UTC] mandalor [19:15:24 UTC] si? [19:15:29 UTC] y te [19:15:31 UTC] this cave [19:15:34 UTC] can i have three stone? [19:15:38 UTC] se puede cambiar de contraseña por nuestra cuenta? [19:15:40 UTC] you go frist [19:15:51 UTC] can I have a sword, please? [19:15:52 UTC] I'm going to mia's house [19:15:58 UTC] or this mountain [19:15:59 UTC] ok [19:16:05 UTC] ok [19:16:10 UTC] en teoria, creo que si, pero yo nunca lo intente por si las dudas [19:16:12 UTC] asrio come to. my new one [19:16:21 UTC] im going afk [19:16:21 UTC] okay [19:16:25 UTC] porque antes no se podia... [19:16:27 UTC] just tp me [19:16:30 UTC] kia dont be mad [19:16:31 UTC] p [19:16:36 UTC] at me [19:16:37 UTC] what? [19:16:40 UTC] ** hhh logged on. [19:16:44 UTC] hi [19:16:45 UTC] ?? [19:16:46 UTC] whoa! [19:16:54 UTC] my friend took your bed [19:17:01 UTC] .... [19:17:03 UTC] go look around [19:17:09 UTC] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa encontre la foto de sanproooooooooooooooooooooooo [19:17:12 UTC] WHO? [19:17:15 UTC] i told her not to go in your house [19:17:15 UTC] I see this sighn [19:17:17 UTC] go explore [19:17:21 UTC] jsjs [19:17:23 UTC] I meuan sign [19:17:24 UTC] WHAT NAME [19:17:26 UTC] mean [19:17:26 UTC] everleigh [19:17:30 UTC] como una foto [19:17:33 UTC] write oh the sign [19:17:33 UTC] OMG [19:17:38 UTC] ssiiiiiii [19:17:43 UTC] en insta? [19:17:49 UTC] nooo [19:17:49 UTC] write mine on the sign [19:17:51 UTC] i tokk lol d her stay in my house [19:17:53 UTC] donde [19:17:53 UTC] aca [19:17:55 UTC] im not mad at you mar [19:17:56 UTC] okay [19:18:00 UTC] ** hhh logged off. [19:18:01 UTC] ok [19:18:02 UTC] y desaparesiooooooooo [19:18:08 UTC] wue [19:18:10 UTC] im mad at her [19:18:22 UTC] ye [19:18:28 UTC] donde [19:18:31 UTC] thanks [19:18:34 UTC] BOTH [19:18:39 UTC] np [19:18:41 UTC] nose estaba por acaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [19:18:43 UTC] how did you do it?? [19:18:45 UTC] SHE TOOK ONE [19:18:51 UTC] Hi Saund [19:18:53 UTC] hi [19:18:58 UTC] Hi [19:18:58 UTC] no puede serrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [19:18:59 UTC] ui bff [19:19:04 UTC] come [19:19:05 UTC] Hi [19:19:05 UTC] she took one be dad [19:19:11 UTC] mandalor [19:19:13 UTC] bed [19:19:14 UTC] I have to go [19:19:16 UTC] si? [19:19:16 UTC] y desia futuro [19:19:19 UTC] sos mi idolo [19:19:25 UTC] ** George85 logged on. [19:19:26 UTC] where [19:19:33 UTC] como asi? [19:19:35 UTC] hi guys [19:19:41 UTC] Hi George [19:19:44 UTC] hi [19:19:49 UTC] nose mi mente me lo dijo y lo dije yo... [19:20:00 UTC] a [19:20:01 UTC] give me wood pls [19:20:04 UTC] whatdid I do? [19:20:10 UTC] nothing [19:20:24 UTC] um o.......okay? [19:20:24 UTC] how did you write on the sign [19:20:25 UTC] les cuento algo [19:20:30 UTC] que [19:20:36 UTC] oh just hold sneak [19:20:36 UTC] mia [19:20:37 UTC] byee friend [19:20:37 UTC] soy yutuber [19:20:40 UTC] after she took a bed she left [19:20:43 UTC] saben como se quitan los bagones? [19:20:43 UTC] what is sneak [19:20:45 UTC] te busco [19:20:50 UTC] x2 [19:20:52 UTC] ** Sree_22 logged off. [19:20:52 UTC] i cant believe her [19:20:54 UTC] the down button [19:20:54 UTC] como salis [19:21:02 UTC] para quitar el bagon presionas shift y tocas [19:21:19 UTC] sorry [19:21:25 UTC] no tengo shift [19:21:28 UTC] ah qeria hacer un chiste cuando dijiste eso pero todos se ofenderian [19:21:34 UTC] todos tienen xd [19:21:36 UTC] I need to reset my game one sec [19:21:37 UTC] you ready to go to the iron cave mar [19:21:37 UTC] ** benja logged on. [19:21:37 UTC] hi [19:21:50 UTC] nose cual es [19:21:59 UTC] hi [19:22:02 UTC] la tecla que esta debajo de bloq mayus [19:22:03 UTC] hello ladys [19:22:08 UTC] a [19:22:14 UTC] ** asriothesniper logged off. [19:22:21 UTC] nice [19:22:22 UTC] she came earlier today [19:22:33 UTC] really [19:22:53 UTC] hi brf [19:22:57 UTC] hi bff [19:22:58 UTC] hi [19:23:01 UTC] brf ??? [19:23:04 UTC] hi [19:23:08 UTC] yes but i not invite her today [19:23:10 UTC] wht up [19:23:12 UTC] ok what bff [19:23:15 UTC] ok good [19:23:16 UTC] alguno juega a el minecraft original? [19:23:30 UTC] ill be back [19:23:33 UTC] sanndd [19:23:36 UTC] ** ammandaa logged on. [19:23:37 UTC] ok [19:23:38 UTC] yes [19:23:43 UTC] mandalor no quiero ser molesto pero te puedo preguntar una cosa...por tercera vez, [19:23:46 UTC] I don't know you [19:24:00 UTC] ** uyt5e3 logged on. [19:24:08 UTC] im going to die [19:24:09 UTC] I wasn't talking to you I was talking to mia [19:24:20 UTC] what happened [19:24:20 UTC] o ok sorry [19:24:29 UTC] it ok [19:24:32 UTC] i have one life [19:24:41 UTC] ok [19:24:46 UTC] ** gena logged on. [19:25:02 UTC] do you want to be my friend [19:25:03 UTC] ** uyt5e3 logged off. [19:25:04 UTC] mandalor,,, [19:25:10 UTC] go to spawn then the bone house second floor you will feel better [19:25:16 UTC] im going home [19:25:17 UTC] who on this server plays a different server and if so tell me the name [19:25:20 UTC] ok [19:25:26 UTC] ok [19:25:52 UTC] perdon, estaba afk, que me ivas a pregutar? [19:25:53 UTC] ** GEDEIKIS logged off. [19:25:55 UTC] who here plays a different server and if so tell me the name [19:26:03 UTC] abc do you want bf [19:26:23 UTC] im a boy [19:26:34 UTC] I know that [19:26:37 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [19:26:39 UTC] yep [19:26:39 UTC] ayooo [19:26:45 UTC] no la supero bro [19:26:54 UTC] ** ammandaa logged off. [19:26:55 UTC] uwu [19:27:13 UTC] I said do you wanna be my boyfriend? [19:27:23 UTC] ah, igual te comprendo un poco, yo la extraño tambien [19:27:27 UTC] me no [19:27:31 UTC] I cant [19:27:36 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [19:27:37 UTC] te dijo algo... [19:27:39 UTC] uwu [19:27:42 UTC] why not [19:27:46 UTC] si? [19:27:49 UTC] he has a gf [19:27:49 UTC] si? [19:27:51 UTC] do even think about asking asriosniper [19:27:51 UTC] no yo no xd [19:27:54 UTC] tu dime [19:27:59 UTC] si ella te dijo algo antes [19:27:59 UTC] ah xd [19:28:01 UTC] xd [19:28:01 UTC] I have a what idk [19:28:32 UTC] I need 1 red flower [19:28:38 UTC] ok [19:28:41 UTC] mar you at home [19:28:45 UTC] do you have 1 [19:28:51 UTC] yes [19:28:51 UTC] la ultima vez que se conecto, me dijo que quizas de iva a conectar la siguiente semana, pero no fue asi [19:28:53 UTC] yep on roof [19:28:57 UTC] can I have it [19:29:00 UTC] oki [19:29:03 UTC] yes [19:29:13 UTC] ok come too spawn [19:29:17 UTC] meet [19:29:19 UTC] ok [19:29:24 UTC] no no not yet [19:29:25 UTC] yes meet at spwan [19:29:30 UTC] not yet [19:29:37 UTC] toy tendiendo esperanza pero...quiza es estaba esperando... [19:29:38 UTC] pvp [19:29:38 UTC] hi [19:29:43 UTC] im going to spawn [19:29:43 UTC] hey [19:29:45 UTC] pop virghinidade [19:29:58 UTC] ** gena logged off. [19:30:02 UTC] ** dayana341 logged off. [19:30:22 UTC] y esa no dijo mas como se llama en el youtube azul [19:30:29 UTC] were r u [19:30:30 UTC] jajj [19:30:33 UTC] Where are you? [19:30:34 UTC] ah no era asi xd.. [19:30:42 UTC] I'm at spawn [19:30:47 UTC] ajaj la pajina azul trabaja ella [19:30:48 UTC] xd [19:30:57 UTC] xD [19:31:06 UTC] ya vengo [19:31:08 UTC] ** mandalor logged off. [19:31:09 UTC] mar i got54 [19:31:14 UTC] adiioss [19:31:16 UTC] oka [19:31:18 UTC] ok [19:31:18 UTC] me voy [19:31:21 UTC] 54 what [19:31:23 UTC] come [19:31:26 UTC] nos vemos. [19:31:28 UTC] ** agustnaaa logged off. [19:31:29 UTC] what? [19:31:29 UTC] nunya [19:31:33 UTC] go were [19:31:38 UTC] iron [19:31:51 UTC] dang [19:31:55 UTC] hi [19:31:59 UTC] i had more [19:32:01 UTC] hi [19:32:14 UTC] I can't see you name tag [19:32:19 UTC] im coming to house [19:32:28 UTC] ow [19:33:24 UTC] help [19:33:50 UTC] im near house [19:33:56 UTC] po [19:33:58 UTC] ok [19:34:15 UTC] r u hungry [19:34:17 UTC] where are you [19:34:19 UTC] y is there a spider [19:34:20 UTC] hi its me girlypops I stole mias acount [19:34:21 UTC] ** ghgghu logged on. [19:34:25 UTC] ** fgfgft logged on. [19:34:34 UTC] I'm in a home I think [19:34:35 UTC] what! [19:34:52 UTC] girly pop! [19:34:54 UTC] Bye guys [19:34:55 UTC] girlypop stop stealing names [19:34:56 UTC] ** Dolly2 logged off. [19:35:29 UTC] what like who [19:35:30 UTC] i swear if she steals my account [19:35:32 UTC] it [19:35:39 UTC] were is my wood [19:35:42 UTC] she stole my account [19:35:49 UTC] i [19:36:01 UTC] do not know [19:36:03 UTC] you [19:36:08 UTC] o ok [19:36:10 UTC] what [19:36:15 UTC] but she does not know my password [19:36:25 UTC] were is the red flower sanndd [19:36:42 UTC] bro I logged in your account earlyier marila [19:36:43 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged on. [19:37:01 UTC] f*ck you [19:37:03 UTC] were is the red flower [19:37:05 UTC] whatt!!! bit*h [19:37:09 UTC] me [19:37:15 UTC] yea [19:37:21 UTC] ** marii123 logged on. [19:37:24 UTC] what did I do [19:37:27 UTC] hahahahah [19:37:33 UTC] hola [19:37:36 UTC] hola [19:37:38 UTC] hi [19:37:40 UTC] hola [19:37:41 UTC] ugly biach [19:37:44 UTC] td bien [19:37:46 UTC] hola [19:37:51 UTC] hola [19:38:20 UTC] because you do not want to be my bf [19:38:37 UTC] I'm sorry I already have a GF [19:38:43 UTC] who [19:38:48 UTC] peanut [19:38:51 UTC] ** Buakaw logged on. [19:38:51 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged off. [19:38:52 UTC] wait she knows im your neighbor [19:38:54 UTC] ohhhhhl [19:38:55 UTC] ** marii123 logged off. [19:39:07 UTC] ** fgfgft logged off. [19:39:13 UTC] we can still be friends [19:39:23 UTC] bi*ch [19:39:25 UTC] you could keep it in secret [19:39:26 UTC] ** ghgghu logged off. [19:39:26 UTC] what [19:39:39 UTC] keep what a secret [19:39:59 UTC] You can date me, but you can still date her [19:40:05 UTC] abc if yout super strong irl [19:40:09 UTC] OMG [19:40:13 UTC] I can't date 2 people [19:40:14 UTC] abc [19:40:15 UTC] hi [19:40:16 UTC] abc [19:40:18 UTC] abc [19:40:22 UTC] You can just keep it as [19:40:25 UTC] abc [19:40:32 UTC] veteran [19:40:51 UTC] like fr fr i even want to be in wwe [19:41:00 UTC] I can't but is I break up with paenut you can be my GF [19:41:07 UTC] but unless you mess with me im harmless than an ant [19:41:08 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged on. [19:41:20 UTC] don't break up with her [19:41:22 UTC] come on [19:41:41 UTC] goerge you stole my beds! [19:41:41 UTC] I won't unless she wants to [19:41:47 UTC] what no [19:41:50 UTC] she told me [19:41:52 UTC] ya did [19:42:00 UTC] she doesn't like you anymore [19:42:02 UTC] explain [19:42:02 UTC] no I did not [19:42:06 UTC] mia r u real mia [19:42:06 UTC] ** balli logged on. [19:42:08 UTC] kept [19:42:11 UTC] is that true [19:42:15 UTC] I'm gonna break up with you [19:42:21 UTC] no it girlypop [19:42:23 UTC] ok?? [19:42:29 UTC] I new it [19:42:48 UTC] fine girlypops is my sis and she stole my ipad [19:42:51 UTC] ** Buakaw logged off. [19:43:05 UTC] sanndd I will tell you if I break up with paenut ok [19:43:08 UTC] so do you want to [19:43:09 UTC] kia do you know what im thinking [19:43:16 UTC] hmm? [19:43:33 UTC] um idk I will if she will [19:43:40 UTC] get lots of blocks [19:43:45 UTC] she is breaking up with you [19:43:54 UTC] i have 91 [19:43:54 UTC] how do you know [19:44:13 UTC] how [19:44:13 UTC] and put them around our houses [19:44:17 UTC] yes how [19:44:22 UTC] ok [19:44:26 UTC] because I'm her her friend [19:44:33 UTC] really [19:44:42 UTC] yea [19:44:44 UTC] food [19:44:56 UTC] do you have food mar? [19:44:59 UTC] so no one gets in our house [19:45:04 UTC] yea [19:45:06 UTC] yes [19:45:07 UTC] was nezuko a boy or a girl [19:45:15 UTC] girl [19:45:21 UTC] i [19:45:23 UTC] so [19:45:32 UTC] Do you wanna be my man yes or no? [19:45:39 UTC] ** mini-conejita logged on. [19:45:43 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged on. [19:45:46 UTC] Panyik156 are you retired? [19:45:48 UTC] I will be back [19:45:51 UTC] ** George85 logged off. [19:45:51 UTC] ty [19:45:55 UTC] holi 3: [19:45:58 UTC] ye [19:46:00 UTC] hola [19:46:04 UTC] hola [19:46:09 UTC] no im only 13 years old [19:46:09 UTC] hola [19:46:26 UTC] ** sasa logged on. [19:46:46 UTC] Ah don't believe anything bro.... [19:46:47 UTC] i think something [19:46:57 UTC] hi mia [19:47:00 UTC] abc if you can lift 100 lbs [19:47:09 UTC] abc [19:47:12 UTC] abc [19:47:27 UTC] what was the question [19:47:32 UTC] i work out so [19:48:03 UTC] i go to a gym near a park [19:48:26 UTC] in az [19:48:44 UTC] ** sasa logged off. [19:49:07 UTC] ah [19:49:29 UTC] irl alot of people underesstemate me but im stronger than my own retired dad [19:49:44 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged off. [19:49:54 UTC] ** balli logged off. [19:49:57 UTC] kia bat [19:50:06 UTC] hi [19:50:10 UTC] who are you? [19:50:16 UTC] bff [19:50:19 UTC] ohh [19:50:22 UTC] ** scaiiett logged on. [19:50:23 UTC] hii [19:50:24 UTC] sanndd [19:50:29 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged on. [19:50:32 UTC] ok [19:50:38 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged off. [19:50:44 UTC] can i have food please [19:50:48 UTC] ok [19:51:18 UTC] nia is your mom mis [19:51:23 UTC] mia [19:51:28 UTC] ** irishka__ logged on. [19:51:50 UTC] cute [19:52:27 UTC] mar my food. bar is low [19:52:33 UTC] why do you have a cross in [19:52:41 UTC] its not mine [19:52:51 UTC] not mine either [19:53:02 UTC] rember that scary thing [19:53:07 UTC] that did that [19:53:15 UTC] oh [19:53:24 UTC] ME DAS UNA ESPADA [19:53:33 UTC] ** Nya7 logged on. [19:53:34 UTC] myeahh [19:53:37 UTC] si ten [19:53:51 UTC] ** squish1NdBoy logged on. [19:54:07 UTC] kia where do you get cotton [19:54:17 UTC] i grow it [19:54:19 UTC] bye mia [19:54:26 UTC] oh [19:54:45 UTC] ** sanndd logged off. [19:54:47 UTC] kia4 where did you get your first cotton? [19:54:56 UTC] can i have one [19:54:57 UTC] who are you [19:55:15 UTC] what? [19:55:21 UTC] who [19:55:35 UTC] who [19:55:53 UTC] i have one food bar [19:56:01 UTC] if you see a scary creature it needs food [19:56:08 UTC] ** Buakaw logged on. [19:56:11 UTC] ERES EL DUEÑO DEL SERVI [19:56:15 UTC] no bro [19:56:28 UTC] can i have foood please [19:56:30 UTC] solo juego aqui [19:56:59 UTC] AAAAAAAA [19:57:01 UTC] ty [19:57:02 UTC] vuelvo luego [19:57:05 UTC] thsm [19:57:06 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged off. [19:57:07 UTC] yw [19:57:08 UTC] tysm [19:57:13 UTC] hi [19:57:23 UTC] i need a boyfriend [19:57:29 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged on. [19:57:34 UTC] ME DAS UNA ARMA [19:57:44 UTC] we don't date here [19:57:44 UTC] HOLA [19:57:52 UTC] ok [19:57:53 UTC] i have a plan [19:57:55 UTC] ** scaiiett logged off. [19:58:03 UTC] so [19:58:06 UTC] u [19:58:08 UTC] ? [19:58:54 UTC] ** mandalor logged on. [19:59:07 UTC] hola mandalor [19:59:12 UTC] infront of the door you dig so deep when someone comes they will fall [19:59:13 UTC] hola santino [19:59:20 UTC] ok [19:59:25 UTC] como estas bro [19:59:44 UTC] bien, masomenos algo enojado, vos? [19:59:52 UTC] can I help [20:00:13 UTC] MAL me robaron todo porque estas enojado [20:00:14 UTC] what happend to my door? [20:00:23 UTC] i have it [20:00:26 UTC] ** ally logged on. [20:00:36 UTC] marila what happened to your door? [20:00:36 UTC] put this one [20:00:38 UTC] ty [20:00:41 UTC] como que te robaron? [20:00:47 UTC] QUIERES SER MI NOVIA [20:01:01 UTC] what [20:01:01 UTC] no one can get in with this door [20:01:10 UTC] si me robaron todoy no se como [20:01:16 UTC] ** abreey logged on. [20:01:18 UTC] ** Nya7 logged off. [20:01:28 UTC] hi [20:01:32 UTC] pero tu cuenta tiene contraseña? [20:01:33 UTC] see [20:01:35 UTC] ty [20:01:41 UTC] SI [20:01:47 UTC] sorr [20:01:50 UTC] sorry [20:01:53 UTC] ok [20:01:56 UTC] wow [20:02:10 UTC] you cant get in [20:02:14 UTC] nope [20:02:15 UTC] ** Alma logged on. [20:02:23 UTC] yay [20:02:27 UTC] ** squish1NdBoy logged off. [20:02:45 UTC] ALMA TE QUIERO [20:03:01 UTC] how is it going [20:03:18 UTC] mar [20:03:30 UTC] im ok [20:03:33 UTC] oki [20:03:55 UTC] mar [20:04:12 UTC] queres minar bro [20:04:24 UTC] im at your house [20:04:27 UTC] who is at school? [20:04:31 UTC] why [20:04:34 UTC] let me out please [20:04:39 UTC] ok [20:04:49 UTC] ahora estoy ocupado con algo, si quieres mas tarde [20:04:58 UTC] I respawn there since i have no bed [20:05:05 UTC] ** Alma logged off. [20:05:08 UTC] OK QUE ASSES [20:05:13 UTC] iw do i get out [20:05:19 UTC] how [20:05:27 UTC] breaking [20:05:43 UTC] done [20:05:46 UTC] ty [20:05:52 UTC] estoy viendo donde me mori, entre a un lugar y me mori de caida [20:06:04 UTC] jaajajaj suerte [20:06:05 UTC] do you have 3 wood [20:06:15 UTC] mb [20:06:24 UTC] yes [20:06:31 UTC] 3 [20:06:37 UTC] yes [20:06:48 UTC] can i have [20:07:17 UTC] tysm [20:07:21 UTC] np [20:09:10 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [20:09:32 UTC] i wanted to make bed [20:09:40 UTC] 4 u [20:09:47 UTC] aww ty [20:10:01 UTC] ** tyrann logged on. [20:10:07 UTC] ** Reina___Azuky logged on. [20:10:08 UTC] but i do not have the items [20:10:10 UTC] ** tyrann logged off. [20:10:15 UTC] its ok [20:10:19 UTC] ** Buakaw logged off. [20:10:29 UTC] ** Lee12 logged on. [20:10:36 UTC] ** Buakaw logged on. [20:10:42 UTC] ** Reina___Azuky logged off. [20:11:00 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Q paso santino? .-. [20:11:18 UTC] ** Lee12 logged off. [20:11:24 UTC] ME ACEPTAS QUE ME PERDI EN UNA MINA [20:11:26 UTC] brb irl [20:11:30 UTC] ** tilt_tilt logged on. [20:11:34 UTC] ok [20:11:37 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [20:11:38 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ve al Spawn [20:11:47 UTC] GRASIAS [20:11:50 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged on. [20:11:53 UTC] nooo [20:12:18 UTC] oh thanks [20:12:22 UTC] hola bro [20:12:26 UTC] hola mano [20:12:43 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [20:12:50 UTC] HAY CONSEGI ALGUNAS COSAS FUI HA MINAR [20:13:08 UTC] bro aun estoy confundido [20:13:12 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [20:13:16 UTC] umm [20:13:18 UTC] porque [20:13:30 UTC] como te robaron si tenes contraseña [20:13:33 UTC] ** Buakaw logged off. [20:13:38 UTC] huh [20:13:40 UTC] help [20:13:51 UTC] mine behind your house [20:14:06 UTC] no lo entiendo porquemi contra no se la di a nadie [20:14:22 UTC] Seguro? [20:14:29 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [20:14:31 UTC] mine behind your house [20:14:33 UTC] mia my. cousin is playing [20:14:37 UTC] no please don't [20:14:42 UTC] do it [20:14:43 UTC] hii im back [20:14:51 UTC] SI BRO [20:14:54 UTC] mine [20:15:01 UTC] kia read this [20:15:05 UTC] ** asia_99 logged on. [20:15:22 UTC] ? [20:15:22 UTC] the skull gave this to me [20:15:26 UTC] omg [20:15:28 UTC] mia say /spawn [20:15:45 UTC] it is creepy [20:15:56 UTC] BRO tenes oro [20:15:58 UTC] omg wth [20:16:05 UTC] ik [20:16:06 UTC] ** asia_99 logged off. [20:16:06 UTC] ** DAMIAN-_-14 logged on. [20:16:08 UTC] aaah [20:16:10 UTC] SI [20:16:17 UTC] ** DAMIAN-_-14 logged off. [20:16:18 UTC] me prestas [20:16:18 UTC] but we just respawned [20:16:19 UTC] come [20:16:24 UTC] queres [20:16:42 UTC] si el oro por si las dudas [20:16:48 UTC] jajajaja [20:16:50 UTC] cuanto queres [20:16:54 UTC] there's a door [20:16:55 UTC] why are ther doors [20:16:57 UTC] nose [20:17:03 UTC] ** abreey logged off. [20:17:10 UTC] mia made this [20:17:13 UTC] ** abreey logged on. [20:17:21 UTC] it say mia made this [20:17:35 UTC] but the skull [20:17:38 UTC] es tuyo [20:17:45 UTC] hi mia i am ally's cousin [20:17:46 UTC] si [20:17:48 UTC] if you press once it says mia made it [20:17:49 UTC] oka [20:17:52 UTC] ** LeKnows logged on. [20:17:57 UTC] mia did you make a book [20:18:07 UTC] no what book [20:18:19 UTC] yes you did [20:18:22 UTC] DONDE ESTAS [20:18:24 UTC] ** LeKnows logged off. [20:18:25 UTC] we have proof [20:18:25 UTC] I didn't [20:18:29 UTC] en mi casa [20:18:34 UTC] ok I wasn't there [20:18:41 UTC] are you the skull [20:18:46 UTC] we have a book that say you made it [20:18:56 UTC] OMG [20:18:58 UTC] no I made a book to scare one of my friends [20:19:00 UTC] MIRA BRO [20:19:09 UTC] AHHHH [20:19:10 UTC] maybe the skull took it [20:19:21 UTC] I left it in a smelter? [20:19:22 UTC] que es mina [20:19:23 UTC] there's a cross [20:19:26 UTC] it says you will kl us [20:19:32 UTC] POR SI LAS DUDAS [20:19:35 UTC] I didnt [20:19:41 UTC] mmm sii [20:19:43 UTC] I dont lie [20:19:45 UTC] i did not make that [20:19:53 UTC] ten [20:19:55 UTC] grasias [20:20:06 UTC] oka [20:20:11 UTC] LUEGO TE LO DEBUELVO [20:20:24 UTC] why did a skull give this to me [20:20:26 UTC] no pasa nada bro [20:20:27 UTC] mia [20:20:32 UTC] then [20:20:47 UTC] skull [20:20:49 UTC] skull [20:20:58 UTC] BRO PVP [20:21:02 UTC] reaper [20:21:03 UTC] oka [20:21:05 UTC] pera [20:21:09 UTC] ** mia logged off. [20:21:15 UTC] its mia [20:21:22 UTC] it's mia [20:21:26 UTC] bro she has my stuff [20:21:35 UTC] in her inventory [20:21:36 UTC] ** mia logged on. [20:21:40 UTC] why [20:21:48 UTC] grasias [20:21:49 UTC] help mee! [20:21:51 UTC] in your house [20:21:56 UTC] no die [20:21:58 UTC] dont hurt me [20:22:05 UTC] ** abreey logged off. [20:22:05 UTC] ** ally logged off. [20:22:07 UTC] cuento? [20:22:09 UTC] CUENTA [20:22:13 UTC] 1 [20:22:14 UTC] 2 [20:22:14 UTC] 3 [20:22:15 UTC] ya [20:22:16 UTC] the fake kia trapped me [20:22:25 UTC] bruh you [20:22:28 UTC] xd [20:22:29 UTC] please [20:22:33 UTC] no [20:22:39 UTC] why idiot [20:22:43 UTC] thanks [20:22:44 UTC] ** GEDEIKIS logged on. [20:22:54 UTC] mia [20:23:05 UTC] help me up [20:23:07 UTC] JAJAJAJAJA [20:23:08 UTC] what are you doing [20:23:10 UTC] xd encima en mitad de vida [20:23:22 UTC] idk I just spawned here [20:23:25 UTC] soy malo [20:23:27 UTC] idk how [20:23:27 UTC] no lies [20:23:35 UTC] shes the skull [20:23:35 UTC] help me out [20:23:41 UTC] estoy en pc ahora mi cel esta [20:23:49 UTC] please [20:23:49 UTC] AMIGO VENI JHIII XD [20:23:53 UTC] mia is the skull [20:23:54 UTC] get he ladders [20:23:57 UTC] fregado [20:23:57 UTC] mine a block [20:24:15 UTC] xd [20:24:15 UTC] one question [20:24:18 UTC] give me a pick axe so I could mine oit [20:24:23 UTC] okay [20:24:28 UTC] are you the skull [20:24:31 UTC] no [20:24:37 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [20:24:39 UTC] LIESSES [20:24:42 UTC] the skull is a hacker [20:24:50 UTC] no not hacker [20:25:00 UTC] shes the skull [20:25:07 UTC] de hijo por ahora.. [20:25:11 UTC] im not [20:25:19 UTC] danf [20:25:19 UTC] yeah your [20:25:28 UTC] are [20:25:31 UTC] bye then [20:25:37 UTC] owww [20:25:38 UTC] ey daselo a papa [20:25:43 UTC] she killed me [20:25:50 UTC] jhonnyxd [20:26:10 UTC] PERA [20:26:11 UTC] yes [20:26:26 UTC] log off for a sec [20:26:29 UTC] umm [20:26:33 UTC] ok [20:26:43 UTC] donde estas [20:26:43 UTC] hi [20:26:46 UTC] hi [20:26:50 UTC] she tricked us [20:26:50 UTC] what up? [20:26:52 UTC] I need a pickaxe [20:27:00 UTC] no dont do it [20:27:08 UTC] dont give it to her [20:27:10 UTC] thanks [20:27:25 UTC] ** Floreshdyljl logged on. [20:27:26 UTC] que paso santino? [20:27:31 UTC] nooo do not hurt us [20:27:33 UTC] nada [20:27:58 UTC] xd [20:28:09 UTC] trampa [20:28:13 UTC] ** Floreshdyljl logged off. [20:28:14 UTC] JHONNYXD [20:28:19 UTC] ** Floreshdyljl logged on. [20:28:23 UTC] skull wherever you are [20:28:23 UTC] xd me pegaste primero y sin avisar [20:28:28 UTC] who's the skull???????? [20:28:28 UTC] ** Floreshdyljl logged off. [20:28:29 UTC] SOY BENJA [20:28:36 UTC] you are mis [20:28:39 UTC] oh god I see a scary creature [20:28:42 UTC] SHOW YOURSELF [20:28:43 UTC] ** rayghen logged on. [20:28:58 UTC] hola benja xd [20:29:01 UTC] its mia... marlia [20:29:16 UTC] NO JUGO MAS ADRIAN [20:29:16 UTC] ok mia come [20:29:21 UTC] nooo [20:29:28 UTC] why [20:29:32 UTC] nose la ultima vez lo banearon [20:29:41 UTC] PODRE [20:29:43 UTC] no lo vi mas [20:29:47 UTC] la otra vez se conecto adrian [20:29:52 UTC] i want to test something [20:29:57 UTC] aaah [20:29:57 UTC] ok [20:29:59 UTC] y como esta [20:30:06 UTC] come moa [20:30:09 UTC] mia [20:30:13 UTC] destrosado [20:30:13 UTC] no lo banearon permanentemente, solo fue un año creo [20:30:17 UTC] el era mi mejor amigo [20:30:32 UTC] la manuela lo consumio [20:30:37 UTC] SKULL COME [20:30:42 UTC] XD [20:30:43 UTC] jajajaja [20:31:02 UTC] xd [20:31:04 UTC] el esta bien, me dijo que se conectaba a el server nomas para vernos a nosotros [20:31:10 UTC] they call it the grim reaper [20:31:13 UTC] ahhhhh cierto [20:31:15 UTC] HOLAA TY [20:31:16 UTC] mi hermano me dijo [20:31:19 UTC] see its you mia [20:31:22 UTC] AA [20:31:28 UTC] que se conecto [20:31:37 UTC] ** uriel logged on. [20:31:39 UTC] omg [20:31:48 UTC] VENI CON MIGO [20:31:58 UTC] W [20:32:00 UTC] me cai en esta mina casi muero [20:32:10 UTC] xd [20:32:15 UTC] HAY [20:32:22 UTC] how do you know It is a grim reaper [20:32:31 UTC] cus it her [20:32:45 UTC] I know because I looked it up on google [20:32:49 UTC] no [20:32:54 UTC] you cant [20:33:02 UTC] aah no es nada para mi [20:33:03 UTC] ** mini-conejita logged off. [20:33:27 UTC] joooooooooooooo [20:33:27 UTC] que lag.. [20:33:32 UTC] que pasa [20:33:39 UTC] hi what you want [20:34:00 UTC] grim reaper if you want to date me come out [20:34:11 UTC] he not gonna come [20:34:15 UTC] mar? [20:34:17 UTC] I saw his base come [20:34:24 UTC] yea [20:34:25 UTC] xd [20:34:29 UTC] kia [20:34:32 UTC] jajaajjaaj [20:34:33 UTC] estoy en el carajo xd [20:34:35 UTC] its her [20:34:45 UTC] no its not [20:34:54 UTC] yes it is [20:34:55 UTC] i wanted to see [20:34:56 UTC] ** GEDEIKIS logged off. [20:35:07 UTC] stop [20:35:09 UTC] rip [20:35:10 UTC] *crys* [20:35:21 UTC] ** CRex logged on. [20:35:22 UTC] *crys* [20:35:31 UTC] (crys) [20:35:41 UTC] I hate you kia [20:35:45 UTC] ok [20:35:52 UTC] (crys) [20:35:56 UTC] HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [20:35:59 UTC] tfhhjdsjfvf [20:36:11 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged off. [20:36:11 UTC] all you had to do was tell the truth [20:36:18 UTC] fgjj hi k [20:36:23 UTC] im not grim reaper [20:36:29 UTC] yes you are [20:36:33 UTC] im not [20:36:38 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged on. [20:36:48 UTC] jajajaajjaajjajajjajajajjajaj [20:36:49 UTC] yeah keep saying that [20:36:52 UTC] me saco [20:36:57 UTC] idiots [20:37:03 UTC] you need clues [20:37:03 UTC] bruh [20:37:13 UTC] para pues [20:37:19 UTC] where did you even get the book [20:37:19 UTC] ** mini-conejita logged on. [20:37:20 UTC] SANPRO VENI CON MIGO [20:37:24 UTC] ok [20:37:32 UTC] ** ally logged on. [20:37:37 UTC] PARA QUE BENJA [20:37:41 UTC] (crys) [20:37:53 UTC] mia why are you crying? [20:37:56 UTC] xd me quedan un rato mas y me sacan de ciber [20:38:03 UTC] ME RE PERRRDI [20:38:09 UTC] my friends never belive me ok [20:38:10 UTC] ** CRex logged off. [20:38:18 UTC] not friends [20:38:21 UTC] i do [20:38:31 UTC] but they killed me [20:38:39 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged off. [20:38:55 UTC] we want to see it in action [20:38:56 UTC] cus you keep lying [20:38:57 UTC] I never killed you i am your friend [20:39:04 UTC] I know [20:39:10 UTC] ** uriel logged off. [20:39:22 UTC] and you have me so i am your friend [20:39:31 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged on. [20:39:39 UTC] ** Buakaw logged on. [20:39:47 UTC] why can it be that I have no bones when I die? [20:39:54 UTC] come *crys* [20:40:00 UTC] ok [20:40:08 UTC] mia que es [20:40:27 UTC] nose [20:40:30 UTC] una random [20:40:36 UTC] if it is not mia i have words [20:40:52 UTC] mar im bout to respawn at your house [20:40:54 UTC] ** marila logged off. [20:40:56 UTC] PORQUE ES AZUL EL NOMBRE [20:41:03 UTC] ** marila logged on. [20:41:14 UTC] pendejo [20:41:19 UTC] on sec ill be back [20:41:21 UTC] ** mia logged off. [20:41:32 UTC] kia [20:41:38 UTC] yes [20:41:38 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged off. [20:41:40 UTC] HAYUDAA [20:41:47 UTC] ** gigi logged on. [20:41:53 UTC] ** tutu logged on. [20:41:58 UTC] how is it going [20:42:03 UTC] i died [20:42:32 UTC] de suerte [20:42:35 UTC] ** skull666 logged on. [20:42:37 UTC] im coming home [20:42:49 UTC] haha [20:42:54 UTC] word for reaper [20:42:59 UTC] ** GEDEIKIS logged on. [20:43:09 UTC] hey Kia and marilina im the monster [20:43:15 UTC] mia [20:43:26 UTC] she left mia [20:43:26 UTC] bi*ch you know im se*y [20:43:41 UTC] see cus shes the skull [20:43:45 UTC] DONDE MIERDA [20:44:05 UTC] hi mia/skull [20:44:11 UTC] ughh dont call just text me [20:44:17 UTC] lol [20:44:30 UTC] ik that song [20:44:37 UTC] hi [20:44:48 UTC] HOOOOOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [20:44:51 UTC] ** GEDEIKIS logged off. [20:44:53 UTC] bi*ch this doesent get on high speed [20:44:54 UTC] hola [20:45:24 UTC] im tty or l you know i am that girl [20:45:31 UTC] oi [20:45:38 UTC] i am that girl [20:45:47 UTC] kia ill kill you Mia wasn't the akull [20:45:56 UTC] oh really [20:45:59 UTC] MY FOOD [20:46:08 UTC] what happened [20:46:11 UTC] so you made her cry time to kill [20:46:16 UTC] it is gone [20:46:21 UTC] mkay [20:46:24 UTC] te falta pelear [20:46:26 UTC] phno [20:46:27 UTC] ** mini-conejita logged off. [20:46:40 UTC] nooo [20:46:45 UTC] im so scared skull [20:46:51 UTC] ** yunhh logged on. [20:46:54 UTC] lol [20:46:58 UTC] wth was that for [20:46:59 UTC] ** JhonnyxD logged off. [20:47:03 UTC] ** mandalor logged off. [20:47:20 UTC] ** cupcake3 logged on. [20:47:29 UTC] ** Buakaw logged off. [20:47:39 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged off. [20:47:50 UTC] we are sorry skull [20:48:07 UTC] hi [20:48:12 UTC] then say sorry to mia not me [20:48:18 UTC] I thought you were a grim reaper [20:48:18 UTC] bruh [20:48:21 UTC] I kill bad players not good [20:48:34 UTC] im not sorry for sh!t [20:48:56 UTC] ** yunhh logged off. [20:48:59 UTC] ok sorry mia now give me my food i helped mia [20:49:15 UTC] who will be my friend or bff [20:49:22 UTC] be nice to marila she did nothing wrong [20:49:35 UTC] okay?? ill kill someone [20:49:39 UTC] not yall [20:49:43 UTC] oki [20:49:54 UTC] give me food tho [20:49:56 UTC] atleast I need my stuff [20:50:31 UTC] get an armor from my chest only 1 [20:50:34 UTC] hi [20:50:40 UTC] ** benja logged off. [20:50:50 UTC] now give food [20:50:56 UTC] I have food [20:51:02 UTC] ** rayghen logged off. [20:51:03 UTC] but im evil [20:51:27 UTC] or i read a bible [20:51:37 UTC] in chat [20:52:08 UTC] my food [20:52:11 UTC] im not evil ok [20:52:20 UTC] food [20:52:22 UTC] give our stuff back [20:52:31 UTC] ye [20:52:35 UTC] hi [20:52:39 UTC] all [20:52:42 UTC] give [20:52:49 UTC] see its mia [20:52:59 UTC] 3... [20:52:59 UTC] give it [20:53:01 UTC] miz not on [20:53:04 UTC] 2...... [20:53:07 UTC] Mia not on [20:53:08 UTC] 1.... [20:53:13 UTC] 0... [20:53:21 UTC] I hate yall [20:53:32 UTC] mias noto n [20:53:41 UTC] ONE APPLE I HAD MORE [20:53:56 UTC] i gave you 3 seconds [20:53:56 UTC] DUDE [20:54:03 UTC] to run??? [20:54:08 UTC] idk [20:54:12 UTC] to give back [20:54:22 UTC] I didn't know why you couhted [20:54:22 UTC] and follow me [20:54:30 UTC] mar [20:54:30 UTC] who wants to play in wonderland [20:54:33 UTC] i need all [20:54:40 UTC] mar follo [20:54:42 UTC] idiots [20:54:46 UTC] ** skull666 logged off. [20:54:54 UTC] ** Everliegh logged on. [20:55:07 UTC] give the bed [20:55:08 UTC] ** mia logged on. [20:55:12 UTC] everligh give me my bed [20:55:14 UTC] miaaaaa [20:55:15 UTC] everleigh [20:55:36 UTC] kia idc c about ua [20:55:42 UTC] good [20:55:49 UTC] MAAARRR [20:55:53 UTC] you saw him probably [20:56:01 UTC] I HAVE GOOOLLLLLDDD [20:56:01 UTC] mia [20:56:03 UTC] do you have my apples [20:56:09 UTC] you stoke it [20:56:14 UTC] what! [20:56:19 UTC] jhonnyxd [20:56:19 UTC] marr i got so apples [20:56:46 UTC] omg [20:57:01 UTC] take [20:57:01 UTC] half and half? [20:57:27 UTC] lemmie count [20:57:28 UTC] mia [20:57:28 UTC] jhonnyxd I need gold Kia stole it [20:57:29 UTC] then when we can tothe store [20:57:34 UTC] Hi cupcake do you want to be friends [20:57:36 UTC] ** ally logged off. [20:57:47 UTC] 20 [20:57:50 UTC] Yes [20:58:12 UTC] thats half [20:58:28 UTC] 22 [20:58:44 UTC] there [20:58:54 UTC] If you say /spawn You can teleport [20:58:56 UTC] i had one [20:58:58 UTC] i have 22 in my inventory [20:59:20 UTC] no mar [20:59:24 UTC] ** gigi logged off. [20:59:30 UTC] take them [20:59:37 UTC] what i got one [20:59:44 UTC] i have more apples [20:59:49 UTC] when i said i got 11 [20:59:59 UTC] really [21:00:04 UTC] i already have 22 [21:00:16 UTC] oh [21:00:29 UTC] do i take [21:00:33 UTC] yes [21:00:52 UTC] it sas i have one [21:01:00 UTC] ? [21:01:19 UTC] ik it is weird [21:01:21 UTC] ** tutu logged off. [21:01:29 UTC] im deaf [21:01:34 UTC] we know [21:01:51 UTC] give the bed to my neighbor [21:02:24 UTC] everleigh give it back [21:02:26 UTC] I don't know where you are [21:02:49 UTC] at my neighbors house [21:03:01 UTC] ill come [21:03:10 UTC] ** cupcake3 logged off. [21:03:18 UTC] come [21:03:18 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [21:03:25 UTC] hola [21:03:29 UTC] behind [21:03:45 UTC] ** cupcake3 logged on. [21:04:22 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [21:04:39 UTC] I'm coming [21:04:47 UTC] ok [21:05:23 UTC] ** beanieboy logged on. [21:05:35 UTC] hi beanieboy [21:05:44 UTC] oh hi [21:06:01 UTC] ** mateo logged on. [21:06:02 UTC] hi [21:06:14 UTC] dude everleigh left [21:06:20 UTC] bruh [21:06:21 UTC] no [21:06:23 UTC] Bestie? [21:06:30 UTC] ** tilt_tilt logged off. [21:06:34 UTC] ** sarah27 logged on. [21:06:51 UTC] ** irishka__ logged off. [21:06:56 UTC] hi mia [21:07:05 UTC] hi.. [21:07:14 UTC] hi [21:07:23 UTC] hi [21:07:34 UTC] Hi beinie boy aka bf [21:07:44 UTC] what [21:07:45 UTC] see shes here [21:07:53 UTC] oh [21:08:00 UTC] blushes [21:08:05 UTC] eww [21:08:17 UTC] ** mia logged off. [21:08:27 UTC] t [21:08:29 UTC] you like? [21:08:35 UTC] i kinda fell for him [21:08:41 UTC] for who [21:08:55 UTC] beanie boy [21:08:55 UTC] meow [21:08:58 UTC] omg [21:09:07 UTC] mar come here [21:09:08 UTC] say /spawn [21:09:12 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [21:09:22 UTC] hfjghvjdf [21:09:26 UTC] Hi Nia [21:09:37 UTC] hi i heard you made Mia sad [21:09:45 UTC] who [21:09:45 UTC] spider! [21:09:46 UTC] I fractured my collarbone [21:09:52 UTC] she was stealing from me [21:09:57 UTC] and maril [21:10:01 UTC] marila [21:10:10 UTC] no I was right behind her in real life ww sisters [21:10:14 UTC] marila say /spawn [21:10:15 UTC] but what [21:10:23 UTC] ** carii logged on. [21:10:29 UTC] what [21:10:36 UTC] kis [21:10:39 UTC] sorry [21:10:40 UTC] go to spawn [21:10:42 UTC] kia [21:10:52 UTC] what [21:10:54 UTC] do you like it [21:11:26 UTC] yeah the view is amazing [21:11:31 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [21:11:36 UTC] ty [21:11:48 UTC] ima come back [21:11:48 UTC] ** mia logged on. [21:11:52 UTC] oki [21:12:12 UTC] what [21:12:21 UTC] marila where are you [21:12:24 UTC] [21:12:38 UTC] ahhh [21:12:53 UTC] ** carii logged off. [21:12:57 UTC] wth [21:13:11 UTC] where are you marila [21:13:24 UTC] what [21:13:29 UTC] uh idc [21:13:35 UTC] where are you [21:13:35 UTC] ** cupcake3 logged off. [21:13:46 UTC] ** benja logged on. [21:13:56 UTC] what [21:13:57 UTC] here [21:14:01 UTC] hi [21:14:06 UTC] hi [21:14:29 UTC] can i see it [21:14:37 UTC] whos [21:14:41 UTC] book [21:14:43 UTC] book [21:14:47 UTC] I gave it to ya [21:14:48 UTC] See you right [21:14:57 UTC] oh here [21:14:58 UTC] keep ot [21:15:02 UTC] im sorry [21:15:05 UTC] read it [21:15:07 UTC] ok [21:15:07 UTC] you stole it [21:15:15 UTC] i did [21:15:40 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged on. [21:15:50 UTC] me and mia are going [21:15:56 UTC] hola [21:16:02 UTC] ya I guess [21:16:02 UTC] me mad [21:16:03 UTC] to the house [21:16:19 UTC] ** doejdirhb logged on. [21:16:38 UTC] sorry [21:16:47 UTC] hola [21:16:57 UTC] mia for doing nothing wrong [21:17:08 UTC] hola [21:17:13 UTC] you do care... [21:17:17 UTC] QUE ONDA [21:17:31 UTC] say /spawn [21:17:31 UTC] somos amigos [21:17:38 UTC] what did i do i helped you [21:17:41 UTC] ok [21:17:45 UTC] Me mad [21:17:47 UTC] I know thanks [21:17:52 UTC] y [21:18:30 UTC] oops [21:18:49 UTC] me getting surgery [21:19:30 UTC] see ya there [21:19:40 UTC] PVP [21:19:51 UTC] AMIGO COMO TE LLAMAS [21:20:07 UTC] mis where are you [21:20:12 UTC] santino vos benja ono [21:20:13 UTC] mia [21:20:16 UTC] I am a cat [21:20:17 UTC] at the island [21:20:27 UTC] SI [21:20:28 UTC] ok [21:20:29 UTC] uh no [21:20:31 UTC] [21:20:36 UTC] pats on head* [21:20:39 UTC] teness casa [21:20:49 UTC] BENJA JUGAS AL FRE FIRE [21:20:52 UTC] I might need to punch you or something [21:21:01 UTC] nop [21:21:03 UTC] uhh why [21:21:09 UTC] what's this [21:21:14 UTC] ** sarah27 logged off. [21:21:23 UTC] VENI [21:21:29 UTC] ok [21:21:37 UTC] mia why are you living under my house [21:21:40 UTC] Me mad [21:21:51 UTC] whats wrong [21:21:59 UTC] im not [21:22:03 UTC] I just saw it [21:22:06 UTC] why [21:22:24 UTC] lets make this the friend room [21:22:24 UTC] oww [21:22:33 UTC] wjy [21:22:33 UTC] ok sure [21:22:37 UTC] why [21:22:40 UTC] Sorry [21:22:44 UTC] why not [21:22:48 UTC] its ok [21:22:50 UTC] yay [21:22:53 UTC] sorry [21:22:54 UTC] ** doejdirhb logged off. [21:22:58 UTC] sorry [21:22:59 UTC] SOY EL DUEÑO DEL SERVE [21:23:00 UTC] why is there crosses [21:23:06 UTC] hugs* [21:23:08 UTC] AUM [21:23:12 UTC] that sus [21:23:19 UTC] idk maybe grim reaper [21:23:24 UTC] ya [21:23:32 UTC] ** doejdirhb logged on. [21:23:37 UTC] afk [21:23:41 UTC] LO CONSTRUY CON 50 AMIGOS [21:23:45 UTC] Me getting surgery up my nose [21:23:52 UTC] look at tis [21:23:59 UTC] it says help [21:24:02 UTC] Y PORQUE NO VAS DE DIAMANTE [21:24:04 UTC] there was a cross in my house [21:24:22 UTC] NO SEP [21:24:26 UTC] weird [21:24:29 UTC] why you getting surgery [21:24:59 UTC] me can't breathe through my nose [21:25:09 UTC] phh [21:25:10 UTC] ** doejdirhb logged off. [21:25:13 UTC] ohh [21:25:25 UTC] ERES FEO JIJI [21:25:29 UTC] lets mine [21:25:33 UTC] HEYYYYYY [21:25:38 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged on. [21:25:39 UTC] i need food [21:25:41 UTC] SOY TIERNO [21:25:43 UTC] how old r u [21:25:51 UTC] 12 [21:26:00 UTC] im 11 [21:26:16 UTC] I have a sunburn on my cheek [21:26:33 UTC] pins on wall* [21:26:38 UTC] AYOOO [21:26:40 UTC] ADONDE VAMOS [21:26:46 UTC] what is going on [21:27:00 UTC] beanie boy [21:27:03 UTC] jajajajajaajjaja [21:27:03 UTC] i dont wanna be witnessing this [21:27:05 UTC] what [21:27:08 UTC] CHUCHA [21:27:19 UTC] who did you pin [21:27:21 UTC] MME LLEVA [21:27:26 UTC] ever [21:27:36 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged off. [21:27:40 UTC] why [21:27:44 UTC] Beat the meow meows [21:27:47 UTC] oh that biach [21:28:07 UTC] do tou like me? [21:28:13 UTC] ever [21:28:23 UTC] sorry [21:28:32 UTC] he made this oh god [21:28:38 UTC] ** mateo logged off. [21:28:55 UTC] ummm [21:29:11 UTC] you there? [21:29:18 UTC] ** Lee_Know_fan logged on. [21:29:24 UTC] that is where he came from [21:29:40 UTC] ** Lee_Know_fan logged off. [21:29:53 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [21:29:55 UTC] AMIGO [21:30:04 UTC] i saw him coming from out there [21:30:17 UTC] oh I changed the sign [21:30:18 UTC] kia come [21:30:26 UTC] oh [21:30:32 UTC] hat [21:30:34 UTC] what [21:30:38 UTC] SANTINO [21:31:01 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [21:31:03 UTC] I need to set soawn [21:31:06 UTC] spawn [21:31:24 UTC] ** beanieboy logged off. [21:31:30 UTC] Come with me [21:32:18 UTC] can I go in?? [21:32:23 UTC] no [21:32:32 UTC] mar [21:32:35 UTC] look [21:32:44 UTC] come here nar [21:32:47 UTC] mar [21:32:56 UTC] ye [21:32:59 UTC] ** George85 logged on. [21:33:21 UTC] woah [21:33:21 UTC] hi [21:33:28 UTC] Hello George a.k.a. Peppa pig little brother [21:33:41 UTC] oki mia you can come [21:33:41 UTC] shut it [21:33:43 UTC] kia come i meed food [21:33:52 UTC] ok [21:34:16 UTC] dude [21:34:39 UTC] good job on trapps [21:34:47 UTC] thanks [21:35:13 UTC] stop [21:35:16 UTC] cool [21:35:28 UTC] bye [21:35:39 UTC] kia teleport me [21:35:39 UTC] ** beanieboy logged on. [21:35:49 UTC] ok mar [21:36:04 UTC] ** mateo logged on. [21:36:27 UTC] kia wanna trade? [21:36:37 UTC] trade what? [21:36:40 UTC] I can't [21:36:50 UTC] I can trade iron [21:36:59 UTC] for what [21:37:10 UTC] whatever good stuff y'all have [21:37:12 UTC] Come with me bienie boy [21:37:23 UTC] nah [21:37:29 UTC] nah [21:37:40 UTC] ** Christian123 logged on. [21:37:41 UTC] one sec [21:37:46 UTC] hi chis [21:37:50 UTC] hi [21:37:57 UTC] to bad [21:38:03 UTC] lets trade [21:38:35 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [21:39:05 UTC] Sorry [21:39:09 UTC] mia getout [21:39:23 UTC] This is my small house [21:39:34 UTC] cool [21:39:37 UTC] ill giveiron off you let me enter [21:40:15 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [21:40:17 UTC] please stay out i will leg you in on my own time [21:40:24 UTC] ok [21:40:50 UTC] We're trapped in here [21:41:13 UTC] good job [21:41:40 UTC] stay where i am [21:41:40 UTC] ** Anxiety logged on. [21:41:51 UTC] OK [21:41:53 UTC] HOW DO U MAKE A NEW WORLD [21:42:14 UTC] hey mar [21:42:16 UTC] Can you pass me your pickax please [21:42:30 UTC] yea [21:42:34 UTC] hello everybody [21:42:38 UTC] Hi [21:42:39 UTC] ** Christian123 logged off. [21:42:45 UTC] kia [21:42:47 UTC] hi [21:42:49 UTC] hi [21:42:54 UTC] yes George [21:43:13 UTC] how do make a new server people can joni [21:43:23 UTC] join [21:43:24 UTC] you have to pay [21:43:29 UTC] hand [21:43:31 UTC] what [21:43:34 UTC] money [21:43:39 UTC] yes [21:43:44 UTC] hoe much [21:43:50 UTC] how [21:43:50 UTC] why?? [21:43:52 UTC] ** vjchdhf logged on. [21:43:52 UTC] 14$ a month [21:43:54 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [21:43:55 UTC] me room [21:43:57 UTC] ** Anxiety logged off. [21:44:04 UTC] o how do you make it free [21:44:04 UTC] Can I borrow your pickax [21:44:12 UTC] idk [21:44:38 UTC] hola [21:44:51 UTC] hola [21:45:00 UTC] hola [21:45:08 UTC] HOLA [21:45:21 UTC] she afk [21:45:23 UTC] keep it like this [21:45:51 UTC] ** George85 logged off. [21:45:56 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged on. [21:45:56 UTC] ima go mine [21:46:03 UTC] ok [21:46:04 UTC] ok [21:46:10 UTC] AMIGOOOOOOOOOOOO [21:46:10 UTC] hola [21:46:16 UTC] QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [21:46:30 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [21:46:31 UTC] ACEPTA [21:46:45 UTC] The pickax is low [21:46:46 UTC] OK [21:46:49 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [21:46:58 UTC] it just broke [21:47:13 UTC] where is skull i want to show him the friend room [21:47:17 UTC] aceptaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [21:47:20 UTC] do you have a bed I could use [21:47:28 UTC] ** IR3N3 logged on. [21:47:30 UTC] ** xrtyugfki logged on. [21:47:30 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xd [21:47:49 UTC] they are using your bed [21:47:56 UTC] AMIGO SOY BENJA [21:47:56 UTC] huh? [21:48:02 UTC] We might have to share [21:48:02 UTC] ya se [21:48:08 UTC] acepta [21:48:10 UTC] ok [21:48:14 UTC] EVERLIEGH GIVE MY BED BACK [21:48:17 UTC] everleigh and beanie boy [21:48:22 UTC] ** uwu logged on. [21:48:24 UTC] ** vjchdhf logged off. [21:48:27 UTC] what marila [21:48:36 UTC] EL QUE ACEPTO [21:48:49 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Pon/tpy [21:48:50 UTC] door look [21:48:51 UTC] it is my neighbor's bed [21:48:52 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xd [21:48:54 UTC] NADA YA ESTA [21:49:03 UTC] runn [21:49:13 UTC] hola agus [21:49:15 UTC] its the skull [21:49:15 UTC] she stole it [21:49:19 UTC] ME PERDI [21:49:22 UTC] ** uwu logged off. [21:49:27 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Hola Santi [21:49:28 UTC] door [21:49:37 UTC] QUE ASES [21:49:39 UTC] no it aint [21:49:39 UTC] come [21:49:47 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Nada [21:49:53 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Y vos [21:49:55 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xd [21:50:00 UTC] puedo ir con tigo [21:50:06 UTC] NADA [21:50:11 UTC] Do not make me go on mad mode [21:50:13 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Eh [21:50:17 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Okay [21:50:31 UTC] SAPRO A QUIEN LE ESTAS ABLANDO [21:50:31 UTC] ima go get dressed [21:50:42 UTC] i don't care give it back [21:50:54 UTC] they used it [21:51:06 UTC] ** goma logged on. [21:51:10 UTC] donde estamos [21:51:14 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ew como me dijiste que salis en ig? [21:51:23 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Nose [21:51:25 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [21:51:37 UTC] ** goma logged off. [21:51:41 UTC] gets dressed [21:51:46 UTC] give the bed back [21:51:48 UTC] COMO ME LLAMO EN IGTAGRAM¿ [21:51:52 UTC] what bed [21:52:00 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> sep [21:52:01 UTC] ok done [21:52:02 UTC] kia's [21:52:06 UTC] NO SOS MAS MI AMIGO [21:52:10 UTC] the skull probably took your bed [21:52:16 UTC] s.m.acevedo [21:52:18 UTC] no [21:52:23 UTC] POR [21:52:27 UTC] everleigh [21:52:36 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Xnada [21:52:49 UTC] te isiste uno [21:52:51 UTC] give it back plzzz [21:52:56 UTC] WDNO ABLO CON DESCONOSIDOS [21:52:57 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Sep [21:53:04 UTC] give what????? [21:53:10 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Hace unos dias [21:53:17 UTC] I'm stuck I need help kill me [21:53:18 UTC] bed [21:53:19 UTC] SIGEME COMO TE LLAMAS [21:53:20 UTC] im going mining [21:53:34 UTC] one sec ima get a pic [21:53:46 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Me llamo : freyj___Agus [21:53:57 UTC] YA TE SIGO [21:54:06 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Aver dejame buscarte [21:54:09 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xd [21:54:49 UTC] im going to spawn [21:55:04 UTC] oh [21:55:04 UTC] ok [21:55:05 UTC] im at the ocean cave [21:55:14 UTC] lets go home [21:55:47 UTC] i need food [21:55:54 UTC] meow [21:55:57 UTC] sto [21:56:01 UTC] wtf [21:56:05 UTC] COMFIRMA [21:56:10 UTC] what [21:56:12 UTC] neverm [21:56:15 UTC] dont [21:56:21 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ya esta [21:56:21 UTC] ok [21:56:32 UTC] comee [21:56:40 UTC] im going to laugh [21:56:58 UTC] why does she look like that [21:57:11 UTC] who [21:57:23 UTC] everleigh [21:57:35 UTC] what? [21:57:59 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Casi muero [21:58:09 UTC] DONDE ESTAS SAPRO [21:58:11 UTC] PORQUE [21:58:19 UTC] ** kia4 logged off. [21:58:24 UTC] how far [21:58:27 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Me cai xd [21:58:28 UTC] JEJEJEJE [21:58:30 UTC] r u guys going to my house [21:58:38 UTC] idk [21:59:02 UTC] almost there [21:59:03 UTC] AMIGITOOOO [21:59:35 UTC] QUE [22:00:07 UTC] SANTINOOOOOOO [22:00:20 UTC] QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [22:00:38 UTC] ** Walty logged on. [22:00:39 UTC] IJO DE [22:00:48 UTC] ** hi_im_meep logged on. [22:00:49 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Uh [22:00:58 UTC] ** hvhguv logged on. [22:01:02 UTC] ok [22:01:04 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [22:01:09 UTC] what [22:01:19 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [22:01:23 UTC] i need food [22:01:29 UTC] beanie boy and everliegh go look a around [22:01:39 UTC] ok? [22:01:39 UTC] ** Walty logged off. [22:02:04 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged off. [22:02:05 UTC] i need food [22:02:22 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xd [22:02:26 UTC] ** Walty logged on. [22:02:28 UTC] ** hvhguv logged off. [22:02:38 UTC] MY BED [22:02:43 UTC] Hi [22:02:45 UTC] DONDE ESTAS SANTINO [22:03:01 UTC] op [22:03:28 UTC] AMIGO [22:03:48 UTC] does anyone have food [22:03:52 UTC] no [22:03:53 UTC] ** beanieboy logged off. [22:04:06 UTC] ** xrtyugfki logged off. [22:04:07 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Eh [22:04:16 UTC] im going to die [22:04:20 UTC] ** IR3N3 logged off. [22:04:22 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [22:04:28 UTC] my bed is gone [22:04:56 UTC] nope [22:05:10 UTC] SAPROOOOOOOOOOO [22:05:15 UTC] you can't [22:05:18 UTC] QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [22:05:24 UTC] Why not [22:05:31 UTC] give the bed [22:05:33 UTC] DONDE ESTAS [22:05:39 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Pasame el teleporte staff [22:05:44 UTC] How can I go inside [22:05:49 UTC] kill everloeh [22:06:01 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Acepta [22:06:02 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [22:06:06 UTC] I have a sword [22:06:12 UTC] smae [22:06:14 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Pon /tpy [22:06:31 UTC] dont steal [22:06:35 UTC] SAPRO ENSERIO DONDE ESTAS [22:06:38 UTC] no sabe que le hablas a el [22:06:56 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ash [22:07:06 UTC] benja asle caso a freyja [22:07:10 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [22:07:11 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Benja escribi /tpy [22:07:21 UTC] ESTAS RE BORACHO [22:07:34 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [22:07:35 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [22:07:57 UTC] dejalo que se pudra [22:08:12 UTC] PUP FREIJA [22:08:41 UTC] ** bella logged on. [22:08:55 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> XD Borrare lo que escribiste [22:08:59 UTC] que asemos [22:09:09 UTC] que pusiste [22:09:20 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Mis padres no saben que tengo ig [22:09:23 UTC] ENTONSES ME VOY DEL JUEGO [22:09:29 UTC] ** 2pikn3 logged on. [22:09:33 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Si se enteran me matan [22:09:45 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [22:09:54 UTC] ** BALLATHESIGMARIZZLE logged on. [22:09:57 UTC] jajajaja losmios tampoco [22:10:20 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> No saben? [22:10:28 UTC] ** BALLATHESIGMARIZZLE logged off. [22:10:36 UTC] mia are you the skull it is ok tell the truth [22:10:39 UTC] nop mi papa nop mi mama si [22:10:41 UTC] ESTOY CON MISTER BEAS [22:10:45 UTC] no im not [22:11:02 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [22:11:11 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [22:11:19 UTC] QUE ASEMOS [22:11:20 UTC] if u were i would want to meet him again [22:11:26 UTC] why [22:11:30 UTC] <2pikn3> hola [22:11:32 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Nose [22:11:39 UTC] LA CONCHA SANPRO [22:11:42 UTC] pvp [22:11:43 UTC] idk he seems friendly [22:11:52 UTC] ** kc logged on. [22:11:52 UTC] but Kia killed him [22:11:53 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> No [22:11:55 UTC] te comi benja [22:12:01 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [22:12:21 UTC] ik but it is cool in my ego [22:12:27 UTC] DE A 2 DISE [22:12:33 UTC] fine I was him [22:12:35 UTC] ** 2pikn3 logged off. [22:12:44 UTC] te mande de a dos [22:12:52 UTC] jajajajaaj [22:13:03 UTC] how did you get the reaper skin tho [22:13:08 UTC] ** bella logged off. [22:13:12 UTC] I have my ways [22:13:18 UTC] ** collier logged on. [22:13:31 UTC] HOLA CHICOS ME PERDI ALGO [22:13:36 UTC] can you tell me how [22:13:37 UTC] ** kc logged off. [22:13:44 UTC] DEJA DE BORRAR LOS MENSAJES [22:13:55 UTC] Yo no hablo espanol [22:14:13 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> xD [22:14:36 UTC] wow did you get the name to dissapear [22:14:42 UTC] ** molr logged on. [22:14:44 UTC] how [22:14:44 UTC] the skin does ot [22:14:56 UTC] oh bye [22:15:03 UTC] SAPRO ME VOY DEL JUEGO }.. [22:15:09 UTC] ** nico logged on. [22:15:20 UTC] OK VETE [22:15:44 UTC] ** kc logged on. [22:16:01 UTC] ** marila logged off. [22:16:03 UTC] mar [22:16:49 UTC] VOY A LLORRAR [22:16:51 UTC] ** ally logged on. [22:17:12 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> ay [22:17:18 UTC] someone at school? [22:17:25 UTC] SAPROOOOOO [22:17:29 UTC] no (crys) [22:17:39 UTC] QUEE [22:17:51 UTC] mia [22:18:25 UTC] VENI CON MIGO QUE TE EXTRAÑO [22:18:29 UTC] ** tytw2 logged on. [22:18:35 UTC] YA VOY [22:18:38 UTC] ** tytw2 logged off. [22:18:40 UTC] ** zati logged on. [22:18:45 UTC] HAY VUELVO [22:19:27 UTC] VOY A LLORRAR [22:19:54 UTC] vamos [22:20:03 UTC] ** Walty logged off. [22:20:10 UTC] hi mia [22:20:19 UTC] POR QUE TE FUYSTE [22:20:25 UTC] ** nico logged off. [22:20:28 UTC] ** ahyti logged on. [22:20:31 UTC] VAMOS [22:20:38 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Me tengo que ir [22:20:48 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Chau mas tarde vuelvo [22:20:49 UTC] ok cahu [22:20:50 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [22:20:59 UTC] ** dayana341 logged on. [22:21:05 UTC] ANDATE NADIE TE QUIERE [22:21:08 UTC] ** ahyti logged off. [22:21:15 UTC] I had such a bad day [22:21:15 UTC] heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [22:21:22 UTC] why [22:21:25 UTC] ? mia [22:21:29 UTC] quee hola [22:21:34 UTC] (crys) [22:21:36 UTC] HOLA [22:21:43 UTC] my grandma d I e d [22:21:48 UTC] MIRAS AWITA [22:21:59 UTC] ohhhhh nooooooo [22:22:01 UTC] oh my gosh [22:22:04 UTC] matame [22:22:13 UTC] (crys) [22:22:14 UTC] mia were are you [22:22:16 UTC] ? [22:22:20 UTC] ** zati logged off. [22:22:21 UTC] ill to you [22:22:25 UTC] MATAMEEEE [22:22:27 UTC] ** Everliegh logged off. [22:22:28 UTC] ok [22:22:31 UTC] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [22:22:50 UTC] voy a mi casay vuelvo [22:22:55 UTC] matame [22:23:04 UTC] hola sanpro [22:23:09 UTC] HOLA [22:23:11 UTC] ** collier logged off. [22:23:18 UTC] que ond [22:23:18 UTC] mia are you at your house [22:23:21 UTC] PUEDO IR [22:23:22 UTC] nah [22:23:22 UTC] ONDA [22:23:28 UTC] si [22:23:36 UTC] pero matameeee [22:23:45 UTC] what mia are you at your house [22:23:47 UTC] ? [22:23:52 UTC] VAMOS [22:23:52 UTC] no [22:23:57 UTC] ok [22:24:04 UTC] were than [22:24:04 UTC] sanpro pedo ir a tu casa [22:24:05 UTC] MATAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [22:24:06 UTC] ? [22:24:56 UTC] sanpro [22:24:59 UTC] yo teago el fafor [22:25:09 UTC] aaaaaaaaah help! [22:25:14 UTC] QUE [22:25:15 UTC] ** ally logged off. [22:25:46 UTC] me lebas a tu casa [22:25:57 UTC] HAORA NO [22:26:04 UTC] pq [22:26:07 UTC] HARE COMPRAS [22:26:17 UTC] puedo ir [22:26:22 UTC] si [22:26:45 UTC] ** hi_im_meep logged off. [22:26:48 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [22:26:56 UTC] hi [22:27:01 UTC] hello! [22:27:06 UTC] ** ally logged on. [22:27:12 UTC] como podes ir asi [22:27:12 UTC] hi ally [22:27:17 UTC] NO sabes usar un carro [22:27:18 UTC] hi nia [22:27:24 UTC] hi [22:27:25 UTC] ** marii123 logged on. [22:27:26 UTC] nop [22:27:27 UTC] were are you.?? [22:27:33 UTC] nia [22:27:38 UTC] SABES PONER RBOQUE [22:27:43 UTC] at spawn [22:27:47 UTC] en el chat [22:27:48 UTC] oh ok [22:27:59 UTC] hii [22:28:00 UTC] ** marii123 logged off. [22:28:00 UTC] ill teloport to you [22:28:07 UTC] ok I got staff [22:28:09 UTC] SAPRO ME DEJASRE SOLO [22:28:19 UTC] oh nevver mind [22:28:25 UTC] oh ok [22:28:25 UTC] hi [22:28:30 UTC] en el chat [22:28:34 UTC] MIRA TOCA EL BAGON CON LOS DOS DEDOS [22:28:46 UTC] hi do you want to go to school in the morning. [22:28:49 UTC] ? [22:28:52 UTC] ya [22:28:52 UTC] que es bagon [22:28:54 UTC] ok [22:28:56 UTC] ok [22:29:05 UTC] SAPROOOO [22:29:06 UTC] lets head to our home [22:29:13 UTC] ok [22:29:25 UTC] DONDE ESTAS [22:29:31 UTC] yo [22:29:33 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged off. [22:30:11 UTC] hi [22:30:11 UTC] hello! [22:30:24 UTC] nia [22:30:37 UTC] SAPRO NO SERVIS PARA SER AMIGO [22:30:38 UTC] ya [22:30:47 UTC] were are you? [22:30:51 UTC] no le digas eso [22:30:53 UTC] with mia [22:31:01 UTC] oh [22:31:02 UTC] mia i fell help [22:31:13 UTC] am I not here at your house right now [22:31:22 UTC] SERA LA CONCHA [22:31:38 UTC] bos sera sorete [22:31:59 UTC] how mia [22:32:12 UTC] say /tpy [22:32:17 UTC] ok [22:32:21 UTC] tpy [22:32:25 UTC] ES MI AMI Y VIVO AL FRENTE DE LA CASA DE EL [22:32:29 UTC] no its /tpy [22:32:33 UTC] good [22:32:34 UTC] help [22:32:35 UTC] hi [22:32:43 UTC] quien te cree [22:33:01 UTC] ** kia4 logged on. [22:33:03 UTC] bas a aser escusas} [22:33:14 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [22:33:14 UTC] hi! [22:33:16 UTC] hi kia [22:33:43 UTC] hi kia [22:33:48 UTC] hi [22:34:03 UTC] no buelbas a hablar mas ok de el [22:34:06 UTC] ** iwerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr logged on. [22:34:20 UTC] ** iwerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr logged off. [22:34:35 UTC] SERRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [22:34:45 UTC] y si no que [22:34:50 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [22:35:07 UTC] [22:35:17 UTC] que bas a aser eeeee [22:35:21 UTC] TE COMI NIA [22:35:26 UTC] hi nia [22:35:26 UTC] ** ally logged off. [22:35:30 UTC] hi [22:35:35 UTC] mia help me [22:35:38 UTC] mejor me boy y intenta serrar el ojete [22:36:03 UTC] SERRA CHUPA PIJAAAAA [22:36:04 UTC] ** dayana341 logged off. [22:36:10 UTC] oh that kias house Dont go in [22:36:19 UTC] ok ok [22:36:26 UTC] teloport to mia [22:36:47 UTC] hi kia [22:36:48 UTC] hi [22:36:52 UTC] hey [22:36:54 UTC] ** dayana341 logged on. [22:36:54 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [22:37:07 UTC] cerrala bos [22:37:22 UTC] mia [22:37:27 UTC] what [22:37:30 UTC] pedaso de sorete [22:37:38 UTC] wberes my teleport wand [22:37:38 UTC] TRABESTI [22:37:56 UTC] voss [22:37:58 UTC] idk marlila was in your base [22:38:12 UTC] i saw hou had it [22:38:15 UTC] DE A 2 DISE [22:38:22 UTC] ok ok [22:38:28 UTC] callate [22:38:32 UTC] and the rest [22:38:35 UTC] okok [22:38:39 UTC] le oy a co tar todo [22:38:42 UTC] ** mateo logged off. [22:38:44 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [22:38:46 UTC] ** ally logged on. [22:38:55 UTC] I was [22:38:56 UTC] Y SI NO QUIERO NEGRA [22:39:09 UTC] mia can you/tpy me please? [22:39:12 UTC] calatee pedaso de sorete [22:39:12 UTC] please [22:39:19 UTC] mia [22:39:24 UTC] kia tp ally to here [22:39:32 UTC] le digo a mi hermana que benga asi te mata [22:39:34 UTC] why [22:39:35 UTC] do you guys have an a e i dont have one [22:39:41 UTC] get out of my way [22:39:41 UTC] please [22:39:50 UTC] why? [22:39:54 UTC] ME PARESE AVER VISTO UN LINDO GATITO [22:40:01 UTC] i need one to mine [22:40:02 UTC] my stuff [22:40:04 UTC] why not you mia [22:40:12 UTC] ** molr logged off. [22:40:17 UTC] please [22:40:17 UTC] I lost my stuff dam it [22:40:26 UTC] dang [22:40:26 UTC] pq no serras la pija [22:40:34 UTC] wow so nice place [22:40:37 UTC] lo tenes tan abierto [22:40:37 UTC] please [22:40:38 UTC] help me this new beer stuck [22:40:38 UTC] i will give back whats yours mia [22:40:42 UTC] help me please mean this weirdo movie are stuck [22:40:42 UTC] ok [22:40:47 UTC] serralo [22:40:50 UTC] but wait pki [22:40:59 UTC] I promise I wont steal again [22:41:12 UTC] you said that last time [22:41:13 UTC] xd no tenes palabras [22:41:16 UTC] ASESINA LE VOY A DESIR A SANTINO [22:41:19 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [22:41:22 UTC] please wow [22:41:30 UTC] desile sorete [22:41:32 UTC] ok [22:41:36 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [22:41:54 UTC] please [22:41:58 UTC] wait [22:42:03 UTC] tp ally here kia [22:42:13 UTC] TE GORRIARRON [22:42:17 UTC] i said wait a moment [22:42:22 UTC] ** dayana341 logged off. [22:42:23 UTC] oh sorry [22:42:23 UTC] mia please [22:42:24 UTC] ya [22:42:32 UTC] its ok [22:43:13 UTC] ally [22:43:19 UTC] i did it [22:43:20 UTC] ** girly-pops logged on. [22:43:28 UTC] ** ally logged off. [22:43:30 UTC] does anybody see F now I don't see any [22:43:30 UTC] ** girly-pops logged off. [22:43:42 UTC] ** ally logged on. [22:43:54 UTC] ally i did it [22:44:41 UTC] hi [22:44:47 UTC] hi [22:44:55 UTC] how do you say hi to my sister [22:45:00 UTC] hi I want to die because my sister is hasta died cause I [22:45:12 UTC] where are you guys [22:45:15 UTC] ** Anna logged on. [22:45:17 UTC] heyy [22:45:20 UTC] wft [22:45:25 UTC] ** nico logged on. [22:45:26 UTC] stop hiting me [22:45:32 UTC] can you stop hurting alley [22:46:11 UTC] ally [22:46:16 UTC] hi [22:47:05 UTC] SAPRO [22:47:41 UTC] Hi, sorry I'm so sorry I missed [22:47:42 UTC] stop hitting meee [22:47:51 UTC] ** Anna logged off. [22:48:02 UTC] stop hitting me bit*h [22:48:08 UTC] kia [22:48:14 UTC] Nia do uou need a picaxe [22:48:19 UTC] ya [22:48:22 UTC] i do [22:48:23 UTC] oki [22:48:29 UTC] hi guys [22:48:35 UTC] where are you at [22:48:35 UTC] hi [22:48:40 UTC] how dare you say that? Where are you? [22:48:49 UTC] how do you get to use bad words [22:48:51 UTC] oh my God [22:48:53 UTC] mia [22:48:58 UTC] what?? [22:49:09 UTC] sorry for killing you [22:49:14 UTC] hey Siri, don't call me the B word again [22:49:14 UTC] thanks [22:49:25 UTC] mia [22:49:25 UTC] bro [22:49:28 UTC] what [22:49:33 UTC] ** benja logged off. [22:49:34 UTC] were are you [22:49:46 UTC] teleport ally to us [22:50:05 UTC] i did [22:50:12 UTC] do it she lost [22:50:15 UTC] she [22:50:30 UTC] done [22:50:38 UTC] ally say /tpy [22:50:47 UTC] ally say /tpy [22:51:00 UTC] i am still here [22:51:08 UTC] say /tpy [22:51:39 UTC] HOLA [22:51:40 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [22:51:40 UTC] KC STOP HITTING ME [22:51:47 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [22:51:51 UTC] ally say /tpy [22:52:02 UTC] where are you guys [22:52:09 UTC] ally say /tpy [22:52:10 UTC] HOLA [22:52:15 UTC] Hola [22:52:37 UTC] toy [22:52:39 UTC] tpy [22:52:41 UTC] HOLA SOY NUEVO [22:52:49 UTC] say /tpy [22:52:54 UTC] tpy [22:53:07 UTC] its /tpy [22:53:07 UTC] thank you [22:53:13 UTC] yw [22:53:41 UTC] Casey help me [22:53:57 UTC] ** Walty logged on. [22:53:58 UTC] hi nia [22:54:02 UTC] ** BELA891 logged on. [22:54:03 UTC] hi [22:54:36 UTC] hey [22:54:39 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged on. [22:54:40 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [22:54:42 UTC] guys help me build a scary mansoin [22:54:43 UTC] why did you hit me [22:54:55 UTC] hola [22:54:56 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [22:55:00 UTC] hola busco amigos y amigas [22:55:01 UTC] okay I need a a e though [22:55:04 UTC] ** kc logged off. [22:55:06 UTC] axe [22:55:09 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [22:55:16 UTC] ok [22:55:18 UTC] ** kc logged on. [22:55:22 UTC] hola soy nuevo, y no se que hacer [22:55:33 UTC] what do you want me to do [22:55:38 UTC] noco queres ser mi amigo [22:55:41 UTC] Why does aphmou and KC keep joining and r they real? [22:55:42 UTC] here nia [22:55:49 UTC] ** aphmau logged on. [22:55:54 UTC] thanks [22:56:08 UTC] mia [22:56:15 UTC] nico [22:56:15 UTC] what kia [22:56:20 UTC] here [22:56:26 UTC] esta bien [22:56:31 UTC] can anybody help me 郎 [22:56:31 UTC] does anyone have a pickaxe i van use to help [22:56:45 UTC] can anybody help me 郎 [22:56:46 UTC] your name Wally [22:56:50 UTC] thank u [22:56:50 UTC] nico anda al spawn [22:56:50 UTC] whank you [22:57:03 UTC] Hi [22:57:21 UTC] ** beluulaki logged on. [22:57:26 UTC] build big stufd [22:57:30 UTC] ** beluulaki logged off. [22:57:42 UTC] Wally roster [22:57:56 UTC] is your name Molly loser? Ha ha ha. [22:58:00 UTC] nico aca estoi [22:58:06 UTC] KC stop [22:58:07 UTC] ben [22:58:12 UTC] does anyone else have a pickaxe i could use that one was low and it broke [22:58:14 UTC] is your name Wally rooster cuz you look like a rooster [22:58:14 UTC] hola [22:58:20 UTC] hola [22:58:26 UTC] You [22:58:34 UTC] lo siento es que soy nuevo [22:58:42 UTC] here mia [22:58:49 UTC] no inporta [22:58:55 UTC] it ok o have a lot [22:59:01 UTC] oh I dont [22:59:16 UTC] bye got to go my phones about to die [22:59:24 UTC] ok bye [22:59:29 UTC] do you have a pickaxe i could use to help build [22:59:30 UTC] ye [22:59:33 UTC] STOP [22:59:35 UTC] ha ha ha [22:59:38 UTC] ask kia [22:59:42 UTC] tenes que tener cuidado con los mods jugadores y jugadores medio banpiros [22:59:43 UTC] KC [22:59:55 UTC] encontre un gatoo muy lindooo [22:59:56 UTC] kia [22:59:59 UTC] are you a fart mod ha ha [23:00:11 UTC] ty [23:00:12 UTC] don't be mean to other people [23:00:15 UTC] yw [23:00:19 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [23:00:22 UTC] oh I will. Yes, I will. [23:00:23 UTC] no you won't no you won't [23:00:26 UTC] nico donde bivis [23:00:27 UTC] KC STOP [23:00:28 UTC] ** ally logged off. [23:00:42 UTC] ** Nia logged on. [23:00:43 UTC] wheres my bed [23:00:45 UTC] en argentina [23:00:54 UTC] y vos? [23:00:57 UTC] probincia [23:01:01 UTC] gyys [23:01:09 UTC] guys who took my bed [23:01:14 UTC] not me [23:01:15 UTC] hi guys i am back [23:01:19 UTC] y poe [23:01:20 UTC] hi nia [23:01:21 UTC] i found a charger [23:01:36 UTC] ha ha ha ha you don't know yes [23:01:40 UTC] U [23:01:40 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged on. [23:01:47 UTC] en que provincia bibis nico [23:01:50 UTC] you don't know attack [23:01:58 UTC] y porque devo tener cuidado con los jugadores medio banpiros? [23:01:58 UTC] I don't know anything [23:02:01 UTC] Y u rude kc [23:02:39 UTC] porque no son jugadores son mods que parecen jugadores [23:02:49 UTC] ah ok [23:02:54 UTC] Ya u don't KNOW ANYTHING [23:03:00 UTC] nia do you have my bed [23:03:01 UTC] hey kia do yoi have a pickaxe mine broke [23:03:02 UTC] Ur dumb [23:03:07 UTC] vivo serca de caballito [23:03:14 UTC] no why [23:03:23 UTC] ** beluulaki logged on. [23:03:35 UTC] yo bibo en sanjavier misiones argentina [23:03:37 UTC] does anyone have a pickaxe i broke [23:03:39 UTC] ** beluulaki logged off. [23:03:41 UTC] MY BED IS GONE AGAIN [23:03:55 UTC] bueno [23:04:03 UTC] y que hacemos? [23:04:10 UTC] no se [23:04:10 UTC] mia i saw the bed [23:04:14 UTC] does anyone need more blocks [23:04:18 UTC] ok here come [23:04:27 UTC] queres que te muestre mi casa [23:04:41 UTC] ima fivd [23:04:43 UTC] nooooo mete al gatoo [23:04:45 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged on. [23:05:03 UTC] los animales no inportan [23:05:10 UTC] sorry [23:05:17 UTC] its ok [23:05:19 UTC] para mi si importa [23:05:20 UTC] ** marii123 logged on. [23:05:27 UTC] hola [23:05:31 UTC] but now i am low on health [23:05:32 UTC] hola [23:05:37 UTC] siii quiero ver tu casa [23:05:40 UTC] hola kia [23:05:47 UTC] ** Walty logged off. [23:05:53 UTC] ** hi_im_meep logged on. [23:05:54 UTC] ** Walty logged on. [23:06:03 UTC] ** kmjio logged on. [23:06:10 UTC] no se puede agararlos tocrlos ni aser que sean nuestras mascotas [23:06:14 UTC] ** marii123 logged off. [23:06:19 UTC] a los animales [23:06:21 UTC] ** Miss-Circle logged off. [23:06:25 UTC] does anyone have i pickaxe i need it [23:06:38 UTC] sure [23:06:44 UTC] i can help you build [23:06:45 UTC] por aca esta mi casa ben [23:06:49 UTC] ok [23:07:34 UTC] ** kc logged off. [23:07:35 UTC] es esta [23:07:52 UTC] kia if you give me a pickaxe i can help you build [23:07:58 UTC] i did [23:08:25 UTC] ** Alanx_xd logged off. [23:08:34 UTC] no tiene nada porque no se poner bloques [23:08:39 UTC] TENES GATOS!!!!! [23:08:45 UTC] si [23:08:56 UTC] los meti y pude [23:09:16 UTC] JSJS VES ALFINL SI TE IMPORATAN LOS ANIMALES [23:09:17 UTC] para que no este tan basia [23:09:17 UTC] ** Walty logged off. [23:09:30 UTC] ** hi_im_meep logged off. [23:09:31 UTC] your house looks good!! [23:09:39 UTC] nico [23:09:47 UTC] does anyone need blocks i have some [23:10:09 UTC] cuantos años tenes yo 19 [23:10:19 UTC] YO 18 [23:10:21 UTC] y tu [23:10:29 UTC] a ok [23:10:30 UTC] KIA [23:10:40 UTC] LOOK [23:10:46 UTC] what happend [23:10:51 UTC] I need blocks [23:10:55 UTC] LA VERDAD ENTRE A ESTE JUEGO POR ABURRIMIENTO [23:10:58 UTC] ok [23:11:10 UTC] LLA QUE MI CELU ESTA CARGANDO [23:11:18 UTC] thanks [23:11:19 UTC] y me bale [23:11:49 UTC] your house looks good [23:11:53 UTC] ty [23:12:13 UTC] do you want me to help mine [23:12:24 UTC] kia come to the mine [23:12:30 UTC] I mean nia [23:12:36 UTC] wow [23:12:39 UTC] I meant nia [23:12:44 UTC] it looks good [23:12:49 UTC] im still missing stuff mia [23:12:50 UTC] ty [23:12:52 UTC] nico queres jugar a las escondidas [23:12:57 UTC] hu?? [23:13:37 UTC] COMO TE LLEMAS [23:13:39 UTC] tu cuentas asta 80 [23:13:43 UTC] YO GRABRIEL [23:13:45 UTC] my door [23:13:51 UTC] do you have a pickaxe so i can help you mine [23:13:59 UTC] my door is gone [23:14:01 UTC] olivia fiorella da luz [23:14:01 UTC] here i have three [23:14:14 UTC] thanks [23:14:22 UTC] ** Ageli logged on. [23:14:24 UTC] wow [23:14:29 UTC] cool [23:14:36 UTC] TENES FREE FIRE? [23:15:20 UTC] no pero cuando mi primo biene con su paapa jugamos lla que yo no tengo selu [23:15:28 UTC] T [23:15:35 UTC] mia [23:15:40 UTC] what [23:15:46 UTC] OYE ESCUCHASTES ESE SONIDO [23:15:56 UTC] if you give me a pickaxe i promise i will hive it back [23:15:56 UTC] cual [23:16:02 UTC] nah ill be back [23:16:04 UTC] ES COMO UN GRUÑIDO [23:16:05 UTC] ,/spawn [23:16:08 UTC] and i will mine for you [23:16:18 UTC] yo no [23:16:30 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [23:16:31 UTC] niaa [23:16:38 UTC] hola [23:16:41 UTC] isaias [23:16:44 UTC] give it back [23:16:45 UTC] what [23:16:52 UTC] hola abi [23:17:19 UTC] isaias queres benir a mi casa [23:17:25 UTC] bueno [23:17:44 UTC] ai e boi a buscar espera [23:18:02 UTC] cierto [23:18:11 UTC] no puedo hacer ek tpr [23:18:16 UTC] el [23:18:19 UTC] si [23:18:45 UTC] hola ben [23:19:04 UTC] Nia stop [23:19:13 UTC] ** Botley logged on. [23:19:18 UTC] stop stealing [23:19:31 UTC] nico dile hola a mi amigo isaias789 [23:19:47 UTC] nia dont steal or I kill [23:19:57 UTC] es esta [23:20:03 UTC] HOLA ISAIAS [23:20:06 UTC] esta mediobasia [23:20:08 UTC] spawn/ [23:20:09 UTC] hola [23:20:36 UTC] ** aphmau logged off. [23:20:37 UTC] porque no se poner bloques [23:20:47 UTC] esta basia [23:20:47 UTC] kia [23:20:51 UTC] kai! [23:20:52 UTC] yes [23:20:55 UTC] loser [23:21:01 UTC] telport me to you [23:21:10 UTC] im at spawn [23:21:14 UTC] nico [23:21:15 UTC] dam it [23:21:20 UTC] ** kmjio logged off. [23:21:23 UTC] i will in a sec [23:21:37 UTC] ugly [23:21:43 UTC] what nia [23:21:50 UTC] juguemos a las escondidas isa contas bos asta 80 [23:21:51 UTC] fat ugly pig [23:21:56 UTC] shes calling me that [23:21:57 UTC] bueno [23:22:00 UTC] shut up nia! [23:22:01 UTC] pero antes [23:22:06 UTC] noo [23:22:07 UTC] tengo que ir al baño [23:22:13 UTC] ** Ageli logged off. [23:22:15 UTC] I hate ya [23:22:27 UTC] idc [23:22:31 UTC] anda a la casa adentro isaias789 [23:22:37 UTC] ** Nia logged off. [23:22:43 UTC] bueno [23:22:44 UTC] y conta asta 80 [23:22:50 UTC] si voy a jugar [23:22:54 UTC] ** ally logged on. [23:23:00 UTC] mia im almost home [23:23:10 UTC] ok teleport me anways [23:23:11 UTC] hi guys [23:23:22 UTC] i cant cus nia killed me [23:23:28 UTC] sorry i had to log off [23:23:33 UTC] what happend [23:23:44 UTC] nia is a bi t ch [23:23:54 UTC] ** Botley logged off. [23:24:01 UTC] wait what [23:24:09 UTC] why would nia kill you [23:24:10 UTC] she called me a ugly pig [23:24:19 UTC] really [23:24:28 UTC] kia teleport me to you [23:24:29 UTC] how dare she [23:24:36 UTC] wait a sec oki [23:25:35 UTC] hi ally [23:25:37 UTC] hi kia [23:25:39 UTC] 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444544647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980 [23:25:43 UTC] listo [23:25:48 UTC] uh [23:25:48 UTC] wtf [23:25:51 UTC] ** kmjio logged on. [23:26:10 UTC] omg [23:26:12 UTC] omg what happend [23:26:21 UTC] ia broke my you [23:26:26 UTC] house [23:26:54 UTC] no me encontraras [23:27:06 UTC] estas mas derecho verdad abi [23:27:15 UTC] no [23:27:21 UTC] ** kmjio logged off. [23:27:30 UTC] hacia atras y a la izquierda [23:27:59 UTC] omg [23:28:09 UTC] i just died [23:28:16 UTC] ohno [23:28:22 UTC] can someone teloport me [23:28:37 UTC] plz [23:28:46 UTC] one sec [23:29:26 UTC] isaias789 nunca me encontraras [23:29:53 UTC] tengo madera [23:29:58 UTC] try to mine my bed lol [23:30:02 UTC] voy hacer mi casa [23:30:11 UTC] tpy/ [23:30:18 UTC] try to mine my bed I did something to it [23:30:23 UTC] ** davi logged on. [23:30:29 UTC] oh cool [23:30:37 UTC] thanks [23:30:39 UTC] thank you [23:30:55 UTC] how did you make a protect block [23:31:10 UTC] can you make mese [23:31:13 UTC] no me inportas isaias789 nunca me encontraras [23:31:14 UTC] i lost every thing [23:31:26 UTC] porque no te importo [23:31:36 UTC] dimelo [23:31:39 UTC] porque no somos nada [23:31:45 UTC] stop [23:31:47 UTC] de que [23:31:51 UTC] ty [23:31:54 UTC] what [23:32:07 UTC] ** lucioy logged on. [23:32:17 UTC] ** Panyik156 logged off. [23:32:18 UTC] ally press on my mail box and put a item in it [23:32:32 UTC] ??? [23:32:34 UTC] put it in my mail box [23:32:34 UTC] what [23:32:38 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged on. [23:32:42 UTC] amigos nobios nada solo jugamos y ablamos solo eso y nada mas [23:32:49 UTC] ok [23:32:50 UTC] si [23:32:54 UTC] thanks [23:32:57 UTC] i did it [23:33:01 UTC] here [23:33:05 UTC] si [23:33:06 UTC] mia can you make me a protective block [23:33:07 UTC] armadura ven ami y cubre mi cuerpo [23:33:17 UTC] or no [23:33:29 UTC] que naada que ber que decis [23:33:31 UTC] I just found it I can make [23:33:53 UTC] eso lo vi en los caballeros del zodiaco [23:33:57 UTC] for you allu [23:34:05 UTC] someone is out the with a sword [23:34:09 UTC] ally look [23:34:14 UTC] y me bale nenito de mama [23:34:15 UTC] slay [23:34:18 UTC] for me and you [23:34:19 UTC] que [23:34:20 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Vieron a firest? [23:34:24 UTC] yo no soy eso [23:34:28 UTC] thanks [23:34:34 UTC] ahi estas [23:34:44 UTC] no no firest no bino [23:34:49 UTC] no [23:34:57 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ah bueno. [23:35:06 UTC] does anyone have a pickaxe i can barrow [23:35:14 UTC] te encontre abi [23:35:56 UTC] it looks so good [23:35:56 UTC] mia? [23:35:58 UTC] conta vos abi [23:36:00 UTC] look nice [23:36:04 UTC] thx [23:36:04 UTC] hasta 90 [23:36:14 UTC] ima fix it [23:36:29 UTC] porque siempre ases trampas y te quedas esperando en el spawn quenta otra bes tramposillo [23:36:38 UTC] ally runing you [23:36:48 UTC] conta vos [23:36:56 UTC] ally get out [23:37:14 UTC] ** MuXlIsA logged on. [23:37:14 UTC] y no no contare tramposo adios me boi bie [23:37:15 UTC] help i am stuck [23:37:22 UTC] bueno chau [23:37:26 UTC] ** nico logged off. [23:37:29 UTC] nos vemos mañana [23:37:33 UTC] why did you kill me [23:37:38 UTC] me boi a nasa [23:37:48 UTC] yo me voy a german [23:37:54 UTC] ki [23:37:55 UTC] y no baias no me busques [23:37:57 UTC] kia [23:38:03 UTC] ** BELA891 logged off. [23:38:04 UTC] bueno [23:38:05 UTC] hello [23:38:07 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [23:38:13 UTC] yes? [23:38:16 UTC] why did you kill me [23:38:26 UTC] ** isaias789 logged on. [23:38:36 UTC] i dont want people in my house [23:38:43 UTC] sorry [23:38:56 UTC] ** isaias789 logged off. [23:39:06 UTC] can you teloport me back [23:39:08 UTC] ** cftsr logged on. [23:39:18 UTC] i won't do it again [23:39:48 UTC] ** BELA891 logged on. [23:39:49 UTC] ?? [23:40:17 UTC] se fue isaias789 si o no [23:40:26 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Si [23:40:39 UTC] thank you [23:40:44 UTC] freyja puedo ir con bos [23:40:56 UTC] how do i get out [23:41:03 UTC] here [23:41:13 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Bueno [23:41:13 UTC] ** davi logged off. [23:41:17 UTC] thanks [23:41:20 UTC] kia [23:41:22 UTC] ye [23:41:25 UTC] donde estas [23:41:25 UTC] ** nova logged on. [23:41:34 UTC] I need stone [23:41:34 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> En mi casa [23:41:49 UTC] ok [23:41:56 UTC] i would help [23:41:58 UTC] thanks [23:42:04 UTC] but i don't have a pickaxe [23:42:05 UTC] yw [23:42:09 UTC] ** MuXlIsA logged off. [23:42:34 UTC] ** zati logged on. [23:42:50 UTC] teleport zati here [23:43:01 UTC] kia [23:43:02 UTC] ** nova logged off. [23:43:15 UTC] ** cftsr logged off. [23:43:32 UTC] who are you [23:43:50 UTC] hey [23:43:53 UTC] stop [23:43:55 UTC] I'm zatis lil sister [23:43:56 UTC] get out ht [23:44:13 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> BELA I Sent you tp,accept [23:44:33 UTC] no se usar tpy [23:44:40 UTC] I'm playing on her i pad [23:44:58 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Write /tpy [23:45:15 UTC] helo [23:45:22 UTC] ally made this [23:45:24 UTC] hi um [23:45:31 UTC] what [23:45:32 UTC] bro ally [23:45:36 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Accept Bela [23:45:44 UTC] what did i do [23:45:55 UTC] freyja [23:46:00 UTC] did my sister knoe you? [23:46:02 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> sep? [23:46:04 UTC] my tunnel now [23:46:08 UTC] get out [23:46:12 UTC] no se usr tpy [23:46:32 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Solo escribi /tpy [23:46:41 UTC] mia [23:46:59 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ya [23:47:00 UTC] did my sister knoe you? [23:47:11 UTC] a ok [23:47:31 UTC] kia of mine [23:47:33 UTC] mia i want you to tp me back on [23:47:35 UTC] que paso con la casa de agus [23:47:44 UTC] kia go mine I need iron [23:47:48 UTC] ** Everliegh logged on. [23:47:53 UTC] why [23:47:54 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Agstina? [23:47:54 UTC] does anyone need [23:47:56 UTC] ya unfortunately she… she passed awy [23:47:57 UTC] stuff [23:48:01 UTC] wait i want you [23:48:07 UTC] si [23:48:08 UTC] to me back [23:48:15 UTC] oki [23:48:18 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Aqui esta mira [23:48:24 UTC] here mia [23:48:34 UTC] does anyone want armour [23:48:37 UTC] please give it back though [23:48:39 UTC] ** CHANA12 logged on. [23:48:42 UTC] yo no se desaparesioo la mitad [23:48:48 UTC] tp me back [23:49:08 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> A si ,recien me di cuenta [23:49:24 UTC] ** cvgfdtr logged on. [23:49:27 UTC] mia [23:49:36 UTC] do you want armour [23:49:40 UTC] nah [23:49:47 UTC] to bad [23:49:52 UTC] pobre agus cuando aparesca se enojara muchisimo [23:49:52 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> En que año de secundaria vas BELA? [23:50:01 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> O Primaria [23:50:05 UTC] ho zati [23:50:07 UTC] hi [23:50:13 UTC] um hi [23:50:15 UTC] 4 a [23:50:17 UTC] does anyone need blocks [23:50:28 UTC] I'm her little sister [23:50:31 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> 4to de Primaria? [23:50:33 UTC] I do I am at spawn [23:50:37 UTC] si [23:50:43 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ah [23:51:15 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Y enseñan bien a tu colegio? [23:51:18 UTC] ** lucioy logged off. [23:51:30 UTC] tengo 9 años y bos sos mas grande que llo adibino tenes 14 años tenes bos no [23:51:41 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Si [23:51:44 UTC] ** CHANA12 logged off. [23:52:22 UTC] ally here [23:52:37 UTC] mi maestra claudia diaz es re buena y nos enseña tareas yn poquito adelantadas [23:52:39 UTC] Ally her [23:52:45 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Mi Hermano de 3ro entra a un colegio privado es re dotado el niño js [23:52:54 UTC] omg thank you [23:52:59 UTC] yw [23:53:08 UTC] do you want blocks [23:53:18 UTC] ya [23:53:19 UTC] jajajajajajajajajajajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jsjsjsjsjsjsjs [23:53:27 UTC] here [23:53:33 UTC] oki mia tp me [23:53:33 UTC] thanks [23:53:43 UTC] ** belinha logged on. [23:53:51 UTC] press inverted [23:54:05 UTC] belinha [23:54:10 UTC] mia [23:54:16 UTC] sari no [23:54:20 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> En el colegio donde entro yo y mis hermanos es como una pricion,no dejan salir al reseso sin terminar la tarea [23:54:22 UTC] wdym [23:54:25 UTC] that kias house dont rob her [23:54:48 UTC] mia [23:54:53 UTC] freyja como es tu nombre compeleto el mio es olivia fiorella da luz [23:54:54 UTC] why you hit me [23:54:58 UTC] oop [23:55:06 UTC] mis can you tp me [23:55:10 UTC] mia [23:55:10 UTC] ** bob logged on. [23:55:24 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Agustina Marithea Shoshil [23:55:47 UTC] Mia? [23:55:57 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Shoshilth* [23:56:06 UTC] what [23:56:09 UTC] es medio difizil de leer pero se entiende [23:56:12 UTC] can you tp me [23:56:20 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Es algo dificil escribir [23:56:24 UTC] ** sanpro22042023 logged on. [23:56:25 UTC] Ty [23:56:25 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> De* [23:56:41 UTC] hola [23:56:50 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Hola santi [23:56:52 UTC] adios sampro [23:56:59 UTC] unfortunately the rele zati died [23:57:04 UTC] chau [23:57:14 UTC] why are you playing on her account [23:57:21 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> 3 [23:57:23 UTC] what [23:57:28 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> Ya vuelvo [23:57:35 UTC] <-_Freyja_A_-> en media hora [23:57:36 UTC] ** -_Freyja_A_- logged off. [23:58:07 UTC] ally thats marlias house [23:58:16 UTC] ** rey_spreen logged on. [23:58:18 UTC] ohhhh [23:58:25 UTC] ** ally logged off. [23:58:27 UTC] hola [23:58:27 UTC] ** belinha logged off. [23:58:27 UTC] hola bro [23:58:37 UTC] tebas tebas tebas tebas que mal que llano te tengo pero no te quiero olbidar [23:58:40 UTC] mia can you help me get mese [23:58:40 UTC] wtd [23:58:41 UTC] hola [23:58:41 UTC] ** belinha logged on. [23:58:42 UTC] wtf [23:59:00 UTC] ** belinha logged off. [23:59:01 UTC] hola rei [23:59:03 UTC] que ases [23:59:04 UTC] ** ally logged on. [23:59:09 UTC] hola bela [23:59:14 UTC] nah to hard [23:59:16 UTC] nada [23:59:26 UTC] who are these players [23:59:30 UTC] please i will get you 50 iron [23:59:31 UTC] does anyone want a sword [23:59:34 UTC] busco amigos [23:59:38 UTC] como te va [23:59:49 UTC] i will trade for pickaxe [23:59:54 UTC] kill that guy [23:59:58 UTC] ** cvgfdtr logged off.